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1.11.2 Copper                                                                                            1

           Detailed below is financial information for our Copper assets for FY2020 and FY2019 and an analysis of Copper’s financial performance
           for FY2020 compared with FY2019.
                                                                                  Net                               Strategic Report
            Year ended 30 June 2020                  Underlying       Underlying   operating  Capital  Exploration  Exploration
            US$M                              Revenue  EBITDA    D&A      EBIT   assets   expenditure  gross  to profit
            Escondida  (1)                      6,719   3,535    1,143   2,392  12,013     919
            Pampa Norte  (2)                   1,395     599      316     283    3,187     955
            Antamina  (3)                       832      468      114     354    1,453     205
            Olympic Dam                        1,463     212      291     (79)   7,651     538
            Other  (3) (4)                         −    (202)     58     (260)    103       22
            Total Copper from Group production  10,409  4,612    1,922   2,690  24,407    2,639
            Third party products               1,089      41        −      41       −        −                      Governance at BHP
            Total Copper                       11,498   4,653    1,922   2,731  24,407    2,639     62       57
            Adjustment for equity accounted investments  (5)  (832)  (306)  (165)  (141)   −  (205)  (8)     (3)
            Total Copper statutory result     10,666    4,347    1,757  2,590   24,407   2,434      54       54

            Year ended 30 June 2019                  Underlying       Underlying   operating  Capital   Exploration   Exploration
            US$M                               Revenue  EBITDA   D&A      EBIT  assets  (6)  expenditure  gross  to profit
            Escondida  (1)                     6,876    3,384    1,245   2,139  12,726    1,036
            Pampa Norte  (2)                   1,502     701      381     320    2,937    1,194                     Remuneration Report
            Antamina  (3)                       1,144    723      108     615    1,345     229
            Olympic Dam                         1,351    273      331     (58)   7,133     485
            Other  (3) (4)                         −     (315)     8     (323)    (53)      21
            Total Copper from Group production  10,873  4,766   2,073    2,693  24,088    2,965
            Third party products                1,109    116        −     116       −        −
            Total Copper                       11,982   4,882   2,073    2,809  24,088    2,965     66       65
            Adjustment for equity accounted investments  (5)  (1,144)  (332)  (110)  (222)   −  (230)  (4)   (3)
            Total Copper statutory result     10,838    4,550   1,963    2,587  24,088    2,735     62       62
           (1)  Escondida is consolidated under IFRS 10 and reported on a 100 per cent basis.                       Directors’ Report
           (2) Includes Spence and Cerro Colorado.
           (3) Antamina, SolGold and Resolution are equity accounted investments and their financial information presented above with the exception of net operating assets
             reflects BHP Group’s share.
           (4) Predominantly comprises divisional activities, greenfield exploration and business development. Includes Resolution and SolGold (acquired in October 2018).
           (5) Total Copper statutory result revenue excludes US$832 million (2019: US$1,144 million) revenue related to Antamina. Total Copper statutory result Underlying
             EBITDA includes US$165 million (2019: US$110 million) D&A and US$141 million (2019: US$222 million) net finance costs and taxation expense related to Antamina,
             Resolution and SolGold that are also included in Underlying EBIT. Total Copper Capital expenditure excludes US$205 million (2019: US$229 million) related to
             Antamina and US$ nil (2019: US$1 million) related to SolGold. Exploration gross excludes US$8 million (2019: US$4 million) related to SolGold of which US$3 million
             (2019: US$3 million) was expensed.
           (6) Refer to section 6.1 for a reconciliation of Net operating assets to Net assets and section 6.1.1 for the definition and method of calculation of Net operating assets.
           Key drivers of Copper’s financial results           Production
           Price overview                                      Total Copper production for FY2020 increased by 2 per cent to    Financial Statements
           Our average realised sales price for FY2020 was US$2.50 per pound   1,724 kt.
           (FY2019: US$2.62 per pound). Copper prices fell sharply in the early   Escondida copper production increased by 4 per cent to 1,185 kt,
           stages of the COVID-19 pandemic but have since rebounded, first   with record June 2020 quarter concentrator throughput of 382 ktpd
           on improving sentiment towards pro-growth assets, and more   lifting annual concentrator throughput to a record 371 ktpd.
           recently on news of COVID-19 related supply-side challenges. In the   This offsets the impact of a 3 per cent decline in copper grade,
           medium term, we believe that the effect of the pandemic will be to   stoppages associated with the social unrest in Chile (7 kt impact)
           delay the timing of the anticipated structural deficit for copper by   and a reduced workforce due to COVID-19 preventative measures.
           one or two years from prior expectations. Longer term, traditional   Pampa Norte copper production decreased by 2 per cent to 243 kt,
           end-use demand is expected to be solid, while broad exposure to
           the electrification mega-trend offers attractive upside. Our view is   with strong operating performance offset by grade decline of   Additional information
                                                               approximately 14 per cent.
           that the price setting marginal tonne a decade from now will come
           from either a lower-grade brownfield expansion in a lower-risk   Olympic Dam copper production increased by 7 per cent to 172 kt
           jurisdiction, or a higher-grade greenfield project in a higher-risk   supported by solid underground mine performance with strong
           jurisdiction. Prices are expected to rise on the back of grade   development metres achieved, record grade and the prior period
           decline, resource depletion, increased input costs, water constraints   acid plant outage. This was partially offset by the impact of planned
           and a scarcity of high-quality future development opportunities   preparatory work undertaken in the September 2019 quarter related
           after a poor decade for industry-wide exploration.   to the replacement of the refinery crane and unplanned downtime
                                                               at the smelter during the March 2020 quarter.
                                                               Antamina copper production decreased by 15 per cent to 125 kt and
                                                               zinc production decreased by 10 per cent to 88 kt, reflecting lower
                                                               copper head grades and the impacts of operating with a reduced   Shareholder information
                                                               workforce and a six-week shutdown during the June 2020 quarter
                                                               in response to COVID-19.
                                                                    For more information on individual asset production
                                                                    in FY2020, FY2019 and FY2018, refer to section 6.3.

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