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1.11.5 Other assets                                1.12 Other information

          Nickel West                                        Application of critical accounting policies, judgements
          Key drivers of Nickel West’s financial results     and estimates
          Price overview                                     The preparation of the Financial Statements requires management
          Our average realised sales price for FY2020 was US$13,860 per   to make judgements and estimates and form assumptions that
          tonne (FY2019: US$12,462 per tonne). The average nickel price in   affect the amounts of assets, liabilities, contingent liabilities,
          FY2020 was 13 per cent higher than FY2019, mainly due to higher   revenues and expenses reported in the Financial Statements.
          prices in the first half of FY2020 (+25 per cent year-on-year). Prices   All judgements, estimates and assumptions are based on most
          started moving up in July 2019 as rumours of Indonesia’s ore export   current facts and circumstances and are reassessed on an ongoing
          ban being brought forward circulated and, following confirmation   basis, the results of which form the basis of the reported amounts
          of the ban, moved to their highest monthly average since FY2015    that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may
          in September 2019. Prices dropped at the beginning of the second   differ from these estimates under different assumptions and
          half of FY2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but   conditions. This may materially affect financial results and the
          recovered from April onwards, supported by macro and market   financial position to be reported in future periods.
          sentiment factors. In the near term, we expect Indonesian supply    The Group’s critical accounting policies where significant
          of nickel pig iron (NPI) to continue to grow, offsetting lost   judgements, estimates and assumptions applied are as follows:
          production in China. Longer term, we believe that nickel will
          be a substantial beneficiary of the global electrification mega-trend   •  significant events – Samarco dam failure
          and that nickel sulphides will be particularly attractive given the   •  taxation
          relatively lower cost of production of battery-suitable class-1 nickel   •  inventories
          than for laterites, which will set the long-run nickel price. This view   •  exploration and evaluation
          is supported by our assessment of the likely rate of growth in   •  development expenditure
          electric vehicles and of the likely battery chemistry that will   •  overburden removal costs
          underpin this.                                     •  depreciation of property, plant and equipment
          Production                                         •  impairments of non-current assets – recoverable amount
          Nickel West production in FY2020 decreased by 8 per cent to    •  closure and rehabilitation provisions
          80 kt due to the major quadrennial maintenance shutdowns at the   •  leases
          Kwinana refinery and the Kalgoorlie smelter, as well as planned   •  impairment of investments accounted for using the
          routine maintenance at the concentrators.           equity method
               For more information on individual asset production    In accordance with IFRS, we are required to include information
               in FY2020, FY2019 and FY2018, refer to section 6.3.  regarding the nature of the judgements and estimates, and
                                                             potential impacts on our financial results or financial position in the
          Financial results                                  Financial Statements. This information can be found in section 5.1.
          Lower production partially offset by higher realised sales prices   Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk
          resulted in revenue decreasing by US$4 million to US$1.2 billion
          in FY2020.                                         We identified our principal market risks in section 1.5.4.
                                                             A description of how we manage our market risks, including
          Underlying EBITDA for Nickel West decreased by US$139 million    quantitative and qualitative information about our market risk
          to a loss of US$37 million in FY2020 reflecting lower volumes    sensitive instruments outstanding at 30 June 2020, is contained
          as a result of the major quadrennial maintenance shutdowns    in note 22 ‘Financial risk management’ in section 5.1.
          at the refinery and the smelter, as well as costs associated with
          the transition and ramp-up of new mines. This decrease was   Off-balance sheet arrangements and contractual
          partially offset by higher prices and favourable inventory and   commitments
          exchange rate movements.                           Information in relation to our material off-balance sheet
          Potash                                             arrangements, principally contingent liabilities, commitments for
                                                             capital expenditure and commitments under leases at 30 June 2020
          Potash recorded an Underlying EBITDA loss of US$127 million    is provided in note 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’, note 20
          in FY2020, and a loss of US$127 million in FY2019.   ‘Leases’ and note 33 ‘Contingent liabilities’ in section 5.1.
                                                             Subsidiary information
                                                             Information about our significant subsidiaries is included in note 29
                                                             ‘Subsidiaries’ in section 5.1 and in note 13 ‘Related undertakings
                                                             of the Group’ in section 5.2.
                                                             Related party transactions
                                                             Related party transactions are outlined in note 32 ‘Related party
                                                             transactions’ in section 5.1.
                                                             Significant changes since the end of the year
                                                             Significant changes since the end of the year are outlined in note
                                                             34 ‘Subsequent events’ in section 5.1.
                                                             The Strategic Report is made in accordance with a resolution
                                                             of the Board.

                                                             Ken MacKenzie
                                                             Dated: 3 September 2020

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