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Remuneration governance

          3.3.16 Board oversight and the Remuneration Committee
          Board                                              Governance). These individuals were not present when decisions
          The Board is responsible for ensuring the Group’s remuneration   regarding their own remuneration were considered or taken.
          arrangements are equitable and aligned with the long-term   Engagement of independent remuneration advisers
          interests of BHP and its shareholders. In performing this function,
          it is critical that the Board is independent of management when   The Committee seeks and considers advice from independent
          making decisions affecting remuneration of the CEO, other   remuneration advisers where appropriate. Remuneration consultants
          Executive KMP and the Group’s employees.           are engaged by, and report directly to, the Committee. Potential
                                                             conflicts of interest are taken into account when remuneration
          The Board has therefore established a Remuneration Committee    consultants are selected and their terms of engagement regulate
          to assist it in making such decisions. The Committee is comprised   their level of access to, and require their independence from,
          solely of Non-executive Directors, all of whom are independent.    BHP’s management.
          To ensure that it is fully informed, the Committee regularly invites
          members of management to attend meetings to provide reports   PricewaterhouseCoopers was appointed by the Committee
          and updates however, members of management are not present   in March 2016 to act as an independent remuneration adviser.
          when decisions are considered or taken concerning their own   The PricewaterhouseCoopers team that advises the Remuneration
          remuneration. The Committee can draw on services from a range   Committee does not provide any other services to the Group.
          of external sources, including remuneration advisers.  Other PricewaterhouseCoopers teams provide services to the
          Remuneration Committee                             Group in the areas of forensic and general technology, internal
                                                             audit and international assignment solutions. Processes and
          The activities of the Remuneration Committee are governed by   arrangements are in place to protect independence (for example,
          Terms of Reference (updated version approved by the Board in   ring-fencing of teams) and to manage any conflicts of interest that
          August 2019), which are available at The current   may arise.
          members of the Remuneration Committee are: Susan Kilsby
          (Remuneration Committee Chair), Anita Frew, Gary Goldberg,    PricewaterhouseCoopers is currently the only remuneration adviser
          Shriti Vadera, and Dion Weisler. The role and focus of the   appointed by the Committee. In that capacity, they may provide
          Committee and details of meeting attendances can be found    remuneration recommendations in relation to KMP; however they
          in section 2.12. Other Directors and employees who regularly   did not do so in FY2020.
          attended meetings were: Ken MacKenzie (Chair), Carolyn Hewson   Total fees paid to the PricewaterhouseCoopers team advising the
          (Remuneration Committee Chair to 7 November 2019),    Committee on remuneration-related matters for FY2020 were
          Andrew Mackenzie (CEO to 31 December 2019), Mike Henry    £177,100. These fees are based on an agreed fee for regular items
          (CEO from 1 January 2020), Athalie Williams (Chief People Officer),   with additional work charged at agreed rates. Total fees paid to
          Andrew Fitzgerald (Vice President Reward), Caroline Cox (Group   PricewaterhouseCoopers for other services rendered to the Group
          Company Secretary), and Geof Stapledon (Vice President   for FY2020 were approximately US$28 million.

          3.3.17 Statement of voting at the 2019 AGMs
          BHP’s remuneration resolutions have attracted a high level of support by shareholders. Voting in regard to those resolutions put to
          shareholders at the 2019 AGMs is shown below.

          AGM resolution                                           Requirement  % vote ‘for’  % vote ‘against’  Votes withheld  (1)
          Remuneration Report (remuneration policy)                      UK        93.5        6.5    23,166,578
          Remuneration Report (excluding remuneration policy)            UK         97.3        2.7    21,012,150
          Remuneration Report (whole report)                         Australia     96.7        3.3     11,217,511
          Approval of grant to Executive Director                    Australia      97.5        2.5   10,460,699
          (1)  The sum of votes marked ‘Vote withheld’ at BHP Group Plc’s 2019 AGM and votes marked ‘Abstain’ at BHP Group Limited’s 2019 AGM.

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