Page 203 - Annual Report 2020
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Capital structure

           15 Share capital                                                                                         Strategic Report

                                                           BHP Group Limited                BHP Group Plc
                                                       2020       2019      2018       2020      2019       2018
                                                       shares    shares    shares     shares    shares     shares
            Share capital issued
            Opening number of shares              2,945,851,394  3,211,691,105  3,211,691,105  2,112,071,796  2,112,071,796  2,112,071,796
            Purchase of shares by ESOP Trusts       (5,975,189)  (6,854,057)  (7,469,236)  (185,297)  (274,069)  (679,223)
            Employee share awards exercised following vesting  6,893,113  5,902,588  7,339,522  222,245  275,984  711,705
            Movement in treasury shares under Employee Share Plans  (917,924)  951,469  129,714  (36,948)  (1,915)  (32,482)
            Shares bought back and cancelled  (1)          −  (265,839,711)    −          −         −         −
            Closing number of shares  (2)         2,945,851,394  2,945,851,394  3,211,691,105  2,112,071,796  2,112,071,796  2,112,071,796  Governance at BHP

             Shares held by the public            2,945,621,003 2,944,703,079 3,211,494,259  2,112,069,025 2,112,032,077  2,112,030,162
             Treasury shares                         230,391   1,148,315  196,846      2,771    39,719    41,634
            Other share classes
            Special Voting share of no par value          1         1          1          −         −         −
            Special Voting share of US$0.50 par value      −         −         −         1          1         1
            5.5% Preference shares of £1 each              −         −         −     50,000    50,000    50,000
            DLC Dividend share                            1         1          1          −         −         −     Remuneration Report
           (1)  During December 2018, BHP completed an off-market buy-back program of US$5.2 billion of BHP Group Limited shares related to the disbursement of proceeds
             from the disposal of Onshore US.
           (2) No fully paid ordinary shares in BHP Group Limited or BHP Group Plc were issued on the exercise of employee share awards during the period 1 July 2020
             to 3 September 2020.
           Recognition and measurement
           Share capital of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc is composed of the following classes of shares:

            Ordinary shares fully paid       Special Voting shares             Preference shares
            BHP Group Limited ordinary shares fully paid   Each of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc   Preference shares have the right to repayment
            and BHP Group Plc ordinary shares fully paid of   issued one Special Voting share to facilitate   of the amount paid up on the nominal value and   Directors’ Report
            US$0.50 par value, represent 99.99 per cent of   joint voting by shareholders of BHP Group   any unpaid dividends in priority to the holders
            the total number of shares. Any profit remaining   Limited and BHP Group Plc on Joint Electorate   of any other class of shares in BHP Group Plc
            after payment of preferred distributions is   Actions. There has been no movement    on a return of capital or winding up. The holders
            available for distribution to the holders of BHP   in these shares.  of preference shares have limited voting rights
            Group Limited and BHP Group Plc ordinary                           if payment of the preference dividends are six
            shares in equal amounts per share.                                 months or more in arrears or a resolution is
                                                                               passed changing the rights of the preference
                                                                               shareholders. There has been no movement
                                                                               in these shares, all of which are held by
                                                                               JP Morgan Limited.                   5
            DLC Dividend share               Treasury shares
            The DLC Dividend share supports the Dual   Treasury shares are shares of BHP Group
            Listed Company (DLC) equalisation principles    Limited and BHP Group Plc and are held by the
            in place since the merger in 2001, including    ESOP Trusts for the purpose of issuing shares to
            the requirement that ordinary shareholders    employees under the Group’s Employee Share                Financial Statements
            of BHP Group Plc and BHP Group Limited    Plans. Treasury shares are recognised at cost
            are paid equal cash dividends per share. This   and deducted from equity, net of any income
            share enables efficient and flexible capital   tax effects. When the treasury shares are
            management across the DLC and was issued    subsequently sold or reissued, any consideration
            on 23 February 2016 at par value of US$10.  received, net of any directly attributable costs
                                             and income tax effects, is recognised as an
                                             increase in equity. Any difference between
                                             the carrying amount and the consideration,
                                             if reissued, is recognised in retained earnings.                       Additional information

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