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3.3.20 Estimated value range of equity awards

           The current face value (and estimate of the maximum possible total value) of equity awards allocated during FY2020 and yet to vest are
           the awards as set out in the previous table multiplied by the current share price of BHP Group Limited or BHP Group Plc as applicable.   Strategic Report
           The minimum possible total value of the awards is nil.
           The actual value that may be received by participants in the future cannot be determined as it is dependent on and therefore fluctuates
           with the share prices of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc at the date that any particular award vests or is exercised. The table below
           provides five-year share price history for BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc, history of dividends paid and the Group’s earnings.
           Five-year share price, dividend and earnings history
                                                            FY2020      FY2019     FY2018      FY2017     FY2016
            BHP Group Limited  Share price at beginning of year  A$41.68  A$33.60  A$23.23    A$19.09    A$26.58
                          Share price at end of year        A$35.82     A$41.16    A$33.91    A$23.28     A$18.65
                          Dividends paid                     A$2.13     A$3.08  (1)  A$1.24    A$0.72     A$1.09    Governance at BHP
            BHP Group Plc  Share price at beginning of year  £20.33     £16.53      £12.15      £9.40     £12.58
                          Share price at end of year         £16.54     £20.15      £17.06      £11.76     £9.43
                          Dividends paid                      £1.13      £1.70  (1)  £0.72      £0.44      £0.51
            BHP           Attributable profit /(loss) (US$M, as reported)  7,956  8,306  3,705  5,890     (6,385)
           (1)  The FY2019 dividends paid includes A$1.41 or £0.80 in respect of the special dividend associated with the divestment of Onshore US.
           The highest share prices during FY2020 were A$42.08 for BHP Group Limited shares and £20.49 for BHP Group Plc shares. The lowest share
           prices during FY2020 were A$25.20 and £9.40, respectively.

           3.3.21 Ordinary share holdings and transactions
           The number of ordinary shares in BHP Group Limited or in BHP Group Plc held directly, indirectly or beneficially, by each individual   Remuneration Report
           (including shares held in the name of all close members of the Director’s or Executive KMP’s family and entities over which either the
           Director or Executive KMP or the family member has, directly or indirectly, control, joint control or significant influence) are shown below.
           No shares are held nominally by any KMP or their related parties. There have been no changes in the interests of any Directors in the period
           to 3 September 2020 (being not less than one month prior to the date of the notice of the 2020 AGMs), except as noted below. These are
           ordinary shares held without performance conditions or restrictions and are included in MSR calculations for each individual.
           The interests of Directors and Executive KMP in the ordinary shares of each of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc as at 30 June 2020
           did not exceed on an individual basis or in the aggregate 1 per cent of BHP Group Limited’s or BHP Group Plc’s issued ordinary shares.  Directors’ Report
                                              BHP Group Limited shares                BHP Group Plc shares
                                    Held at                         Held at   Held at                     Held at
                                     1 July        Received as     30 June   1 July       Received as     30 June
                                      2019 Purchased  remuneration  (1)  Sold  2020  2019 Purchased  remuneration  (1)  Sold  2020
            Executive Director
            Mike Henry              98,062      –     41,080  19,073  120,069  196,262  –    –         –  196,262
            Andrew Mackenzie  (2)    93,051     –     63,486  31,309  125,228  266,205  –    –         –  266,205
            Other Executive KMP
            Peter Beaven            240,262     –     40,819  19,794  261,287  –      –      –         –      –     Financial Statements
            Daniel Malchuk          174,355     –     31,700  11,447  194,608  –      –      –         –      –
            Geraldine Slattery  (3)  49,701     –     36,726  14,907  71,520   –      –      –         –      –
            Non-executive Directors
            Terry Bowen              11,000     –         –      –  11,000     –      –      –         –      –
            Malcolm Broomhead       19,000      –         –      –  19,000     –      –      –         –      –
            Ian Cockerill            5,259   3,500        –      –   8,759  3,500     –      –         –   3,500
            Anita Frew                  –       –         –      –     –   15,000     –      –         –  15,000
            Gary Goldberg  (3) (4)      –   10,000        –      –  10,000     –      –      –         –      –
            Carolyn Hewson  (2)     19,000   5,638        –      –  24,638     –      –      –         –      –     Additional information
            Susan Kilsby                –       –         –      –     –       –   6,900     –         –   6,900
            Ken MacKenzie            52,351     –         –      –  52,351     –      –      –         –      –
            Lindsay Maxsted         18,000      –         –      –  18,000     –      –      –         –      –
            John Mogford                –       –         –      –     –   12,000     –      –         –  12,000
            Shriti Vadera               –       –         –      –     –   25,000     –      –         –  25,000
            Dion Weisler  (4)        1,544      –         –      –   1,544     –      –      –         –      –
           (1)  Includes DEP in the form of shares on equity awards vesting as disclosed in section 3.3.18.
           (2) The closing balances for Andrew Mackenzie and Carolyn Hewson reflect their shareholdings on the date that each ceased being KMP, being 31 December 2019
             and 7 November 2019, respectively.                                                                     Shareholder information
           (3) The following BHP Group Limited shares were held in the form of American Depositary Shares: Geraldine Slattery (868 BHP Group Limited) and Gary Goldberg
             (5,000 BHP Group Limited).
           (4) The opening balances for Gary Goldberg and Dion Weisler reflect their shareholdings on the date that each became KMP being 1 February 2020 and 1 June 2020

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