Page 202 - Annual Report 2020
P. 202

14 Closure and rehabilitation provisions continued
          The Group is required to rehabilitate sites and associated facilities at the end of, or in some cases, during the course of production,
          to a condition acceptable to the relevant authorities, as specified in licence requirements and the Group’s environmental performance
          requirements as set out within Our Charter.
          The key components of closure and rehabilitation activities are:
          •  the removal of all unwanted infrastructure associated with an operation;
          •  the return of disturbed areas to a safe, stable, productive and self-sustaining condition, consistent with the agreed end land use.
          Recognition and measurement
          Provisions for closure and rehabilitation are recognised by the Group when:
          •  it has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events;
          •  it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation;
          •  the amount can be reliably estimated.
          Initial recognition               Subsequent remeasurement
          Closure and rehabilitation provisions are initially   The closure and rehabilitation asset, recognised within property, plant and equipment, is depreciated
          recognised when an environmental disturbance   over the life of the operations. The value of the provision is progressively increased over time as the
          first occurs. The individual site provisions are    effect of discounting unwinds, resulting in an expense recognised in net finance costs.
          an estimate of the expected value of future    The closure and rehabilitation provision is reviewed at each reporting date to assess if the estimate
          cash flows required to rehabilitate the relevant   continues to reflect the best estimate of the obligation. If necessary, the provision is remeasured
          site using current restoration standards and   to account for factors, including:
          techniques and taking into account risks and
          uncertainties. Individual site provisions are   •  revisions to estimated reserves, resources and lives of operations;
          discounted to their present value using currency   •  developments in technology;
          specific discount rates aligned to the estimated   •  regulatory requirements and environmental management strategies;
          timing of cash outflows.          •  changes in the estimated extent and costs of anticipated activities, including the effects
          When provisions for closure and rehabilitation   of inflation and movements in foreign exchange rates;
          are initially recognised, the corresponding cost   •  movements in interest rates affecting the discount rate applied.
          is capitalised as an asset, representing part    Changes to the closure and rehabilitation estimate for operating sites are added to, or deducted
          of the cost of acquiring the future economic   from, the related asset and amortised on a prospective basis accordingly over the remaining life
          benefits of the operation.        of the operation, generally applying the units of production method.
                                            Costs arising from unforeseen circumstances, such as the contamination caused by unplanned
                                            discharges, are recognised as an expense and liability when the event gives rise to an obligation
                                            that is probable and capable of reliable estimation.
          Closed sites
          Where future economic benefits are no longer expected to be derived through operation, changes to the associated closure and remediation
          costs are charged/(credited) to the income statement in the period identified. This amounted to a charge of US$669 million in the year ended
          30 June 2020 (2019: charge of US$251 million; 2018: credit of US$(21) million).

                Key estimates
                The recognition and measurement of closure and rehabilitation   A further 0.5 per cent decrease in the real discount rates applied
                provisions requires the use of significant estimates and   at 30 June 2020 would result in an increase to the closure and
                assumptions, including, but not limited to:    rehabilitation provision of US$772 million, an increase in property,
                •  the extent (due to legal or constructive obligations) of potential   plant and equipment of US$606 million in relation to operating
                                                               sites and an income statement charge of US$166 million in
                 activities required for the removal of infrastructure and   respect of closed sites. In addition, the change would result in an
                 rehabilitation activities (including activities to mitigate the   increase of approximately US$35 million to depreciation expense
                 potential physical impact of climate change);   and a US$16 million reduction in net finance costs for the year
                •  costs associated with future rehabilitation activities;  ending 30 June 2021.
                •  applicable real discount rates;
                •  the timing of cash flows and ultimate closure of operations.  Given the long-lived nature of the majority of the Group’s assets,
                                                               closure activities are not expected to occur for a significant
                Rehabilitation activities are generally undertaken at the end of   period of time. While the closure and rehabilitation provisions
                the production life at the individual sites, the estimated timing    reflect management’s best estimates based on current knowledge
                of which is informed by the Group’s current assumptions relating  and information, further studies and detailed analysis of the
                to demand for commodities and carbon pricing, and their impact  closure activities for individual assets will be performed as the
                on the Group’s long-term price forecasts. Remaining production   assets near the end of their operational life and/or detailed
                lives range from 4-91 years with an average for all sites, weighted  closure plans are required to be submitted to relevant regulatory
                by current closure provision, of approximately 28 years. The   authorities. Such studies and analysis can impact the estimated
                discount rates applied to the Group’s closure and rehabilitation   costs of closure activities. Estimates can also be impacted by the
                provisions were revised during the year to reflect decreases in   emergence of new restoration techniques, changes in regulatory
                market interest rates. The effect of changes to discount rates was  requirements for rehabilitation, risks relating to climate change
                an increase of approximatively US$675 million in the closure and  and the transition to a lower carbon economy, and experience at
                rehabilitation provision of which US$90 million in respect of   other operations. These uncertainties may result in future actual
                closed sites was recognised in the income statement.   expenditure differing from the amounts currently provided for
                                                               in the balance sheet.

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