Page 168 - Annual Report 2020
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The information presented by the Directors in this Directors’ Report   4.1 Review of operations, principal
          relates to BHP Group Limited, BHP Group Plc and their respective
          subsidiaries. Section 1 ‘Strategic Report’ (which includes the    activities and state of affairs
          Chair’s Review in section 1.1 and the Chief Executive Officer’s
          Report in section 1.2, and incorporates the operating and financial   A review of the operations of BHP during FY2020, the results
          review), section 2 ‘Governance at BHP’, section 3 ‘Remuneration   of those operations during FY2020 and the expected results of
          Report’, section 5.5 ‘Lead Auditor’s Independence Declaration’    those operations in future financial years are set out in section 1,
          and section 7 ‘Shareholder information’ are each incorporated by   in particular in 1.1 to 1.8, 1.11 and 1.12 and in other material in this
          reference into, and form part of, this Directors’ Report. In addition,   Annual Report. Information on the development of BHP and likely
          for the purposes of UK law, the Strategic Report in section 1 and the   developments in future years also appears in those sections.
          Remuneration Report in section 3 form separate reports and have   We have excluded certain information from the Strategic Report
          been separately approved by the Board for that purpose.  in section 1 (which forms part of this Directors’ Report), to the
                                                             extent permitted by UK and Australian law, on the basis that such
          For the purpose of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Listing   information relates to impending developments or matters in the
          Rule 9.8.4C R, the applicable information required to be disclosed   course of negotiation and disclosure would be seriously prejudicial
          in accordance with FCA Listing Rule 9.8.4 R is set out in the   to the interests of BHP. This is because such disclosure could be
          sections below.                                    misleading due to the fact it is premature or preliminary in nature,
                                                             relates to commercially sensitive contracts, would undermine
          Applicable information required by FCA   Section in this    confidentiality between BHP and our suppliers and clients,
          Listing Rule 9.8.4 R                   Annual Report  or would otherwise unreasonably damage BHP. The categories
          (1) Interest capitalised by the Group  Section 5, note 21  of information omitted include forward looking estimates
          Paragraphs (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13) and (14)    and projections prepared for internal management purposes,
          of Listing Rule 9.8.4 R are not applicable.        information regarding BHP’s assets and projects, which
                                                             is developing and susceptible to change, and information
          The Directors confirm, on the advice of the Risk and Audit   relating to commercial contracts and pricing modules.
          Committee, (RAC), that they consider the Annual Report (including   Our principal activities during FY2020 are disclosed in section 1.
          the Financial Statements), taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and
          understandable, and provides the information necessary for   We are among the world’s top producers of major commodities,
                                                             including iron ore, metallurgical coal and copper. We also have
          shareholders to assess BHP’s position, performance, business
          model and strategy.                                substantial interests in oil, gas and energy coal. No significant
                                                             changes in the nature of BHP’s principal activities occurred
                                                             during FY2020 other than as disclosed in section 1.
                                                             There were no significant changes in BHP’s state of affairs that
                                                             occurred during FY2020 and no significant post balance date
                                                             events other than as disclosed in section 1 and note 34 in section 5.
                                                             No other matter or circumstance has arisen since the end of
                                                             FY2020 that has significantly affected or is expected to significantly
                                                             affect the operations, the results of operations or state of affairs of
                                                             BHP in future years.

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