Page 179 - Annual Report 2020
P. 179

Foreign currencies
           Transactions related to the Group’s worldwide operations are   On consolidation, the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of
           conducted in a number of foreign currencies. The majority of the   non-US dollar denominated functional currency entities are translated
           subsidiaries, joint arrangements and associates within each of the   into US dollars using the following applicable exchange rates:  Strategic Report
           operations have assessed US dollars as the functional currency,
           however, some subsidiaries, joint arrangements and associates    Foreign currency amount  Applicable exchange rate
           have functional currencies other than US dollars.   Income and expenses      Date of underlying transaction
           Transactions and monetary items denominated in foreign currencies   Assets and liabilities  Period-end rate
           are translated into US dollars as follows:
                                                               Equity                   Historical rate
            Foreign currency item   Applicable exchange rate   Reserves                 Historical rate
            Transactions            Date of underlying transaction  Foreign exchange differences resulting from translation are initially
            Monetary assets and liabilities  Period-end rate   recognised in the foreign currency translation reserve and
                                                               subsequently transferred to the income statement on disposal
           Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from translation are   of a foreign operation.               Governance at BHP
           recognised in the income statement, except for qualifying cash
           flow hedges (which are deferred to equity) and foreign exchange
           gains or losses on foreign currency provisions for site closure and
           rehabilitation costs (which are capitalised in property, plant and
           equipment for operating sites).

                 Critical accounting policies, judgements      Reserve estimates
                 and estimates                                 Reserves are estimates of the amount of product that can be
                 The Group has identified a number of critical accounting   demonstrated to be able to be economically and legally extracted
                 policies under which significant judgements, estimates    from the Group’s properties. In order to estimate reserves,   Remuneration Report
                 and assumptions are made. All judgements, estimates    assumptions are required about a range of technical and economic
                 and assumptions are based on most current facts and   factors, including quantities, qualities, production techniques,
                 circumstances and are reassessed on an ongoing basis.   recovery efficiency, production and transport costs, commodity
                 Actual results may differ for these estimates under different   supply and demand, commodity prices and exchange rates.
                 assumptions and conditions. This may materially affect   Estimating the quantity and/or quality of reserves requires the size,
                 financial results and the carrying amount of assets and   shape and depth of ore bodies or oil and gas reservoirs to be
                 liabilities to be reported in the next and future periods.   determined by analysing geological data, such as drilling samples
                 Significant judgements and key estimates and assumptions   and geophysical survey interpretations. Economic assumptions
                 made in applying these critical accounting policies are   used to estimate reserves change from period to period as
                 embedded within the following notes:          additional technical and operational data is generated. This   Directors’ Report
                                                               process may require complex and difficult geological judgements
                  Note                                         to interpret the data.
                  4       Significant events – Samarco dam failure  Additional information on the Group’s mineral and oil and gas
                                                               reserves and resources can be viewed within section 6.4.
                  6       Taxation
                                                               Section 6.4 is unaudited and does not form part of these
                  10      Inventories                          Financial Statements.
                  11      Exploration and evaluation           Reserve impact on financial reporting                5
                                                               Estimates of reserves may change from period-to-period
                  11      Development expenditure              as the economic assumptions used to estimate reserves change
                  11      Overburden removal costs             and additional geological data is generated during the course of
                                                               operations. Changes in reserves may affect the Group’s financial
                  11      Depreciation of property, plant and equipment  results and financial position in a number of ways, including:
                  11 and 12   Impairments of non-current assets –    •   asset carrying values may be affected due to changes    Financial Statements
                          recoverable amount                    in estimated future production levels;
                                                               •  depreciation, depletion and amortisation charged in the income
                  14      Closure and rehabilitation provisions
                                                                statement may change where such charges are determined on
                  20      Leases                                the units of production basis, or where the useful economic lives
                  30      Impairments of investments accounted    of assets change;
                          for using the equity method          •  overburden removal costs recorded on the balance sheet or
                                                                charged to the income statement may change due to changes
                                                                in stripping ratios or the units of production basis of depreciation;
                                                               •  closure and rehabilitation provisions may change where changes   Additional information
                                                                in estimated reserves affect expectations about the timing or
                                                                cost of these activities;
                                                               •  the carrying amount of deferred tax assets may change due to
                                                                changes in estimates of the likely recovery of the tax benefits.

           Impact of COVID-19 pandemic
           The Group continues to actively monitor the impact of the COVID-19   made by the Group, including those relating to assessing
           pandemic, including the impact on economic activity and financial   collectability of receivables and determining the recoverable values
           reporting. During FY2020, the Group experienced lower volumes    of the Group’s non-current assets as outlined in notes 8 ‘Trade and
           at certain operated assets, temporary shutdowns at non-operated   other receivables’ and 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’, respectively.   Shareholder information
           equity accounted investments (Antamina and Cerrejón) and incurred   The ongoing uncertainty has also been considered in the Group’s
           incremental directly attributable costs including those associated   assessment of the appropriateness of adopting the going concern
           with the increased provision of health and hygiene services and    basis of preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements. The
           the impacts of maintaining social distancing requirements. These   Group’s financial forecasts, including downside commodity price and
           incremental costs have been classified as an exceptional item,    production scenarios that include the potential impact of COVID-19,
           as outlined in note 3 ‘Exceptional items’.          demonstrate that the Group believes that it has sufficient financial
           As the pandemic continues to progress and evolve, it is difficult    resources to meet its obligations as they fall due throughout the
           to predict the full extent and duration of resulting operational and   going concern period. As such, the Consolidated Financial
           economic impacts for the Group, which are expected to impact a   Statements continue to be prepared on the going concern basis.
           number of reporting periods. This uncertainty impacts judgements

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