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11 Property, plant and equipment continued
           Development expenditure                             Other mineral assets
           When proven mineral reserves are determined and development    Other mineral assets comprise:            Strategic Report
           is sanctioned, capitalised exploration and evaluation expenditure    •  capitalised exploration, evaluation and development
           is reclassified as assets under construction within property, plant    expenditure for assets in production;
           and equipment. All subsequent development expenditure is   •  mineral rights and petroleum interests acquired;
           capitalised and classified as assets under construction, provided   •  capitalised development and production stripping costs.
           commercial viability conditions continue to be satisfied.
           The Group may use funds sourced from external parties to finance   Overburden removal costs
           the acquisition and development of assets and operations. Finance   The process of removing overburden and other waste materials
           costs are expensed as incurred, except where they relate to the   to access mineral deposits is referred to as stripping. Stripping
           financing of construction or development of qualifying assets.   is necessary to obtain access to mineral deposits and occurs
           Borrowing costs directly attributable to acquiring or constructing    throughout the life of an open-pit mine. Development and
           a qualifying asset are capitalised during the development phase.   production stripping costs are classified as other mineral assets
           Development expenditure is net of proceeds from the saleable   in property, plant and equipment.         Governance at BHP
           material extracted during the development phase. On completion    Stripping costs are accounted for separately for individual
           of development, all assets included in assets under construction    components of an ore body. The determination of components
           are reclassified as either plant and equipment or other mineral    is dependent on the mine plan and other factors, including the
           assets and depreciation commences.                  size, shape and geotechnical aspects of an ore body. The Group
                                                               accounts for stripping activities as follows:
                                                               Development stripping costs
                 Key judgements and estimates                  These are initial overburden removal costs incurred to obtain access
                 Judgements: Development activities commence    to mineral deposits that will be commercially produced. These costs
                 after project sanctioning by the appropriate level of   are capitalised when it is probable that future economic benefits
                 management. Judgement is applied by management    (access to mineral ores) will flow to the Group and costs can be   Remuneration Report
                 in determining when a project is economically viable.   measured reliably.
                 Estimates: In determining whether a project is economically   Once the production phase begins, capitalised development
                 viable, management is required to make certain estimates   stripping costs are depreciated using the units of production
                 and assumptions as to future events and circumstances,   method based on the proven and probable reserves of the
                 including reserve estimates, existence of an accessible   relevant identified component of the ore body to which the
                 market and forecast prices and cash flows. Estimates and   initial stripping activity benefits.
                 assumptions may change as new information becomes   Production stripping costs
                 available. If, after having commenced the development   These are post initial overburden removal costs incurred during
                 activity, new information suggests that a development   the normal course of production activity, which commences
                 asset is impaired, the appropriate amount is charged    after the first saleable minerals have been extracted from the
                 to the income statement.                      component. Production stripping costs can give rise to two    Directors’ Report
                                                               benefits, the accounting for which is outlined below:

                                                                Production stripping activity
            Benefits of stripping activity  Extraction of ore (inventory) in current period.  Improved access to future ore extraction.
            Period benefited      Current period                         Future period(s)
            Recognition and       When the benefits of stripping activities are realised    When the benefits of stripping activities are improved   5
            measurement criteria  in the form of inventory produced; the associated    access to future ore; production costs are capitalised
                                  costs are recorded in accordance with the Group’s   when all the following criteria are met:
                                  inventory accounting policy.           •  the production stripping activity improves access
                                                                           to a specific component of the ore body and it
                                                                           is probable that economic benefits arising from
                                                                           the improved access to future ore production    Financial Statements
                                                                           will be realised;
                                                                         •  the component of the ore body for which access
                                                                           has been improved can be identified;
                                                                         •  costs associated with that component can be
                                                                           measured reliably.
            Allocation of costs   Production stripping costs are allocated between the inventory produced and the production stripping asset using
                                  a life-of-component waste-to-ore (or mineral contained) strip ratio. When the current strip ratio is greater than the
                                  estimated life-of-component ratio a portion of the stripping costs is capitalised to the production stripping asset.
            Asset recognised from    Inventory                           Other mineral assets within property, plant and equipment.
            stripping activity                                                                                      Additional information
            Depreciation basis    Not applicable                         On a component-by-component basis using the
                                                                         units of production method based on proven
                                                                         and probable reserves.

                 Key judgements and estimates
                 Judgements: Judgement is applied by management in determining the components of an ore body.
                 Estimates: Estimates are used in the determination of stripping ratios and mineral reserves by component. Changes to estimates
                 related to life-of-component waste-to-ore (or mineral contained) strip ratios and the expected ore production from identified
                 components are accounted for prospectively and may affect depreciation rates and asset carrying values.  Shareholder information

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