Page 161 - Annual Report 2020
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Remuneration for Non-executive Directors

           The remuneration outcomes described below have been provided in accordance with the remuneration policy approved by shareholders
           at the 2019 AGMs. The maximum aggregate fees payable to Non-executive Directors (including the Chair) were approved by   Strategic Report
           shareholders at the 2008 AGMs at US$3.800 million per annum. This sum includes base fees, Committee fees and pension contributions.
           Travel allowances and non-monetary benefits are not included in this limit.
           3.3.14 Single total figure of remuneration
           This section shows a single total figure of remuneration as prescribed under UK requirements. It is a measure of actual remuneration.
           Fees include the annual base fee, plus additional fees as applicable for the Senior Independent Director, Committee Chair and
           Committee memberships. Non-executive Directors do not have any performance-based at-risk remuneration or receive any equity awards
           as part of their remuneration, therefore the totals shown below are total remuneration and total fixed fees. This table also meets the
           requirements of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 and relevant accounting standards.

            US$(‘000)                                  Financial year     Fees     Benefits  (1)  Pensions  (2)  Total  Governance at BHP
            Terry Bowen                                FY2020             187         40          10        237
                                                       FY2019             183         30          10        223
            Malcolm Broomhead                          FY2020             201         19          11        231
                                                       FY2019             212         40          11        263
            Ian Cockerill  (3)                         FY2020             220         90          –         310    3
                                                       FY2019              55         30          –          85
            Anita Frew                                 FY2020             220         47          –         267
                                                       FY2019             220         48          –         268
            Gary Goldberg  (4)                         FY2020              90         15          –         105
            Carolyn Hewson  (5)                        FY2020              75         18          4          97     Remuneration Report
                                                       FY2019             212         32          11        255
            Susan Kilsby  (3)                          FY2020             205         83          –         288
                                                       FY2019              47         22          –          69
            Ken MacKenzie                              FY2020             866         40          14        920
                                                       FY2019             865         32          15        912
            Lindsay Maxsted                            FY2020             205         18          11        234     Directors’ Report
                                                       FY2019             209         32          11        252
            John Mogford                               FY2020             199         69          –         268
                                                       FY2019             187         61          –         248
            Wayne Murdy  (6)                           FY2019              75         35          –         110
            Shriti Vadera                              FY2020             253         48          –         301
                                                       FY2019             253         48          –         301
            Dion Weisler  (4)                          FY2020              15          –          1          16
           (1)  The majority of the amounts disclosed for benefits are travel allowances for each Non-executive Director: amounts of between US$ nil and US$90,000. In addition,
             amounts of between US$ nil and US$3,500 are included in respect of tax return preparation; and amounts of between US$ nil and US$1,500 are included in respect   Financial Statements
             of the reimbursement of the tax cost associated with the provision of taxable benefits.
           (2) BHP Group Limited made minimum superannuation contributions of up to 9.5 per cent of fees for FY2020 in accordance with Australian superannuation legislation.
             No other pension contributions are paid.
           (3) The FY2019 remuneration for Ian Cockerill and Susan Kilsby relates to part of the year only, as they both joined the Board on 1 April 2019.
           (4) The FY2020 remuneration for Gary Goldberg and Dion Weisler relates to part of the year only, as they joined the Board on 1 February 2020 and 1 June 2020 respectively.
           (5) The FY2020 remuneration for Carolyn Hewson relates to part of the year only, as she retired from the Board on 7 November 2019.
           (6) The FY2019 remuneration for Wayne Murdy relates to part of the year only, as he retired from the Board on 2 November 2018.
           3.3.15 Non-executive Directors’ remuneration in FY2021

           In FY2021, the remuneration for the Non-executive Directors will    Levels of fees and travel allowances    From 1 July
           be paid in accordance with the remuneration policy approved    for Non-executive Directors (in US$)  2020  Additional information
           by shareholders at the 2019 AGMs (which is unchanged from the
           remuneration policy for Non-executive Directors approved by   Base annual fee                 160,000
           shareholders at the 2017 AGMs). Fee levels for the Non-executive   Plus additional fees for:
           Directors and the Chair are reviewed annually. The review includes   Senior Independent Director    48,000
           benchmarking against peer companies, with the assistance    of BHP Group Plc
           of external advisers.                               Committee Chair:
           From 1 July 2017, the Chair’s annual fee was reduced by   Risk and Audit                       60,000
           approximately 8 per cent from US$0.960 million to   Remuneration                               45,000
           US$0.880 million and will remain at that level for FY2021. This    Sustainability        No additional fee
                                                               Nomination and Governance
           fee reduction was in addition to the reduction of approximately
           13 per cent from US$1.100 million to US$0.960 million effective    Committee membership:                 Shareholder information
           1 July 2015. Base fee levels for Non-executive Directors will remain   Risk and Audit          32,500
           at the reduced levels that took effect from 1 July 2015, at which   Remuneration               27,500
           time they were reduced by approximately 6 per cent from   Nomination and Governance            18,000
           US$0.170 million to US$0.160 million per annum.     Travel allowance:  (1)
           The below table sets out the annualised fee levels for FY2021.  Greater than 3 but less than 10 hours  7,000
                                                               10 hours or more                           15,000
                                                               Chair’s fee                               880,000
                                                               (1)  In relation to travel for Board business, the time thresholds relate to the flight
                                                                time to travel to the meeting location (i.e. one way flight time). Only one travel
                                                                allowance is paid per round trip.
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