Page 216 - Annual Report 2020
P. 216

Employee matters

          23 Key management personnel
          Key management personnel compensation comprises:

                                                                                   2020        2019       2018
                                                                                   US$         US$        US$
          Short-term employee benefits                                         12,564,637  11,557,506  13,190,838
          Post-employment benefits                                              1,172,727  1,490,716   1,506,108
          Share-based payments                                                 13,514,588  15,821,972  13,356,657
          Total                                                                27,251,952  28,870,194  28,053,603
          Key Management Personnel (KMP) includes the roles which have the authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the
          activities of BHP. These are Non-executive Directors, the CEO, the Chief Financial Officer, the President Minerals Australia, the President
          Minerals Americas, and the President Petroleum.
          Transactions and outstanding loans/amounts with key management personnel
          There were no purchases by key management personnel from the Group during FY2020 (2019: US$ nil; 2018: US$ nil).
          There were no amounts payable by key management personnel at 30 June 2020 (2019: US$ nil; 2018: US$ nil).
          There were no loans receivable from or payable to key management personnel at 30 June 2020 (2019: US$ nil; 2018: US$ nil).
          Transactions with personally related entities
          A number of Directors of the Group hold or have held positions in other companies (personally related entities) where it is considered they
          control or significantly influence the financial or operating policies of those entities. There were no reportable transactions with those entities
          and no amounts were owed by the Group to personally related entities at 30 June 2020 (2019: US$ nil; 2018: US$ nil).
          For more information on remuneration and transactions with key management personnel, refer to section 3.

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