Page 221 - Annual Report 2020
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27 Employees

                                                                                    2020        2019        2018
                                                                                   Number     Number      Number    Strategic Report
            Average number of employees  (1)
            Australia                                                              20,967      18,146     16,504
            South America                                                           7,330      6,979       6,729
            North America                                                           1,296       1,999      1,839
            Asia                                                                    1,939       1,743      1,368
            Europe                                                                    57         59          70
            Total average number of employees from Continuing operations           31,589      28,926     26,510
            Total average number of employees from Discontinued operations              −          −        651
            Total average number of employees                                      31,589      28,926      27,161
           (1)  Average employee numbers include the Executive Director and 100 per cent of employees of subsidiary companies. Employees of equity accounted investments and   Governance at BHP
             joint operations are not included. Part-time employees are included on a full-time equivalent basis. Employees of businesses disposed of during the year are included
             for the period of ownership. Contractors are not included.

           Group and related party information

           28 Discontinued operations

           On 28 September 2018, BHP completed the sale of 100 per cent of the issued share capital of BHP Billiton Petroleum (Arkansas) Inc. and
           100 per cent of the membership interests in BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fayetteville) LLC, which held the Fayetteville assets, for a gross cash
           consideration of US$0.3 billion.                                                                         Remuneration Report
           On 31 October 2018, BHP completed the sale of 100 per cent of the issued share capital of Petrohawk Energy Corporation, the BHP subsidiary
           which held the Eagle Ford (being Black Hawk and Hawkville), Haynesville and Permian assets, for a gross cash consideration of US$10.3 billion
           (net of customary completion adjustments of US$0.2 billion).
           While the effective date at which the right to economic profits transferred to the purchasers was 1 July 2018, the Group continued to control
           the Onshore US assets until the completion dates of their respective transactions. As such the Group continued to recognise its share of
           revenue, expenses, net finance costs and associated income tax expense related to the operation until the completion date. In addition,
           the Group provided transitional services to the buyer, which ceased in July 2019.
           The completion adjustments included a reduction in sale proceeds, based on the operating cash generated and retained by the Group in the
           period prior to completion, in order to transfer the economic profits from 1 July 2018 to completion date to the buyers. Therefore, the pre-tax   Directors’ Report
           profit from operating the assets is largely offset by a pre-tax loss on disposal. Accordingly, the net loss from Discontinued operations
           predominantly relates to incremental costs arising as a consequence of the divestment, including restructuring costs and provisions
           for surplus office accommodation, and tax expenses largely triggered by the completion of the transactions.
           There was no contribution of Discontinued operations for the year ended 30 June 2020. The contribution of Discontinued operations included
           within the Group’s profit and cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2019 and the year ended 30 June 2018 are detailed below:
           Income statement – Discontinued operations

                                                                                                2019        2018    5
                                                                                               US$M        US$M
            Profit/(loss) after taxation from operating activities                               175       (2,921)
            Net loss on disposal                                                                (510)         −
            Loss after taxation                                                                 (335)      (2,921)
             Attributable to non-controlling interests                                            7          26     Financial Statements
             Attributable to BHP shareholders                                                   (342)     (2,947)
            Basic loss per ordinary share (cents)                                                (6.6)     (55.4)
            Diluted loss per ordinary share (cents)                                              (6.6)     (55.4)

           The total comprehensive income attributable to BHP shareholders from Discontinued operations was a loss of US$342 million in FY2019
           and a loss of US$2,943 million in FY2018.                                                                Additional information
           The conversion of options and share rights would decrease the loss per share for the years ended 30 June 2019 and 2018 and therefore
           its impact has been excluded from the diluted earnings per share calculation.                            Shareholder information

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