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22 Financial risk management continued
          22.4 Derivatives and hedge accounting              •  Cash flow hedges – changes in the fair value of cross currency
          The Group uses derivatives to hedge its exposure to certain market   interest rate swaps which hedge foreign currency cash flows on the
          risks and may elect to apply hedge accounting.      notes and debentures are recognised directly in other comprehensive
                                                              income and accumulated in the cash flow hedging reserve. To the
          Hedge accounting                                    extent a hedge is ineffective, changes in fair value are recognised
          The Group has early adopted amendments to IFRS 9 ‘Financial   immediately in the income statement.
          Instruments’ and IFRS 7 ‘Financial Instruments: Disclosures’ in relation   When a hedging instrument expires, or is sold, terminated or
          to Interest Rate Benchmark Reform. There is no impact on the Group’s   exercised, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge
          hedge accounting as a result of adopting the amendments. Refer to   accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in equity at that
          note 38 ‘New and amended accounting standards and interpretations’   time remains in equity and is amortised to the income statement
          for further information.                            over the period to the hedged item’s maturity.
          Derivatives are included within financial assets or liabilities at fair   When hedged, the Group hedges the full notional value of notes
          value through profit or loss unless they are designated as effective   or debentures. However, certain components of the fair value of
          hedging instruments. Financial instruments in this category are   derivatives are not permitted under IFRS 9 to be included in the
          classified as current if they are expected to be settled within    hedge accounting above. Certain costs of hedging are permitted
          12 months otherwise they are classified as non-current.  to be recognised in other comprehensive income. Any change in the
          Where hedge accounting is applied, at the start of the transaction,   fair value of a derivative that does not qualify for hedge accounting,
                                                             or is ineffective in hedging the designated risk due to contractual
          the Group documents the type of hedge, the relationship between   differences between the hedged item and hedging instrument,
          the hedging instrument and hedged items and its risk management   is recognised immediately in the income statement.
          objective and strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions.
          The documentation also demonstrates that the hedge is expected    The table below shows the carrying amounts of the Group’s notes
          to be effective.                                   and debentures by currency and the derivatives which hedge them:
          The Group applies the following types of hedge accounting to its   •  The carrying amount of the notes and debentures includes foreign
                                                              exchange remeasurement to period end rates and fair value
          derivatives hedging the interest rate and currency risks in its notes   adjustments when included in a fair value hedge.
          and debentures:
          •  Fair value hedges – the fair value gain or loss on interest rate and   •  The breakdown of the hedging derivatives includes remeasurement
           cross currency swaps relating to interest rate risk, together with    of foreign currency notional values at period end rates, fair value
           the change in the fair value of the hedged fixed rate borrowings   movements due to interest rate risk, foreign currency cash flows
           attributable to interest rate risk are recognised immediately in the   designated into cash flow hedges, costs of hedging recognised in
           income statement.                                  other comprehensive income, ineffectiveness recognised in the
                                                              income statement and accruals or prepayments.
           If the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, the   •  The hedged value of notes and debentures includes their carrying
           fair value adjustment on the note or debenture is amortised to the   amounts adjusted for the offsetting derivative fair value movements
           income statement over the period to maturity using a recalculated   due to foreign currency and interest rate risk remeasurement.
           effective interest rate.

                                                             Fair value of derivatives
                               Carrying   Foreign       Recognised   Recognised   Recognised            Hedged
                              amount of   exchange      in cash flow   in cost of   in the              value of
          2020                notes and   notional at   Interest rate   hedging   hedging   income   Accrued   notes and
          US$M               debentures   spot rates    risk  reserve  reserve  statement  (1)  cash flows  Total  debentures  (2)
                                   A        B        C        D         E        F        G     B to G  A + B + C
          USD                   9,926        −     (742)       −        −       29       74     (639)    9,184
          GBP                   3,245      764     (730)     (16)      13       (18)     47       60     3,279
          EUR                   7,294     500      (576)     (55)      21       65       32       (13)   7,218
          CAD                    580       199      (32)       −       (2)      (4)      (2)     159      747
          Total                 21,045   1,463    (2,080)    (71)      32       72       151    (433)   20,428

                                                              Fair value of derivatives
                               Carrying   Foreign       Recognised   Recognised   Recognised            Hedged
                              amount of   exchange      in cash flow   in cost of   in the              value of
          2019                notes and   notional at   Interest rate   hedging   hedging   income   Accrued   notes and
          US$M               debentures   spot rates    risk  reserve  reserve  statement  (1)  cash flows  Total  debentures  (2)
                                   A        B        C        D         E        F        G     B to G  A + B + C
          USD                   9,433        −     (253)       −        −       20       111     (122)   9,180
          GBP                    3,118     678      (517)    (57)      70       (2)      62      234     3,279
          EUR                    7,680     378     (566)    (100)      33       54       82      (119)   7,492
          CAD                     594      175      (22)      (5)       3       (4)       1      148      747
          AUD                     704       73       (4)      (1)       −        −       (5)      63      773
          Total                 21,529    1,304   (1,362)    (163)    106       68      251      204     21,471
          (1)  Predominantly related to ineffectiveness.
          (2) Includes US$3,019 million (2019: US$3,019 million) of fixed rate debt not swapped to floating rate that is not in a hedging relationship.
          The weighted average interest rate payable is USD LIBOR + 2.95 per cent (2019: USD LIBOR + 2.3 per cent). Refer to note 21 ‘Net finance costs’
          for details of net finance costs for the year.

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