Page 174 - Annual Report 2020
P. 174

5.1 Consolidated Financial Statements

          5.1.1 Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 30 June 2020

                                                                                   2020        2019       2018
                                                                       Notes      US$M        US$M       US$M
          Continuing operations
          Revenue                                                         2      42,931      44,288     43,129
          Other income                                                    5         777        393        247
          Expenses excluding net finance costs                            5      (28,775)   (28,022)    (27,527)
          (Loss)/profit from equity accounted investments, related impairments and expenses  30  (512)  (546)  147
          Profit from operations                                                  14,421      16,113    15,996

          Financial expenses                                                      (1,262)     (1,510)    (1,567)
          Financial income                                                          351        446        322
          Net finance costs                                              21        (911)     (1,064)     (1,245)
          Profit before taxation                                                  13,510     15,049      14,751
          Income tax expense                                                      (4,708)    (5,335)     (6,879)
          Royalty-related taxation (net of income tax benefit)                      (66)       (194)      (128)
          Total taxation expense                                          6       (4,774)    (5,529)     (7,007)
          Profit after taxation from Continuing operations                        8,736       9,520      7,744
          Discontinued operations
          Loss after taxation from Discontinued operations               28           −       (335)      (2,921)
          Profit after taxation from Continuing and Discontinued operations       8,736       9,185      4,823
           Attributable to non-controlling interests                               780         879        1,118
           Attributable to BHP shareholders                                       7,956      8,306       3,705
          Basic earnings per ordinary share (cents)                       7        157.3      160.3       69.6
          Diluted earnings per ordinary share (cents)                     7        157.0      159.9       69.4
          Basic earnings from Continuing operations per ordinary share (cents)  7  157.3      166.9      125.0
          Diluted earnings from Continuing operations per ordinary share (cents)  7  157.0    166.5      124.6
          The accompanying notes form part of these Financial Statements.
          5.1.2 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2020

                                                                                   2020        2019       2018
                                                                       Notes      US$M        US$M       US$M
          Profit after taxation from Continuing and Discontinued operations       8,736       9,185      4,823
          Other comprehensive income
          Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement:
          Net valuation gains on investments taken to equity                          −          −          11
           (Losses)/gains taken to equity                                          (315)       (327)       82
           Losses/(gains) transferred to the income statement                       297        299        (215)
          Exchange fluctuations on translation of foreign operations taken to equity  1          1          2
          Exchange fluctuations on translation of foreign operations transferred to income statement   −  (6)   −
          Tax recognised within other comprehensive income                6          5          8          36
          Total items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement  (12)      (25)        (84)
          Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement:
          Re-measurement (losses)/gains on pension and medical schemes              (81)       (20)         1
          Equity investments held at fair value                                      (2)         1           −
          Tax recognised within other comprehensive income                6         26          19         (14)
          Total items that will not be reclassified to the income statement         (57)         −         (13)
          Total other comprehensive loss                                            (69)       (25)        (97)
          Total comprehensive income                                              8,667       9,160      4,726
           Attributable to non-controlling interests                               769         878        1,118
           Attributable to BHP shareholders                                       7,898       8,282      3,608
          The accompanying notes form part of these Financial Statements.

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