Page 109 - Annual Report 2020
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           Financial results                                   Queensland Coal, as record annual production at Caval Ridge
           Coal revenue decreased by US$2.9 billion to US$6.2 billion    and Poitrel was offset by planned major wash plant shutdowns
           in FY2020.                                          in the first half of the year and significantly higher rainfall across    Strategic Report
                                                               our operations in January and February 2020.
           Underlying EBITDA for Coal decreased by US$2.4 billion to
           US$1.6 billion including lower price impacts, net of price-linked   Queensland Coal unit costs decreased by 3 per cent to
           costs, of US$2.1 billion. Controllable cash costs decreased   US$68 per tonne, due to a build in inventory, as a result of solid
           Underlying EBITDA by US$124 million driven by increased   dragline performance across the majority of operations, and
           maintenance costs at Queensland Coal due to major planned    favourable impacts from exchange rate movements and the
           wash plant shutdowns and higher contractor costs due to the   application of IFRS 16 Leases. This was partially offset by lower
           mobilisation of additional equipment to address increased strip   volumes due to significant wet weather during the March 2020
           ratio at South Walker Creek and increased contractor stripping    quarter and planned maintenance. NSWEC unit costs increased
           at NSWEC. This was partially offset by favourable inventory   by 13 per cent to US$57 per tonne, reflecting lower volumes from   Governance at BHP
           movements as a result of good dragline performance. Lower   the change in product strategy to focus on higher-quality products
           volumes decreased Underlying EBITDA by US$374 million as    and unfavourable weather impacts, and higher stripping costs.
           a result of the change in NSWEC product strategy to focus on   The calculation of Queensland Coal’s and NSWEC’s unit costs
           higher-quality products and unfavourable weather impacts from   is set out in the table below.
           December 2019 to February 2020. There were lower volumes at

                                                                     Queensland Coal unit costs  NSWEC unit costs
            US$M                                                       FY2020      FY2019     FY2020      FY2019
            Revenue                                                     5,357       7,679       886        1,421
            Underlying EBITDA                                           1,935       3,722        (79)       353     Remuneration Report
            Gross costs                                                 3,422      3,957        965        1,068
            Less: freight                                                 147        156           −          −
            Less: royalties                                              498        805          68         114
            Net costs                                                   2,777      2,996        897         954
            Sales (kt, equity share)                                   41,086      43,145      15,868     19,070
            Cost per tonne (US$)  (1) (2)                               67.59      69.44       56.53      50.03
           (1)  FY2020 based on an average exchange rate of AUD/USD 0.67.
           (2) FY2020 excludes COVID-19 related costs of US$0.37 per tonne and US$0.06 per tonne that are reported as exceptional items relating to Queensland Coal    Directors’ Report
             and NSWEC respectively.
           Metallurgical coal production is expected to be between 40 and   improved productivity. In the medium term, we expect to lower
           44 Mt, or 71 and 77 Mt on a 100 per cent basis, in FY2021, a similar   our unit costs to between US$58 and US$66 per tonne (based on
           level to the prior year as it reflects an expected deterioration in   an exchange rate of AUD/USD 0.70). This reflects reduced volumes
           market outlook due to the impact of COVID-19. With Blackwater   due to a focus on higher quality coals and a market responsive
           returning to full capacity towards the end of the September 2020   approach to bringing new tonnes into the markets.
           quarter after flooding in the March 2020 quarter, volumes will be   NSWEC unit costs are expected to be between US$55 and US$59
           weighted to the second half of the year. Energy coal production    per tonne (based on an average exchange rate of AUD/USD 0.70)
           is expected to be between 22 and 24 Mt in FY2021.   in FY2021. Work is underway at NSWEC to review mine planning   Financial Statements
           Queensland Coal unit costs are expected to be between    and operating alternatives to structurally reduce costs in the near
           US$69 and US$75 per tonne (based on an average exchange rate   term and ensure a viable mining operation which is resilient during
           of AUD/USD 0.70) in FY2021, as a result of higher strip ratios and   low price cycles.
           contractor stripping costs partially offset by higher volumes and                                        Additional information

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