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3.3.6 CEO remuneration and returns to shareholders

           10-year CEO remuneration
           The table below shows the single total figure of remuneration for Mike Henry, Andrew Mackenzie and Marius Kloppers over the last    Strategic Report
           10 years along with the proportion of maximum opportunity earned for each type of incentive.
                                                                      Single total figure of   STIP/CDP     LTIP
            Executive Director  Financial year                     remuneration, US$(‘000)  (% of maximum)  (% of maximum)
            Mike Henry         FY2020  (1)                                    6,069            64            48
            Andrew Mackenzie   FY2020  (1)                                    2,424            64            48
                               FY2019                                          3,531           32            0
                               FY2018                                          4,657           60            0
                               FY2017                                          4,554           57            0
                               FY2016                                          2,241           0             0      Governance at BHP
                               FY2015                                          4,582           57            0
                               FY2014                                          7,988           77            58
                               FY2013  (2)                                     9,740           47            65
            Marius Kloppers    FY2013  (2)                                     5,624           47            65
                               FY2012                                         16,092           0            100
                               FY2011                                         15,755           69           100    3
           (1)  As Mike Henry assumed the role of CEO and Executive Director in January 2020, the FY2020 single total figure of remuneration shown includes remuneration relevant
             to that role for the period 1 January to 30 June 2020. The FY2020 single total figure of remuneration for Andrew Mackenzie includes remuneration relevant to his role
             as CEO and Executive Director for the period 1 July to 31 December 2019. The value of Mike’s vested 2015 LTIP award is included in full, while Andrew’s vested 2015 LTIP
             award is reported in full in section 3.3.24.
           (2) As Andrew Mackenzie assumed the role of CEO and Executive Director in May 2013, the FY2013 single total figure of remuneration shown includes remuneration
             relevant to that role for the period 10 May to 30 June 2013. The FY2013 single total figure of remuneration for Marius Kloppers includes remuneration relevant to his
             role as CEO and Executive Director for the period 1 July 2012 to 10 May 2013. The value of Andrew’s vested 2008 LTIP award of US$8.480 million (inclusive of vested   Remuneration Report
             sign-on awards provided when Andrew joined BHP) is included in full, while Marius’ vested 2008 LTIP award (with a value of US$12.051 million and which vested after
             Marius stepped down from his role as CEO and Executive Director) was reported in section 4.4.28 of the 2014 Annual Report.
           10-year TSR
           The graph below shows BHP’s TSR against the performance of relevant indices over the same 10-year period. The indices shown in the
           graph were chosen as being broad market indices, which include companies of a comparable size and complexity to BHP.  Directors’ Report

           Value of US$100 invested over the 10-year period to 30 June 2020 (with dividends reinvested)

           Value of investment (US$)
           $200                                                                                    BHP Group Plc

           $175                                                                                    BHP Group Limited

                                                                                                   FTSE 100
                                                                                                   ASX 100          Financial Statements



                 2010    2011   2012   2013   2014   2015    2016   2017   2018   2019   2020
                                               Years ended 30 June                                                  Additional information

                                                                                                                    Shareholder information

                                                                                               BHP Annual Report 2020  155
   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162