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3.3.2 FY2020 CDP performance outcomes

           The Board and Remuneration Committee assessed both CEOs’ CDP outcomes (for the period they were, respectively, in the CEO role)
           in light of the Group’s performance in FY2020, taking into account each CEO’s performance against the KPIs in their CDP scorecards.    Strategic Report
           Despite strong operational and financial performance in FY2020, when assessing performance against the targets set at the
           commencement the year the Board and Committee determined that the CDP outcome for Mike Henry for FY2020 is 96 per cent against
           the target of 100 per cent (which represents an outcome of 64 per cent against maximum) and that the CDP outcome for Andrew
           Mackenzie for FY2020 is also 96 per cent against the target of 100 per cent (which also represents an outcome of 64 per cent against
           maximum). The Board and Committee believe these outcomes are appropriately aligned with the shareholder experience and the interests
           of the Group’s other stakeholders.
           The CEOs’ CDP scorecard outcomes for FY2020 are summarised in the following tables, including a narrative description of each performance
           measure and the CEOs’ level of achievement, as determined by the Remuneration Committee and approved by the Board. The level of
           performance for each measure is determined based on a range of thresholds (the minimum necessary to qualify for any reward outcome),
           target (where the performance requirements are met), and maximum (where the performance requirements are significantly exceeded).
                                                                                             Percentage outcome     Governance at BHP
                                          Weighting for
            Performance measure              FY2020   Threshold    Target    Maximum      Mike Henry  Andrew Mackenzie
            HSEC                                25%                                           32%           32%
            Financial                          50%                                            39%          39%
            Individual Measures                 25%                                           25%           25%
            Total                              100%                                           96%          96%
             Scorecard outcomes applicable to both Mike and Andrew for their time as CEO.
             Scorecard outcome applicable to Mike for his time as CEO.
             Scorecard outcomes applicable to Andrew for his time as CEO.
           HSEC                                                                                                     Remuneration Report
           The HSEC targets for the CEOs are aligned to the Group’s suite of HSEC five-year public targets as set out in section 1.7. As it has done
           for several years, the Remuneration Committee seeks guidance each year from the Sustainability Committee when assessing HSEC
           performance against scorecard targets. The Remuneration Committee has taken a holistic view of Group performance in critical areas,
           including any matters outside the scorecard targets which the Sustainability Committee considers relevant.
           The performance commentary below is provided against the scorecard targets, which were set on the basis of operated assets only.
            HSEC                                                                                     Measure        Directors’ Report
            measures   Scorecard targets           Performance against scorecard targets             outcome
            Fatalities  Nil fatalities at operated assets.  The weighting of fatalities is 10 percentage points of the 25 percentage   Maximum.
                                                   points allocated to the HSEC category, and represents the greatest
                                                   weighting of all HSEC items. Our imperative as a Group is to continue
                                                   to build our focus on fatality prevention and safety through leadership,
                                                   verification and effective risk management. Historically, this fatality measure
                                                   has had a zero outcome in years where a fatality occurred.
                                                   There were no fatalities during FY2020 at operated assets, and accordingly
                                                   the maximum outcome against this measure has been awarded.
            Environmental   Nil significant environmental and   There were no significant environmental and community incidents during   Target.
            and        community incidents at operated assets.  FY2020 at operated assets. This element carries a lesser weighting than for
            community                              fatalities, as there have historically not been as many significant incidents.
            incidents                                                                                               Financial Statements
            HPIF, TRIF    Improved performance compared    HPIF is a critical lead indicator which provides insight into our performance   Between
            and OIF    with FY2019 results.        on preventing future fatalities. It decreased year-on-year by 23% during   target and
                                                   FY2020. TRIF performance in FY2020 of 4.2 is also lower by 11% than the 4.7   maximum,
                                                   recorded in FY2019. In addition, OIF performance in FY2020 of 2.46 is lower   closer to
                                                   by 7% than the 2.64 recorded last year.           maximum.
            Risk       Operated assets to have controls    All operated assets substantially increased levels of coaching of Field   Above target.
            management  for fatal risks verified as part of Field   Leadership, thereby improving the quality of leader engagement, which
                       Leadership activities with fatal risk    exceeded target. The reduction in the rates of identified critical control
                       control improvement plans developed    failures was ahead of target. The implementation of critical control
                       and executed and increased levels    observation schedules covering all critical controls and improved discipline
                       of in-field coaching. Achieve 90%   in closing actions created when critical controls have failed were in line
                       compliance for critical control verification   with targets set.
                       and execution tasks.                                                                         Additional information
            Health,    All operated assets to achieve 100% of   Targeted asset level improvements were exceeded for mental health activities   Target overall
            environmental   planned targets in respect of occupational   and social value and community plans and activities (which have all been   (i.e. a blend of
            and        exposure reduction, mental health, water,   especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic), and targets were    above, on and
            community   GHGs, social value plans, quality of life,   met in respect of GHG reduction. However, we fell short on occupational   below target).
            and social   community perceptions and community   exposure reduction targets and, despite meeting our water withdrawal
            value      complaints.                 reduction target, didn’t complete certain asset level actions regarding our
            initiatives                            water stewardship.
           The outcome against the HSEC KPI for FY2020 was 32 per cent against the target of 25 per cent. As a Group-level outcome, this applied
           to both Mike and Andrew for their time as CEO.
           Financial                                                                                                Shareholder information
           ROCE is underlying profit after taxation (excluding after-taxation finance costs and exceptional items) divided by average capital employed.
           ROCE is the key financial KPI against which CDP outcomes for our senior executives are measured and is, in our view, a relevant measure
           to assess the financial performance of the Group for this purpose. While ROCE excludes exceptional items, the Remuneration Committee
           reviews each exceptional item to assess if it should be included in the result for the purposes of deriving the ROCE CDP outcome.
           When we are assessing management’s performance, we make adjustments to the ROCE result to allow for changes in commodity prices,
           foreign exchange movements and other material items to ensure the assessment appropriately measures outcomes that are within the
           control and influence of the Group and its executives. Of these, changes in commodity prices have historically been the most material
           due to volatility in prices and the impact on Group revenue and ROCE.

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