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4.5 Remuneration and share interests               4.5.3 Key Management Personnel

                                                             Section 3.3.21 sets out the relevant interests in shares in BHP Group
          4.5.1 Remuneration                                 Limited and BHP Group Plc held directly, indirectly or beneficially at
                                                             the beginning and end of FY2020 by those senior executives who
          The policy for determining the nature and amount of emoluments   were Executive KMP (other than the Executive Director) during
          of the Executive Key Management Personnel (KMP) (including    FY2020. Where applicable, the information includes shares held in
          the Executive Director) and the Non-executive Directors, and   the name of a spouse, superannuation fund, nominee and/or other
          information about the relationship between that policy and BHP’s   controlled entities. Interests held by members of the Executive KMP
          performance are set out in sections 3.2 and 3.3.   under employee equity plans as at 30 June 2020 are set out in the
          The remuneration tables contained in section 3.3 set out    tables contained in section 3.3.19.
          the remuneration of members of the Executive KMP (including    The table below sets out the relevant interests in shares in BHP
          the Executive Director) and the Non-executive Directors.  Group Limited and BHP Group Plc held directly, indirectly or
                                                             beneficially, as at the date of this Directors’ Report by those senior
          4.5.2 Directors                                    executives who were Executive KMP (other than the Executive
                                                             Director) on that date. Where applicable, the information also
          Section 3.3.21 sets out the relevant interests in shares in BHP Group   includes shares held in the name of a spouse, superannuation fund,
          Limited and BHP Group Plc of the Directors who held office during   nominee and/or other controlled entities.
          FY2020, at the beginning and end of FY2020. No rights or options
                                                                                                     As at date of
          over shares in BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc are held by   Executive KMP member  BHP Group entity  Directors’ Report
          any of the Non-executive Directors. Interests held by the Executive
          Director under employee equity plans as at 30 June 2020 are set   Edgar Basto  BHP Group Limited  134,863
          out in the tables showing interests in incentive plans contained in   BHP Group Plc               –
          section 3.3.19. Except for Mike Henry, as at the date of this   Peter Beaven  BHP Group Limited  332,107
          Directors’ Report, the information pertaining to shares in BHP       BHP Group Plc                –
          Group Limited and BHP Group Plc held directly, indirectly or   Daniel Malchuk  BHP Group Limited  276,986
          beneficially by Directors is the same as set out in the table in     BHP Group Plc                –
          section 3.3.21. Where applicable, the information includes shares
          held in the name of a spouse, superannuation fund, nominee and/  Geraldine Slattery  BHP Group Limited  97,325
          or other controlled entities.                                        BHP Group Plc                –
          Non-executive Directors have agreed to apply at least 25 per
          cent of their remuneration (base fees plus committee fees) to    4.6 Secretaries
          the purchase of shares in BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc
          until they achieve a shareholding equivalent in value to one year’s   Caroline Cox is the Group General Counsel and Company
          remuneration (base fees plus committee fees). Thereafter,   Secretary. Details of her qualifications and experience are set out
          Non-executive Directors must maintain at least that level of   in section 2.2. The following people also acted during FY2020,
          shareholding throughout their tenure. All dealings by Directors    as Company Secretaries of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc:
          are subject to mandatory minimum performance requirements for   Rachel Agnew, BComm (Economics), LLB (Hons), GAICD, until 1
          securities dealing and are reported to the Board and to the stock   September 2020 and Geof Stapledon, BEc, LLB (Hons), DPhil, FCIS.
          exchanges. Information on our policy governing the use of hedging   Each individual has experience in a company secretariat role or
          arrangements over shares in BHP by Directors and other members   other relevant fields arising from time spent in roles within BHP,
          of the KMP is set out in section 3.3.22.           other large listed companies or other relevant entities.
          As at the date of this Directors’ Report, Mike Henry held:
          •  (either directly, indirectly or beneficially) 196,262 shares in    4.7 Indemnities and insurance
           BHP Group Plc and 198,979 shares in BHP Group Limited
          •  rights and options over nil shares in BHP Group Plc and    Rule 146 of the BHP Group Limited Constitution and Article 146
           753,844 shares in BHP Group Limited               of the BHP Group Plc Articles of Association require each Company
          We have not made available to any Director any interest    to indemnify, to the extent permitted by law, each Officer of BHP
                                                             Group Limited and BHP Group Plc, respectively, against liability
          in a registered scheme.                            incurred in, or arising out of, the conduct of the business of BHP
                                                             or the discharge of the duties of the Officer. The Directors named
                                                             in section 2.2, the Company Secretaries and other Officers
                                                             of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc have the benefit
                                                             of this requirement, as do individuals who formerly held one
                                                             of those positions.
                                                             In accordance with this requirement, BHP Group Limited and
                                                             BHP Group Plc have entered into Deeds of Indemnity, Access
                                                             and Insurance (Deeds of Indemnity) with each of their respective
                                                             Directors. The Deeds of Indemnity are qualifying third party
                                                             indemnity provisions for the purposes of the UK Companies Act
                                                             2006 and each of these qualifying third party indemnities was in
                                                             force as at the date of this Directors’ Report.
                                                             We have a policy that BHP will, as a general rule, support and hold
                                                             harmless an employee, including an employee appointed as a
                                                             Director of a subsidiary who, while acting in good faith, incurs
                                                             personal liability to others as a result of working for BHP.

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