Page 154 - Annual Report 2020
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Financial                                                                                Measure
          measure    Scorecard targets             Performance against scorecard targets           outcome
          ROCE       For FY2020, the target for ROCE was 19.9%,   ROCE of 16.9 % was reported by BHP for FY2020. Adjusted for the factors   Below target.
                     with a threshold of 16.3% and a maximum    outlined below, ROCE is 18.2%, which is below target. The following
                     of 21.1%.                     adjustments were made to ensure the outcomes appropriately reflect
                     The target ROCE is derived from the Group’s   the performance of management for the year:
                     approved annual budget. It is the Group’s   •  The impacts of movements in commodities prices and exchange rates
                     practice to build a material element of   increased ROCE by 1.2%.
                     stretch performance into the budget.   •  Adjustments for other material items ordinarily made to ensure the
                     Achievement of this stretching ROCE target   outcomes reflect the performance of management for the year
                     will result in a target CDP outcome. The   increased ROCE by 0.3%, mainly due to the exclusion of the impacts
                     threshold and maximum are a fair range of   of unusually severe weather events during FY2020.
                     ROCE outcomes that represent a lower limit   •  Having reviewed the FY2020 exceptional items (as described in note 3
                     of underperformance below which no CDP   ‘Exceptional items’ in section 5), the Committee determined they should
                     award should be made, and an upper limit    not be considered for the purposes of determining the ROCE CDP
                     of outperformance that would represent the   outcome, with the exception of the exceptional item in relation to the
                     maximum CDP award.             costs of the COVID-19 pandemic on BHP’s FY2020 results. The Committee
                     Because a material element of stretch   concluded that, while this was outside the control of management,
                     performance is built into the budget    the direct costs and volume impacts of COVID-19 should flow through
                     (and hence the ROCE target derived from    to the ROCE outcomes for CDP scorecard purposes. The Committee
                     the budget), together with physical and   considered this was appropriate in light of the global impacts of the
                     regulatory asset constraints, the   COVID-19 pandemic. This adjustment reduced ROCE by 0.2%. Beyond
                     performance range around target is subject   this, the Committee concluded that no further action was required
                     to a greater level of downside risk than there   in respect of exceptional items.
                     is upside opportunity. Accordingly, the range   The key drivers of the ROCE performance being below target at 18.2% were:
                     between threshold and target is greater than
                     that between target and maximum. For   •  In Minerals Australia, despite record volumes at Western Australia Iron
                     maximum, the Committee takes care not    Ore, Caval Ridge and Poitrel and record coal mined at Broadmeadow,
                     to create leveraged incentives that   production was lower than expected at Western Australia Iron Ore, Coal
                     encourage executives to push for    and Olympic Dam due mainly to reliability issues and shutdown timing,
                     short-term performance that goes beyond   together with higher maintenance and contractor costs.
                     our risk appetite and current operational   •  In Minerals Americas, lower production than expected at Escondida
                     capacity. The Committee retains, and has    (despite mill throughput being at record levels) and Pampa Norte due
                     a track record of applying, downward   to unplanned maintenance, equipment failures and lower recoveries,
                     discretion to ensure that the CDP outcome    partly offset by better than expected cost performance.
                     is appropriately aligned with the overall   •  In Petroleum, lower market demand for petroleum products resulted
                     performance of the Group for the year, and   in lower than expected production volumes at Trinidad and Bass Strait,
                     is fair to management and shareholders.   particularly in the last quarter of FY2020, together with extended
                                                    maintenance in Australia impacting volumes, partly offset by better
                                                    than expected cost performance.
          The outcome against the ROCE KPI for FY2020 was 39 per cent against the target of 50 per cent. As a Group-level outcome, this outcome
          applied to Mike and Andrew for their time as CEO.
          Individual performance measures for the CEOs
          Individual measures for the CEOs are determined at the commencement of the financial year (or at the time of appointment for a new
          CEO). The application of personal measures remains an important element of effective performance management. These measures seek
          to provide a balance between the financial and non-financial performance requirements that maintain our position as a leader in our
          industry. The CEOs’ individual measures for FY2020 included contribution to BHP’s overall performance and the management team,
          and also the delivery of projects and initiatives within the scope of the CEO role as specified by the Board, as set out in the tables below.
          Mike Henry
          Individual                                                                                Measure
          measures   Individual scorecard targets  Performance against scorecard targets            outcome
          Safety and   •  Future plan for reduction in near misses.  •  Near misses reduced significantly in FY2020 from FY2019; analysis   Target.
          sustainability  •  Risk management embedded.  completed and future action plans completed to achieve further
                     •  Climate change next steps.  significant reductions.
                                                   •  Material risks recorded appropriately, and agreed risk appetites being
                                                    embedded in the business.
                                                   •  Next stage of climate change plans delivered.
          Performance  •  Team restructuring.      •  New ELT members appointed, Technology and Transformation   Target.
                     •  BHP Operating System implementation.  restructured, World Class Functions benefits accelerated, Operations
                     •  Gender representation advanced.  Committee established.
                                                   •  BHP Operating System deployment proceeding according to plan, with
                                                    volume and safety benefits delivered, as well as supporting compliance
                                                    with COVID-19 protocols.
                                                   •  Positive improvements in gender representation in the second half, after
                                                    a slow start to FY2020. By 30 June 2020 gender diversity had increased
                                                    2.0 percentage points to 26.5%, up from 24.5% at 30 June 2019, for a
                                                    cumulative increase of 8.9 percentage points from 17.6% at 30 June 2016.
          Portfolio  •  Portfolio value improvement.  •  Significant progress achieved on portfolio enhancement activities    Target overall
                     •  Strategy review improvement.  in spite of the challenges faced during the year with COVID-19, social   (i.e. a blend of
                     •  Samarco strategy implemented.  unrest in Chile and unprecedented market volatility in oil and gas,   above, on and
                                                    including progressing agreed capital and operational options    below target).
                                                    and projects at Petroleum, Escondida, Western Australia Iron Ore,
                                                    Queensland Coal and Olympic Dam.
                                                   •  Developed an improved review process for our portfolio and strategy
                                                    around existing portfolio and growth options, and successfully conducted
                                                    a large portion of the process, including significant Board engagement.
                                                    The process is ongoing and will complete during 2020.
                                                   •  While the agreed Samarco strategy has been executed consistent
                                                    with the principles to achieve fair and reasonable compensation and
                                                    remediation, there have been some delays due to COVID-19 and further
                                                    work and focus is required in FY2021. Insurance recoveries have been
                                                    progressed, class actions are being actively managed and the first
                                                    phase of dam decommissioning has been approved.
          Tailings dams  •  Tailings Dam Taskforce work.  •  Delivered the work of the Tailings Dam Taskforce in accordance with   Target.
                     •  Long-term strategy development.  agreed plans, schedules and targets, together with accelerating dam
                                                    remediation activities across the Group.
                                                   •  Developed a long-term tailings management strategy to deliver step
                                                    change risk reduction within 10 years.

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