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3.3.22 Prohibition on hedging of BHP Group         3.3.24 Payments to past Directors
          shares and equity instruments                      and for loss of office

          The CEO and other Executive KMP may not use unvested BHP   UK regulations require the inclusion in the Remuneration Report
          equity awards as collateral or protect the value of any unvested   of certain payments to past Directors and payments made for
          BHP equity awards or the value of shares and securities held    loss of office.
          as part of meeting the MSR.                        The following payments were made to Andrew Mackenzie that relate
          Any securities that have vested and are no longer subject    to the period when he was no longer an Executive Director and CEO
          to restrictions may be subject to hedging arrangements    and which have not been reported in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.18:
          or used as collateral, provided that prior consent is obtained.  •  48 per cent of the 322,765 retained LTIP awards granted in 2015,
                                                              reduced from 339,753 awards originally granted and prorated for
          3.3.23 Share ownership guidelines                   time served at the time of departure, vested on 19 August 2020.
                                                              The value of these awards for Andrew was US$5.317 million,
          and the MSR                                         including a related DEP of US$0.919 million which was paid
                                                              in shares.
          The share ownership guidelines and the MSR help to ensure the
          interests of Directors, executives and shareholders remain aligned.  •  Fixed remuneration comprising base salary, pension contributions
                                                              and applicable benefits valued at US$0.533 million was provided
          The CEO and other Executive KMP are expected to grow their   to Andrew for the period 1 January to 31 March 2020.
          holdings to the MSR from the scheduled vesting of their employee
          awards over time. The MSR is tested at the time that shares are    •  Upon his retirement from BHP, Andrew received his outstanding
          to be sold. Shares may be sold to satisfy tax obligations arising   accrued statutory leave entitlements valued at US$0.500 million.
          from the granting, holding, vesting, exercise or sale of the   The Remuneration Committee has adopted a de minimis threshold
          employee awards or the underlying shares whether the MSR    of US$7,500 for disclosure of payments to past Directors under
          is satisfied at that time or not.                  UK requirements.
          For FY2020:                                        There were no payments made for loss of office in FY2020.
          •  the MSR for the CEO was five times annual pre-tax base salary
           and Mike Henry’s shareholding was 4.1 times his annual pre-tax   3.3.25 Relative importance of spend on pay
           base salary at the end of FY2020. As at the date of this Report,
           Mike met the MSR;                                 The table below sets out the total spend for Continuing operations
          •  the MSR for other Executive KMP was three times annual pre-tax   on employee remuneration during FY2020 (and the prior year)
           base salary. At the end of FY2020, Peter Beaven and Daniel   compared with other significant expenditure items, and includes
           Malchuk met the MSR, while Geraldine Slattery did not as she   items as prescribed in the UK requirements. BHP has included tax
           was appointed as Executive KMP on 18 March 2019.   payments and purchases of property, plant and equipment being
          No Executive KMP sold shares during FY2020, other than to satisfy   the most significant other outgoings in monetary terms.
          taxation obligations.
                                                             US$ million                       FY2020   FY2019
          Effective 1 July 2020, a two-year post-retirement shareholding   Aggregate employee benefits expense  4,120  4,117
          requirement for the CEO applies from the date of retirement,
          which will be the lower of the CEO’s MSR or the CEO’s actual   Dividends paid to BHP shareholders  6,876  11,395
          shareholding at the date of retirement.            Share buy-backs                       –     5,220
          Subject to securities dealing constraints, Non-executive Directors   Income tax paid and royalty-related taxation   5,944  5,940
          have agreed to apply at least 25 per cent of their remuneration   paid (net of refunds)
          (base fees plus Committee fees) to the purchase of BHP shares    Purchases of property, plant and equipment  6,900  6,250
          until they achieve an MSR equivalent in value to one year of
          remuneration (base fees plus Committee fees). Thereafter, they
          must maintain at least that level of shareholding throughout their   3.3.26 Transactions with KMP
          tenure. At the end of FY2020, each Non-executive Director met the
          MSR with the exception of Susan Kilsby and Dion Weisler as they   During the financial year, there were no transactions between the
          only recently joined the Board on 1 April 2019 and 1 June 2020   Group and its subsidiaries and KMP (including their related parties)
          respectively. As at the date of this Report and since their   (2019: US$ nil; 2018: US$ nil). There were no amounts payable by,
          commencement, Susan and Dion each hold shares that satisfy    or loans with, KMP (including their related parties) at 30 June 2020
          their requirement to build shareholdings to the MSR equivalent    (2019: US$ nil).
          of 25 per cent of their annual remuneration.       A number of KMP hold or have held positions in other companies
                                                             (i.e. personally related entities), where it is considered they control
                                                             or significantly influence the financial or operating policies of those
                                                             entities. There have been no transactions with those entities and
                                                             no amounts were owed by the Group to personally related entities
                                                             or any other related parties (2019: US$ nil).
                                                             This Remuneration Report was approved by the Board on
                                                             3 September 2020 and signed on its behalf by:

                                                             Susan Kilsby
                                                             Chair, Remuneration Committee
                                                             3 September 2020

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