Page 176 - Annual Report 2020
P. 176

5.1.4 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 June 2020

                                                                                   2020        2019       2018
                                                                       Notes      US$M        US$M       US$M
          Operating activities
          Profit before taxation                                                  13,510     15,049      14,751
          Adjustments for:
           Depreciation and amortisation expense                                   6,112      5,829      6,288
           Impairments of property, plant and equipment, financial assets and intangibles  494  264       333
           Net finance costs                                                        911       1,064      1,245
           Loss/(profit) from equity accounted investments, related impairments and expenses  512  546    (147)
           Other                                                                   720         308        597
          Changes in assets and liabilities:
           Trade and other receivables                                              291        (211)      (662)
           Inventories                                                             (715)       298        (182)
           Trade and other payables                                                (755)       406         719
           Provisions and other assets and liabilities                             1,188       (125)        7
          Cash generated from operations                                         22,268      23,428     22,949
          Dividends received                                                        137        516        709
          Interest received                                                        385         443        290
          Interest paid                                                           (1,225)    (1,346)     (1,177)
          Proceeds/(settlements) of cash management related instruments             85         296        (292)
          Net income tax and royalty-related taxation refunded                      48          59         17
          Net income tax and royalty-related taxation paid                        (5,992)    (5,999)     (4,935)
          Net operating cash flows from Continuing operations                     15,706     17,397      17,561
          Net operating cash flows from Discontinued operations          28           −        474        900
          Net operating cash flows                                                15,706      17,871     18,461
          Investing activities
          Purchases of property, plant and equipment                             (6,900)     (6,250)     (4,979)
          Exploration expenditure                                                  (740)       (873)      (874)
          Exploration expenditure expensed and included in operating cash flows     517        516        641
          Net investment and funding of equity accounted investments               (618)      (630)       204
          Proceeds from sale of assets                                             265         145         89
          Other investing                                                          (140)      (285)       (141)
          Net investing cash flows from Continuing operations                     (7,616)     (7,377)   (5,060)
          Net investing cash flows from Discontinued operations          28           −       (443)       (861)
          Proceeds from divestment of Onshore US, net of its cash        28           −      10,427          −
          Net investing cash flows                                                (7,616)     2,607      (5,921)
          Financing activities
          Proceeds from interest bearing liabilities                                514        250        528
          (Settlements)/proceeds of debt related instruments                       (157)       (160)      (218)
          Repayment of interest bearing liabilities                               (2,047)    (2,604)     (4,188)
          Purchase of shares by Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) Trusts        (143)       (188)      (171)
          Share buy-back – BHP Group Limited                                          −      (5,220)         −
          Dividends paid                                                          (6,876)    (11,395)    (5,220)
          Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                             (1,043)     (1,198)    (1,582)
          Net financing cash flows from Continuing operations                     (9,752)    (20,515)   (10,851)
          Net financing cash flows from Discontinued operations          28           −         (13)      (40)
          Net financing cash flows                                                (9,752)   (20,528)    (10,891)
          Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents from Continuing operations  (1,662)  (10,495)  1,650
          Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from Discontinued operations   −  18         (1)
          Proceeds from divestment of Onshore US, net of its cash                     −      10,427          −
          Cash and cash equivalents, net of overdrafts, at the beginning of the financial year  15,593  15,813  14,108
          Foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents      (505)       (170)       56
          Cash and cash equivalents, net of overdrafts, at the end of the financial year  19  13,426  15,593  15,813
          The accompanying notes form part of these Financial Statements.

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