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12 Intangible assets continued

                Key judgements and estimates
                Judgements: Assessment of impairment indicators requires management judgement. If a judgement is made that recovery of
                previously capitalised intangible mineral lease assets is unlikely, the relevant amount will be charged to the income statement.
                Estimates: Determining the recoverable amount requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions as to future
                events and circumstances, in particular whether an economically viable extraction operation can be established.
                Where indicators of impairment exist for intangible assets, in the absence of quoted market prices, estimates are made regarding the
                present value of future post-tax cash flows. These estimates require management judgement and assumptions and are subject to risk
                and uncertainty that may be beyond the control of the Group; hence, there is a possibility that changes in circumstances will materially
                alter projections, which may impact the recoverable amount of assets at each reporting date. The estimates are made from the
                perspective of a market participant and include prices, future production volumes, operating costs, tax attributes and discount rates.

          13 Deferred tax balances

          The movement for the year in the Group’s net deferred tax position is as follows:
                                                                                   2020        2019       2018
                                                                                  US$M        US$M       US$M
          Net deferred tax asset
          At the beginning of the financial year                                   530         569       2,023
          Income tax credit/(charge) recorded in the income statement  (1)         335          (81)     (1,445)
          Income tax credit recorded directly in equity                             34          15         17
          Other movements                                                            31         27         (26)
          At the end of the financial year                                         930         530        569
          (1)  Includes Discontinued operations income tax credit to the income statement of US$ nil (2019: US$40 million; 2018: US$510 million).
          For recognition and measurement refer to note 6 ‘Income tax expense’.
          The composition of the Group’s net deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised in the balance sheet and the deferred tax expense (credited)/
          charged to the income statement is as follows:
                                             Deferred tax assets  Deferred tax liabilities  (Credited)/charged to the income statement
                                              2020      2019      2020      2019      2020      2019      2018
                                              US$M      US$M      US$M      US$M      US$M     US$M      US$M
          Type of temporary difference
          Depreciation  (1)                  (2,749)    (1,717)   1,807     1,444     1,394     (951)     (752)
          Exploration expenditure              398       449         −         −        51       43        51
          Employee benefits                    353       310       (26)       (6)      (38)       14       31
          Closure and rehabilitation          2,100     1,671     (109)     (203)     (334)      (53)     218
          Resource rent tax                    359       431       921      1,112      (119)    (179)     (194)
          Other provisions                     173       144      (239)       (1)     (268)       (2)      (11)
          Deferred income                       (4)       24         −        (5)       33        (9)      (13)
          Deferred charges                    (383)      (416)     187       286       (132)     56       (119)
          Investments, including foreign tax credits  348  412     458      600        (77)      70       615
          Foreign exchange gains and losses    (134)     (97)       (61)      (6)      (18)      (45)     (20)
          Tax losses                          2,759     2,611        −         −       (148)    1,147    1,595
          Lease liability  (1)                 548         −      (245)        −      (793)        −         −
          Other                                (80)      (58)       65        13       114       (10)      44
          Total                               3,688     3,764     2,758    3,234      (335)       81     1,445

          (1)  Includes deferred tax associated with the recognition of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities on adoption of IFRS 16. Refer to note 20 ‘Leases’.
          The amount of deferred tax assets dependent on future taxable profits not arising from the reversal of existing deferred tax liabilities,
          and which relate to tax jurisdictions where the taxable entity has suffered a loss in the current or preceding year, was US$2,865 million
          at 30 June 2020 (2019: US$2,229 million). It is considered probable that these benefits will be utilised based on anticipated future taxable
          income or gains in relevant jurisdictions. The amounts recognised in the Financial Statements reflect the Group’s best judgements and
          estimates as described in note 6 ‘Income tax expense’.

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