Page 204 - Annual Report 2020
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16 Other equity

                                2020       2019      2018
                                US$M      US$M      US$M   Recognition and measurement
          Share premium account  518        518       518  The share premium account represents the premium paid on the issue of
                                                           BHP Group Plc shares recognised in accordance with the UK Companies
                                                           Act 2006.
          Foreign currency        39        37        42   The foreign currency translation reserve represents exchange differences
          translation reserve                              arising from the translation of non-US dollar functional currency operations
                                                           within the Group into US dollars.
          Employee share         246        213       196  The employee share awards reserve represents the accrued employee
          awards reserve                                   entitlements to share awards that have been charged to the income
                                                           statement and have not yet been exercised.
                                                           Once exercised, the difference between the accumulated fair value
                                                           of the awards and their historical on-market purchase price is recognised
                                                           in retained earnings.
          Cash flow hedge reserve  50       114       58   The cash flow hedge reserve represents hedging gains and losses
                                                           recognised on the effective portion of cash flow hedges. The cumulative
                                                           deferred gain or loss on the hedge is recognised in the income statement
                                                           when the hedged transaction impacts the income statement, or is
                                                           recognised as an adjustment to the cost of non-financial hedged items.
                                                           The hedging reserve records the portion of the gain or loss on a hedging
                                                           instrument in a cash flow hedge that is determined to be an effective
                                                           hedge relationship.
          Cost of hedging reserve  (23)     (74)        −  The cost of hedging reserve represents the recognition of certain costs
                                                           of hedging for example, basis adjustments, which have been excluded
                                                           from the hedging relationship and deferred in other comprehensive
                                                           income until the hedged transaction impacts the income statement.
          Equity investments      16        17         16  The financial assets reserve represents the revaluation of investments
          reserve                                          in shares recognised through other comprehensive income. Where
                                                           a revalued financial asset is sold, the relevant portion of the reserve
                                                           is transferred to retained earnings.
          Capital redemption     177        177       177  The capital redemption reserve represents the par value of BHP Group Plc
          reserve                                          shares that were purchased and subsequently cancelled. The cancellation
                                                           of the shares creates a non-distributable capital redemption reserve.
          Non-controlling interest   1,283  1,283    1,283  The non-controlling interest contribution reserve represents the excess
          contribution reserve                             of consideration received over the book value of net assets attributable
                                                           to equity instruments when acquired by non-controlling interests.
          Total reserves        2,306     2,285     2,290

          Summarised financial information relating to each of the Group’s subsidiaries with non-controlling interests (NCI) that are material to the Group
          before any intra-group eliminations is shown below:
                                                           2020                             2019
                                                          Other individually               Other individually
                                                              immaterial                        immaterial
                                                 Minera   subsidiaries (incl.     Minera    subsidiaries (incl.
                                               Escondida      intra-group       Escondida      intra-group
          US$M                                  Limitada     eliminations)  Total  Limitada   eliminations)  Total
          Group share (per cent)                   57.5                            57.5
          Current assets                          2,432                           2,456
          Non-current assets                      12,121                          12,538
          Current liabilities                     (1,614)                         (1,826)
          Non-current liabilities                 (4,613)                         (4,122)
          Net assets                              8,326                           9,046
          Net assets attributable to NCI          3,539            771  4,310     3,845            739   4,584

          Revenue                                 6,719                           6,876
          Profit after taxation                   1,088                           1,360
          Other comprehensive income                (27)                             (1)
          Total comprehensive income              1,061                            1,359
          Profit after taxation attributable to NCI  462           318   780        578             301   879
          Other comprehensive income attributable to NCI  (11)       −    (11)        −              (1)    (1)
          Net operating cash flow                 2,637                           3,283
          Net investing cash flow                  (919)                          (1,034)
          Net financing cash flow                (1,920)                          (2,517)
          Dividends paid to NCI  (1)               757             286  1,043      986              219  1,205
          (1)  Includes dividends paid to non-controlling interests related to Onshore US of US$ nil (2019: US$7 million). Refer to note 28 ‘Discontinued operations’.
          While the Group controls Minera Escondida Limitada, the non-controlling interests hold certain protective rights that restrict the Group’s ability
          to sell assets held by Minera Escondida Limitada, or use the assets in other subsidiaries and operations owned by the Group. Minera Escondida
          Limitada is also restricted from paying dividends without the approval of the non-controlling interests.

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