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Section 5                                                   In this section

                                                                       Financial Statements
                                                                       5.1    Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                           5.1.1  Consolidated Income Statement
           Financial                                                        5.1.2 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
                                                                           5.1.3 Consolidated Balance Sheet
           Statements                                                         5.1.4 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                           5.1.5 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
                                                                           5.1.6 Notes to the Financial Statements
                                                                           BHP Group Plc
                                                                       5.3  Directors’ declaration
                                                                       5.4  Statement of Directors’ responsibilities in respect
                                                                           of the Annual Report and the Financial Statements
                                                                       5.5   Lead Auditor’s Independence Declaration under
                                                                           Section 307C of the Australian Corporations Act 2001
                                                                       5.6   Independent Auditors’ reports
                                                                       5.7   Supplementary oil and gas information – unaudited
                                                                       Notes to the Financial Statements
                                                                       1    Segment reporting
           About these Financial Statements                            2    Revenue
                                                                           Exceptional items
           Reporting entity                                            4    Significant events – Samarco dam failure
           BHP Group Limited, an incorporated Australian-listed        5    Expenses and other income
           company, and BHP Group Plc, an incorporated UK-listed       6    Income tax expense
           company, form a Dual Listed Company (DLC). These entities   7    Earnings per share
           and their subsidiaries operate together as a single for-profit   Working capital
           economic entity (referred to as ‘BHP’ or ‘the Group’) with a   8    Trade and other receivables
           common Board of Directors, unified management structure     9    Trade and other payables
           and joint objectives. In effect, the DLC structure provides the   10    Inventories
           same voting rights and dividend entitlements from BHP Group   Resource assets
           Limited and BHP Group Plc irrespective of whether investors   11    Property, plant and equipment
           hold shares in BHP Group Limited or BHP Group Plc.          12    Intangible assets
           Group and related party information is presented in note 32   13    Deferred tax balances
                                                                           Closure and rehabilitation provisions
           ‘Related party transactions’ in section 5.1. This details   Capital Structure
           transactions between the Group’s subsidiaries, associates,    15    Share capital
           joint arrangements and other related parties. The nature of the   16    Other equity
           operations and principal activities of the Group are described   17    Dividends
           in the segment information (refer to note 1 ‘Segment reporting’   18    Provisions for dividends and other liabilities
           in section 5.1).                                            Financial Management
           Presentation of the Consolidated Financial Statements       19    Net debt
           BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc Directors have          20   Leases
                                                                           Net finance costs
           included information in this report they deem to be material   22    Financial risk management
           and relevant to the understanding of the Consolidated
           Financial Statements (the Financial Statements). Disclosure   Employee matters
           may be considered material and relevant if the dollar amount    23    Key management personnel
                                                                           Employee share ownership plans
           is significant due to its size or nature, or the information    25    Employee benefits, restructuring and post-retirement
           is important to understand the:                                 employee benefits provisions
           •  Group’s current year results;                            26    Pension and other post-retirement obligations
           •  impact of significant changes in the Group’s business; or   27    Employees
           •  aspects of the Group’s operations that are important     Group and related party information
                                                                           Discontinued operations
             to future performance.                                    29   Subsidiaries
           These Financial Statements were approved by the Board       30   Investments accounted for using the equity method
           of Directors on 3 September 2020. The Directors have the    31    Interests in joint operations
           authority to amend the Financial Statements after issuance.  32    Related party transactions
                                                                       Unrecognised items and uncertain events
                                                                       33   Contingent liabilities
                                                                       34   Subsequent events
                                                                       Other items
                                                                       35   Auditor’s remuneration
                                                                       36   BHP Group Limited
                                                                       37    Deed of Cross Guarantee
                                                                       38   New and amended accounting standards
                                                                           and interpretations

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