Page 175 - Annual Report 2020
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5.1.3 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2020

                                                                                                2020        2019
                                                                                    Notes      US$M        US$M     Strategic Report
            Current assets
            Cash and cash equivalents                                                 19       13,426     15,613
            Trade and other receivables                                                8       3,364       3,462
            Other financial assets                                                    22         84          87
            Inventories                                                               10        4,101      3,840
            Current tax assets                                                                  366         124
            Other                                                                                130        247
            Total current assets                                                               21,471     23,373
            Non-current assets
            Trade and other receivables                                                8         267        313     Governance at BHP
            Other financial assets                                                    22       2,522       1,303
            Inventories                                                               10        1,221       768
            Property, plant and equipment                                              11     72,362      68,041
            Intangible assets                                                         12        624         675
            Investments accounted for using the equity method                         30       2,585       2,569
            Deferred tax assets                                                       13       3,688       3,764
            Other                                                                                43          55
            Total non-current assets                                                           83,312     77,488
            Total assets                                                                      104,783    100,861
            LIABILITIES                                                                                             Remuneration Report
            Current liabilities
            Trade and other payables                                                   9       5,767       6,717
            Interest bearing liabilities                                              19       5,012       1,661
            Other financial liabilities                                               22         225        127
            Current tax payable                                                                  913       1,546
            Provisions                                                          4, 14, 18, 25  2,810       2,175
            Deferred income                                                                      97         113
            Total current liabilities                                                          14,824     12,339
            Non-current liabilities
            Trade and other payables                                                   9          1           5     Directors’ Report
            Interest bearing liabilities                                              19      22,036      23,167
            Other financial liabilities                                               22        1,414       896
            Non-current tax payable                                                              109        187
            Deferred tax liabilities                                                  13       2,758       3,234
            Provisions                                                          4, 14, 18, 25  11,185      8,928
            Deferred income                                                                      210        281
            Total non-current liabilities                                                      37,713     36,698
            Total liabilities                                                                 52,537      49,037    5
            Net assets                                                                        52,246      51,824
            Share capital – BHP Group Limited                                                   1,111       1,111
            Share capital – BHP Group Plc                                                       1,057      1,057    Financial Statements
            Treasury shares                                                                       (5)       (32)
            Reserves                                                                  16       2,306       2,285
            Retained earnings                                                                 43,467      42,819
            Total equity attributable to BHP shareholders                                     47,936      47,240
            Non-controlling interests                                                 16       4,310       4,584
            Total equity                                                                      52,246      51,824
           The accompanying notes form part of these Financial Statements.
           The Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 3 September 2020 and signed on its behalf by:  Additional information

           Ken MacKenzie                     Mike Henry
           Chair                             Chief Executive Officer                                                Shareholder information

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