Page 177 - Annual Report 2020
P. 177

5.1.5 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2020

                                                        Attributable to BHP shareholders
                                         Share capital  Treasury shares                                             Strategic Report
                                                                                       Total equity
                                         BHP     BHP      BHP     BHP                  attributable   Non-
                                        Group   Group    Group   Group         Retained   to BHP controlling   Total
            US$M                       Limited    Plc   Limited    Plc  Reserves  earnings  shareholders  interests  equity
            Balance as at 1 July 2019    1,111  1,057     (32)      −   2,285   42,819    47,240  4,584   51,824
            Total comprehensive income      −       −       −       −     (12)   7,910     7,898    769    8,667
            Transactions with owners:
             Purchase of shares by ESOP Trusts    −   −   (139)    (4)      −       −       (143)     −    (143)
             Employee share awards exercised
             net of employee contributions
             net of tax                     −       −     166      4      (132)   (38)        −       −       −     Governance at BHP
             Vested employee share awards
             that have lapsed, been cancelled
             or forfeited                   −       −       −       −     (10)     10         −       −       −
             Accrued employee entitlement
             for unexercised awards net of tax   −   −      −       −     175       −       175       −     175
             Dividends                      −       −       −       −       −   (7,234)   (7,234)  (1,043)  (8,277)
            Balance as at 30 June 2020   1,111  1,057      (5)      −   2,306  43,467     47,936   4,310  52,246

            Balance as at 1 July 2018    1,186   1,057     (5)      −    2,290  51,064    55,592   5,078  60,670
            Impact of adopting IFRS 9       −       −       −       −       −      (7)       (7)      −      (7)
            Balance as at 1 July 2018    1,186   1,057     (5)      −    2,290  51,057    55,585   5,078  60,663    Remuneration Report
            Total comprehensive income      −       −       −       −     (24)  8,306      8,282    878    9,160
            Transactions with owners:
             Purchase of shares by ESOP Trusts    −   −   (182)    (6)      −       −       (188)     −     (188)
             Employee share awards exercised
             net of employee contributions
             net of tax                     −       −     155       6    (100)    (61)        −       −       −
             Vested employee share awards
             that have lapsed, been cancelled
             or forfeited                   −       −       −       −      (18)    18         −       −       −
             Accrued employee entitlement
             for unexercised awards         −       −       −       −     138       −       138       −     138     Directors’ Report
             Dividends                      −       −       −       −       −   (11,302)  (11,302)  (1,205)  (12,507)
             BHP Group Limited shares bought
             back and cancelled           (75)      −       −       −       −    (5,199)   (5,274)    −    (5,274)
             Divestment of subsidiaries,
             operations and joint operations   −    −       −       −       −       −         −     (168)   (168)
             Transfer to non-controlling interests   −   −   −      −      (1)      −         (1)     1       −
            Balance as at 30 June 2019    1,111  1,057    (32)      −    2,285  42,819    47,240   4,584  51,824
            Balance as at 1 July 2017    1,186   1,057     (2)     (1)  2,400   52,618    57,258   5,468  62,726
            Total comprehensive income      −       −       −       −     (87)   3,695     3,608    1,118  4,726
            Transactions with owners:
             Purchase of shares by ESOP Trusts    −   −   (159)    (12)     −       −       (171)     −     (171)
             Employee share awards exercised
             net of employee contributions                                                                          Financial Statements
             net of tax                     −       −     156      13     (139)   (30)        −       −       −
             Vested employee share awards
             that have lapsed, been cancelled
             or forfeited                   −       −       −       −      (2)      2         −       −       −
             Accrued employee entitlement for
             unexercised awards             −       −       −       −     123       −       123       −     123
             Distribution to non-controlling
             interests                      −       −       −       −       −       −         −      (14)    (14)
             Dividends                      −       −       −       −       −    (5,221)   (5,221)  (1,499)  (6,720)
             Transfer to non-controlling interests   −   −   −      −      (5)      −        (5)      5       −     Additional information
            Balance as at 30 June 2018   1,186   1,057     (5)      −    2,290  51,064    55,592   5,078  60,670
           The accompanying notes form part of these Financial Statements.                                          Shareholder information

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