Page 215 - Annual Report 2020
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22 Financial risk management continued
           Movements in reserves relating to hedge accounting
           The following table shows a reconciliation of the components of equity and an analysis of the movements in reserves for all hedges.    Strategic Report
           For a description of these reserves, refer to note 16 ‘Other equity’.

                                                       Cash flow hedging reserve   Cost of hedging reserve
            US$M                                       Gross     Tax     Net     Gross     Tax     Net     Total
            At the beginning of the financial year      163     (49)     114     (106)     32      (74)     40
            Add: Change in fair value of hedging instrument
            recognised in OCI                          (315)     94     (221)       −        −       −      (221)
            Less: Reclassified from reserves to interest expense    223  (66)  157  74     (23)     51      208
            – recognised through OCI
            At the end of the financial year             71      (21)    50       (32)      9      (23)      27     Governance at BHP

                                                        Cash flow hedging reserve   Cost of hedging reserve
            US$M                                       Gross     Tax     Net     Gross     Tax     Net      Total
            At the beginning of the financial year      85       (27)    58         −        −       −       58
            Impact of adoption of IFRS 9                176      (52)    124      (176)    52      (124)      −
            Add: Change in fair value of hedging instrument
            recognised in OCI                          (327)     98     (229)       −        −       −      (229)
            Less: Reclassified from reserves to interest expense    229  (68)  161  70     (20)    50        211
            – recognised through OCI
            At the end of the financial year            163      (49)    114     (106)     32      (74)      40     Remuneration Report

           Changes in interest bearing liabilities and related derivatives resulting from financing activities
           The movement in the year in the Group’s interest bearing liabilities and related derivatives are as follows:

                                                                 Interest bearing liabilities    liabilities
                                                                                  Bank            Cross
                                                                             overdraft and      currency
            2020                                             Notes and   Lease   short-term    and interest
            US$M                                     Bank loans  debentures   liabilities  borrowings  Other  rate swaps   Total  Directors’ Report
            At the beginning of the financial year     2,498   21,529     715      20      66      204
             Proceeds from interest bearing liabilities  514       −        −        −       −        −     514
             Settlements of debt related instruments       −       −        −        −       −     (157)    (157)
             Repayment of interest bearing liabilities  (522)   (859)    (671)       −      5         −   (2,047)
            Change from Net financing cash flows          (8)   (859)    (671)       −      5      (157)  (1,690)
            Other movements:
             Interest rate impacts                         −     720        −        −       −     (788)
             Foreign exchange impacts                      −    (354)     (43)       −     (4)      316             5
             Leases recognised on IFRS 16 transition       −       −    2,301        −       −        −
             Lease additions                               −       −     436         −       −        −
             Remeasurement of index-linked freight contracts   −   −     733         −       −        −
             Other interest bearing liabilities/derivative related changes  2  9  (28)  (20)  1      (8)
            At the end of the financial year           2,492   21,045   3,443        −     68      (433)            Financial Statements

                                                                 Interest bearing liabilities    liabilities
                                                                                  Bank             Cross
                                                                             overdraft and       currency
            2019                                             Notes and   Lease   short-term    and interest
            US$M                                    Bank loans   debentures   liabilities  borrowings  Other  rate swaps   Total  Additional information
            At the beginning of the financial year     2,555   23,298    802       58      92       805
             Proceeds from interest bearing liabilities  250       −        −        −       −        −     250
             Settlements of debt related instruments       −       −        −        −       −      (160)   (160)
             Repayment of interest bearing liabilities  (308)   (2,198)   (75)       −     (23)       −    (2,604)
            Change from Net financing cash flows         (58)   (2,198)   (75)       −     (23)     (160)  (2,514)
            Other movements:
             Interest rate impacts                         −     729        −        −       −     (809)
             Foreign exchange impacts                      −     (311)    (11)       −       −      319
             Other interest bearing liabilities/derivative related changes  1  11  (1)  (38)  (3)    49
            At the end of the financial year           2,498   21,529     715      20      66       204             Shareholder information

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