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24 Employee share ownership plans

           Awards, in the form of the right to receive ordinary shares in either BHP Group Limited or BHP Group Plc, have been granted under the
           following employee share ownership plans: Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP), Cash and Deferred Plan (CDP), Short-Term Incentive Plan (STIP),   Strategic Report
           Management Award Plan (MAP), Group Short-Term Incentive Plan (GSTIP) awards and the all-employee share plan, Shareplus.
           Some awards are eligible to receive a cash payment, or the equivalent value in shares, equal to the dividend amount that would have been
           earned on the underlying shares awarded to those participants (the Dividend Equivalent Payment, or DEP). The DEP is provided to the
           participants once the underlying shares are allocated or transferred to them. Awards under the plans do not confer any rights to participate
           in a share issue; however, there is discretion under each of the plans to adjust the awards in response to a variation in the share capital
           of BHP Group Limited or BHP Group Plc.
           The table below provides a description of each of the plans.
            Plan     CDP/STIP and GSTIP              LTIP and MAP                        Shareplus
            Type     Short-term incentive            Long-term incentive                 All-employee share
                                                                                         purchase plan              Governance at BHP
            Overview   The CDP was implemented in FY2020    The LTIP is a plan for Executive KMP and awards    Employees may contribute up
                     as a replacement of the STIP, both of which   are granted annually.  to US$5,000 to acquire shares
                     are generally plans for Executive KMP and   The MAP is a plan for BHP senior management who   in any plan year. On the third
                     the Executive Leadership Team who are    are not KMP. The number of share rights awarded    anniversary of the start of a
                     not Executive KMP. GSTIP is a plan for BHP   is determined by a participant’s role and grade.  plan year, the Group will match
                     senior management who are not KMP.                                  the number of acquired shares.
                     Under the CDP, two thirds of the value of a
                     participant’s short-term incentive amount is
                     awarded as rights to receive BHP Group
                     Limited or BHP Group Plc shares at the end
                     of the vesting period (and the remaining one
                     third is delivered in cash). Two awards of
                     deferred shares are granted, each of the                                                       Remuneration Report
                     equivalent value to the cash award, vesting
                     in two and five years respectively.
                     Under STIP and GSTIP, half of the value of a
                     participant’s short-term incentive amount is
                     awarded as rights to receive BHP Group
                     Limited or BHP Group Plc shares at the end
                     of the two-year vesting period.
            Vesting   CDP: Service conditions and performance   LTIP: Service and performance conditions.   Service conditions only.
            conditions  conditions for the awards of five-year   BHP’s Total Shareholder Return (TSR)  performance
                     deferred shares only. Vesting of the    relative to the Peer Group TSR over a five-year
                     five-year award is subject to a satisfactory   performance period determines the vesting of    Directors’ Report
                     performance underpin which encompasses   67 per cent of the awards, while performance relative
                     a holistic review of performance at the end   to the Index TSR (being the index value where the
                     of the five-year vesting period, including    comparator group is a market index) determines the
                     a five-year view on HSEC performance,   vesting of 33 per cent of the awards. For the awards
                     profitability, cash flow, balance sheet    to vest in full, BHP’s TSR must exceed the Peer Group
                     health, returns to shareholders, corporate   TSR and Index TSR (if applicable) by a specified
                     governance and conduct.         percentage per year, determined for each grant by
                     STIP and GSTIP: Service conditions only.  the Remuneration Committee. From the establishment
                                                     of the LTIP in 2004 until the awards granted in
                                                     December 2016, this percentage was set at                      5
                                                     5.5 per cent per year.
                                                     For awards granted from December 2017 onwards,
                                                     25 per cent of the award will vest where BHP’s TSR is
                                                     equal to the median TSR of the relevant comparator
                                                     group(s), as measured over the performance period.
                                                     Where TSR is below the median, awards will not vest.           Financial Statements
                                                     Vesting occurs on a sliding scale when BHP’s TSR
                                                     measured over the performance period is between
                                                     the median TSR of the relevant comparator group(s)
                                                     up to a nominated level of TSR outperformance over
                                                     the relevant comparator group(s), as determined
                                                     by the Committee, above which 100 per cent of the
                                                     award will vest.
                                                     MAP: Service conditions only.
            Vesting   CDP – 2 and 5 years            LTIP – 5 years                      3 years
            period   STIP and GSTIP – 2 years        MAP – 1 to 5 years                                             Additional information
            Dividend   CDP – Yes                     LTIP – Yes                          No
            Equivalent   STIP – Yes                  MAP – No
                     GSTIP – No
            Exercise   None                          None                                None
            (1) BHP’s TSR is the weighted average of the TSRs of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc.               Shareholder information

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