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LTIP                                               Equity awards provided for pre-KMP service
          LTIP awards granted to other Executive KMP for FY2021    Other Executive KMP who were promoted from executive roles
          will be calculated in accordance with the remuneration policy   within BHP may hold GSTIP and MAP awards that were granted
          approved by shareholders in 2019. Awards for other Executive    to them in respect of their service in non-KMP roles.
          KMP will have a maximum face value of 175 per cent of base    Shareplus
          salary, which is a fair value of 72 per cent of base salary under
          the current plan design (with a fair value of 41 per cent,    Other Executive KMP are eligible to participate in Shareplus. For
          taking into account the performance condition:     administrative simplicity, Executive KMP, including the CEO, do not
          175 per cent x 41 per cent = 72 per cent).         currently participate in Shareplus. No Executive KMP, including the
                                                             CEO, had any holdings under the Shareplus program during FY2020.
          3.3.11 Remuneration mix
          A significant portion of other Executive KMP remuneration is at-risk, in order to provide strong alignment between remuneration outcomes
          and the interests of BHP shareholders.
          The diagram below sets out the relative mix of each remuneration component for the other Executive KMP for FY2020. Each component
          is determined as a percentage of base salary (at the minimum, target and maximum levels of performance-based remuneration).

         Remuneration mix for other Executive KMP

                Minimum                           74%                                  19%       7%

                  Target     22%         6%  2%     18%                  36%                  16%

                Maximum   15%     4%  1%    18%                  36%                     26%
                     0%      10%    20%     30%     40%     50%     60%     70%     80%     90%     100%
                                                     % share of total remuneration
                       Base salary  (1)  Retirement benefits  (2)   Other benefits  (3)
                       CDP (cash)  (4)  CDP   (deferred shares)  (4)  LTIP  (5)

          (1)  Base salary earned by each Executive KMP is set out in section 3.3.18.
          (2) Retirement benefits are 25 per cent of base salary. From FY2021 contribution rates will reduce in accordance with the remuneration policy approved by shareholders at
           the 2019 AGMs (progressive reduction to 10 per cent of base salary as follows: 20 per cent of base salary from 1 July 2020; 15 per cent of base salary from 1 July 2021; and
           10 per cent of base salary from 1 July 2022 onwards. For a new Executive KMP appointment, the pension contribution rate will be 10 per cent of base salary immediately).
          (3) Other benefits is based on a notional 10 per cent of base salary.
          (4) As for the CEO, the minimum CDP award is zero, with a cash award of 80 per cent of base salary plus two awards of deferred shares each of equivalent value to the cash
           award, vesting in two and five years respectively, for target performance on all measures, and a maximum cash award of 120 per cent base salary plus two awards
           of deferred shares each of equivalent value to the cash award, vesting in two and five years respectively.
          (5) Other Executive KMP have a maximum LTIP award with a face value of 175 per cent of base salary.
          3.3.12 Employment contracts                        Andrew would receive a prorated FY2020 CDP award for his time as
                                                             CEO, covering both the cash and two-year deferred equity portion,
          The terms of employment for other Executive KMP are formalised    based on his performance, and paid in the form of cash. No deferral
          in employment contracts, which have no fixed term. They typically   period will apply in respect of this cash CDP award.
          outline the components of remuneration paid to the individual, but   No payment or award was or will be made in respect of the CDP
          do not prescribe how remuneration levels are to be modified from   five-year deferred share component for FY2020.
          year to year. Other Executive KMP’s employment contracts may be   All unvested FY2018 and FY2019 STIP awards allocated to Andrew
          terminated by BHP on up to 12 months’ notice or can be terminated   remained on foot on termination. FY2018 STIP vested in August
          immediately by BHP making a payment of up to 12 months’ base salary   2020, and FY2019 STIP will vest in August 2021. Andrew’s unvested
          plus pension contributions for the relevant period. Other Executive   LTIP awards were prorated to reflect the percentage of service
          KMP must give up to 12 months’ notice for voluntary resignation.
                                                             during the relevant performance period to 31 March 2020. The
          3.3.13 Arrangements for KMP leaving the Group      outcomes in respect of Andrew’s 2015 LTIP award are set out in
                                                             section 3.3.24. The vesting of the remaining retained prorated LTIP
                                                             awards will be determined by the Committee at the relevant time
          The arrangements for Executive KMP leaving the Group are within   in future years and will only vest if the performance conditions are
          the approval provided by shareholders at the 2017 AGMs in regard   met at the end of each five-year performance period, subject to
          to Australian termination benefits legislation, including the provision   the Committee’s ability to reduce vesting through its overarching
          of performance-based remuneration in accordance with the rules   discretion under the plan rules.
          of the relevant incentive plans.
          Andrew Mackenzie stepped down from his role as CEO and
          Executive Director on 31 December 2019, and retired from BHP on
          31 March 2020. Andrew received base salary, pension contributions,
          statutory leave entitlements and applicable benefits up to the date
          of his retirement from BHP. Andrew will receive in the future the
          value of pension funds that he has accumulated during his service
          with the Group and certain employment-related taxation return
          preparation services. When determining the Executive KMP CDP
          awards for FY2020, the Remuneration Committee resolved that

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