Page 169 - Annual Report 2020
P. 169

4.2 Share capital and buy-back programs

           At the Annual General Meetings held in 2018 and 2019,   Some of our executives receive rights over BHP shares as part of
           shareholders authorised BHP Group Plc to make on-market   their remuneration arrangements. Entitlements may be satisfied by   Strategic Report
           purchases of up to 211,207,180 of its ordinary shares, representing   the transfer of existing shares, which are acquired on-market by the
           10 per cent of BHP Group Plc’s issued share capital at that time.   Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) Trusts or, in respect of
           During FY2020, we did not make any on-market or off-market   some entitlements, by the issue of shares.
           purchases of BHP Group Limited or BHP Group Plc shares under   The number of shares referred to in column A below were purchased
           any share buy-back program. As at the date of this Directors’   to satisfy awards made under the various BHP Group Limited and BHP
           Report, there were no current on-market buy-backs. Shareholders   Group Plc employee share schemes during FY2020.
           will be asked at the 2020 Annual General Meetings to renew this
           authority. As at the date of this Directors’ Report, there is no
           intention to exercise this authority.
                                                    A             B             C                            D
                                           Total number of               Total number                               Governance at BHP
                                          shares purchased           of shares purchased
                                          and transferred to          as part of publicly
                                        employees to satisfy   Average price   announced plans    Maximum number of shares that may yet
                                          employee awards  paid per share  (1)  or programs  be purchased under the plans or programs
            Period                                              US$                  BHP Group Limited  (2)  BHP Group Plc
            1 Jul 2019 to 31 Jul 2019               –             –             –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Aug 2019 to 31 Aug 2019         4,094,559        25.07            –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Sep 2019 to 30 Sep 2019               –             –             –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Oct 2019 to 31 Oct 2019               –             –             –              –       211,207,180  (3)  Remuneration Report
            1 Nov 2019 to 30 Nov 2019               –             –             –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Dec 2019 to 31 Dec 2019               –             –             –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Jan 2020 to 31 Jan 2020               –             –             –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Feb 2020 to 29 Feb 2020               –             –             –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Mar 2020 to 31 Mar 2020          1,714,630       19.42            –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Apr 2020 to 30 Apr 2020           132,286        19.45            –              –       211,207,180  (3)  4
            1 May 2020 to 31 May 2020           219,011        22.65            –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            1 Jun 2020 to 30 Jun 2020               –             –             –              –       211,207,180  (3)
            Total                             6,160,486        23.29            –              –       211,207,180  (3)  Directors’ Report
           (1)  The shares were purchased in the currency of the stock exchange on which the purchase took place and the sale price has been converted into US dollars at the
             exchange rate on the day of purchase.
           (2) BHP Group Limited is able to buy-back and cancel BHP Group Limited shares within the ‘10/12 limit’ without shareholder approval in accordance with section 257B of
             the Australian Corporations Act 2001. Any future on-market share buy-back program would be conducted in accordance with the Australian Corporations Act 2001
             and with the ASX Listing Rules.
           (3) At the Annual General Meetings held during 2018 and 2019, shareholders authorised BHP Group Plc to make on-market purchases of up to 211,207,180 of its ordinary
             shares, representing 10 per cent of BHP Group Plc’s issued capital at the time.
           4.3 Results, financial instruments                  Report, their qualifications, experience and particular responsibilities,
                                                               the directorships held in other listed companies since 1 July 2017 and
           and going concern                                   the period for which each directorship has been held.   Financial Statements
           Information about the Group’s financial position and financial   Carolyn Hewson served as a Non-executive Director of BHP Group
           results is included in the Financial Statements in this Annual Report.   Limited and BHP Group Plc from March 2010 until her retirement
           The Consolidated Income Statement shows profit attributable to   on 7 November 2019. Lindsay Maxsted served as a Non-executive
           BHP members of US$8.0 billion in FY2020, compared with a profit   Director of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc from March 2011
           of US$8.3 billion in FY2019.                        until he retires on 4 September 2020.
           BHP’s business activities, together with the factors likely to affect    Andrew Mackenzie served as Chief Executive Officer of BHP Group
           its future development, performance and position, are discussed    Limited and BHP Group Plc until his retirement on 31 December 2019.
           in section 1. In addition, sections 1.3 to 1.5 and 2.13, and note 22   Mike Henry was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of BHP Group
           ‘Financial risk management’ in section 5 outline BHP’s capital   Limited and BHP Group Plc with effect from 1 January 2020. In   Additional information
           management objectives, its approach to financial risk management   accordance with the BHP Group Limited Constitution and BHP
           and exposure to financial risks, liquidity and borrowing facilities.  Group Plc Articles of Association, he will seek election at the 2020
           The Directors, having made appropriate enquiries, have a   Annual General Meetings.
           reasonable expectation that BHP has adequate resources to   Gary Goldberg, Dion Weisler and Xiaoqun Clever were appointed
           continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.   as Non-executive Directors of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group
           Therefore, they continue to adopt the going concern basis    Plc with effect from 1 February 2020, 1 June 2020 and 1 October 2020
           of accounting in preparing the annual Financial Statements.  respectively. In accordance with the BHP Group Limited
                                                               Constitution and BHP Group Plc Articles of Association,
           4.4 Directors                                       they will seek election at the 2020 Annual General Meetings.
                                                               Shriti Vadera has announced that she will retire as a Non-executive   Shareholder information
           The Directors who served at any time during FY2020 or up until the   Director of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc at the conclusion
           date of this Directors’ Report were Ken MacKenzie, Mike Henry,   of the BHP Group Plc Annual General Meeting in October 2020.
           Andrew Mackenzie, Terry Bowen, Malcolm Broomhead, Ian Cockerill,
           Anita Frew, Gary Goldberg, Carolyn Hewson, Susan Kilsby, Lindsay   The number of meetings of the Board and its Committees held
                                                               during the year and each Director’s attendance at those meetings
           Maxsted, John Mogford, Shriti Vadera and Dion Weisler. Further
           details of the current Directors of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group   are set out in section 2.4.
           Plc are set out in section 2.2. These details include the period for
           which each Director held office up to the date of this Directors’

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