Page 208 - Annual Report 2020
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20 Leases

          The Group applied IFRS 16/AASB 16 ‘Leases’ (IFRS 16) from 1 July 2019. The Group elected to apply the modified retrospective transition
          approach, with no restatement of comparative periods. The comparative information relating to leases presented throughout the Financial
          Statements is in accordance with IAS 17/AASB 117 ‘Leases’ (IAS 17). Refer to note 38 ‘New and amended accounting standards and
          interpretations’ for information on the transition effects of IFRS 16 and policy choices made on implementation. Movements in the Group’s
          lease liabilities during the year are as follows:

          At the beginning of the financial year  (1)                                                     715
          IFRS 16 transition                                                                             2,301
          Additions                                                                                       436
          Remeasurements of index-linked freight contracts                                                733
          Lease payments                                                                                  (761)
          Foreign exchange movement                                                                       (43)
          Amortisation of discounting                                                                      90
          Transfers and other movements                                                                    (28)
          At the end of the financial year                                                               3,443
           Current liabilities                                                                            853
           Non-current liabilities                                                                       2,590
          (1)  Relates to existing finance leases at 1 July 2019.
          A significant proportion by value of the Group’s lease contracts relate to plant facilities, office buildings and vessels. Lease terms for plant
          facilities and office buildings typically run for over 10 years and vessels for four to 10 years. Other leases include port facilities, various
          equipment and vehicles. The lease contracts contain a wide range of different terms and conditions including extension and termination
          options and variable lease payments.
          The Group’s lease obligations are included in the Group’s Interest bearing liabilities and, with the exception of vessel lease contracts that are
          priced with reference to a freight index, form part of the Group’s net debt.
          The maturity profile of lease liabilities based on the undiscounted contractual amounts is as follows:
                                                                                              2020        2019
          Lease liability  (1)                                                                US$M       US$M
          Due for payment:
          In one year or less or on demand                                                     927         110
          In more than one year but not more than two years                                    630         110
          In more than two years but not more than five years                                 1,335       307
          In more than five years                                                             1,043       501
          Total                                                                              3,935       1,028
          Carrying amount                                                                    3,443         715
          (1)  Lease liability as at 30 June 2019 represents finance lease liabilities under IAS 17.
          At 30 June 2020, commitments for leases not yet commenced based on undiscounted contractual amounts were US$1,458 million; and
          commitments relating to short-term leases were US$103 million.
          The Group’s aggregate amounts of minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases at 30 June 2019 under IAS 17 were
          as follows (reported under note 32 ‘Commitments’ in FY2019):

          Commitments under operating leases                                                             US$M
          Due not later than one year                                                                     440
          Due later than one year and not later than five years                                           876
          Due later than five years                                                                       589
          Total                                                                                          1,905

          Movements in the Group’s right-of-use assets during the year are as follows:

                                                                                Land and    Plant and
                                                                                buildings  equipment      Total
          2020                                                                    US$M        US$M       US$M
          Net book value
          At the beginning of the financial year  (1)                                 −        492        492
          Assets recognised on adoption of IFRS 16                                 754       1,400       2,154
          Additions                                                                 104        332        436
          Remeasurements of index-linked freight contracts                            −        733        733
          Depreciation expensed during the period                                  (113)      (543)       (656)
          Depreciation classified as exploration                                      −        (34)       (34)
          Impairments, net of reversals                                              (2)       (22)       (24)
          Transfers and other movements                                             (54)         −        (54)
          At the end of the financial year                                         689       2,358       3,047
          – Cost                                                                   804       3,349       4,153
          – Accumulated depreciation and impairments                                (115)     (991)      (1,106)
          (1)  Relates to assets previously held under finance leases under IAS 17.

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