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2.2 Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team

          2.2.1 Board of Directors

          Ken MacKenzie                     Mike Henry                        Terry Bowen
          BEng, FIEA, FAICD, 56             BSc (Chemistry), 54               BAcct, FCPA, MAICD, 53
          Chair and Independent             Non-independent Director          Independent Non-executive Director
          Non-executive Director            Director of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group   Director of BHP Group Limited and
          Director of BHP Group Limited and    Plc since January 2020. He was appointed   BHP Group Plc since October 2017.
          BHP Group Plc since September 2016.  Chief Executive Officer on 1 January 2020.  Skills and experience:
          Chair of BHP Group Limited and    Skills and experience:            Mr Bowen has significant executive experience
          BHP Group Plc from 1 September 2017.  Mr Henry has over 30 years’ experience    across a range of diversified industries.
          Skills and experience:            in the global mining and petroleum industry,   He has deep financial expertise, and extensive
          Mr MacKenzie has extensive global and   spanning operational, commercial, safety,   experience in capital allocation discipline,
                                            technology and marketing roles.
                                                                              commodity value chains and strategy.
          executive experience and a deeply strategic
          approach, with a focus on capital discipline   Mike joined BHP in 2003, initially in business   Terry is currently Chair of the Operations Group
          and the creation of long-term shareholder   development and then in marketing and   at BGH Capital, and a Non-executive Director
          value. He has insight and understanding in   trading of a range of mineral and petroleum   of Transurban Group.
          relation to organisational culture, the external   commodities based in The Hague, where    Prior to this, Terry served as Managing Partner
          environment, the diverse interests of our   he was also accountable for BHP’s ocean   and Head of Operations at BGH Capital. He also
          stakeholders and emerging issues related    freight operations. He went on to hold various   previously served as an Executive Director and
          to the creation of social value.  positions in the Company, including President   Finance Director of Wesfarmers Limited from
          Ken was the Managing Director and Chief   Operations Minerals Australia, President Coal,   2009 to 2017, which included chairing a number
          Executive Officer of Amcor Limited, a global   President HSE, Marketing and Technology, and   of Wesfarmers’ operating divisions. Prior to this,
          packaging company with operations in over   Chief Marketing Officer. Mike was appointed   Terry held various senior executive roles within
          40 countries, from 2005 until 2015. During    Chief Executive Officer on 1 January 2020    Wesfarmers, including as Finance Director
          his 23-year career with Amcor, Ken gained   and has been a member of the Executive   of Coles, Managing Director of Industrial and
          extensive experience across all of Amcor’s   Leadership Team since 2011.  Safety and Finance Director of Wesfarmers
          major business segments in developed and   Prior to joining BHP, Mike worked in the   Landmark. Terry is a former Director of Gresham
          emerging markets in the Americas, Australia,   resources industry in Canada, Japan    Partners and past President of the National
          Asia and Europe.                  and Australia.                    Executive of the Group of 100 Inc.
          Other directorships and offices    Other directorships and offices    The Board is satisfied that Terry meets the
          (current and recent):             (current and recent):             criteria for financial experience as outlined
          •  Advisory Board member of American   •  Council member and Treasurer of the   in the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code
           Securities Capital Partners LLC    International Council on Mining and    (UK Code), competence in accounting and
           (since January 2016)              Metals (ICMM) (since 2020)       auditing as required by the Financial Conduct
          •  Former Managing Director and Chief                               Authority (FCA) Disclosure and Transparency
           Executive Officer of Amcor Limited                                 Rules and the audit committee financial expert
           (from July 2005 to April 2015)                                     requirements under the US Securities and
          •  Former Advisory Board member of                                  Exchange Commission Rules. In addition,
           Adamantem Capital (from September 2016                             he is the Board’s nominated ‘audit committee
           to May 2019)                                                       financial expert’ for the purposes of the US
                                                                              Securities and Exchange Commission Rules.
          •  Former Senior Adviser to McKinsey &
           Company (from January 2016 to June 2017)                           Other directorships and offices
          Board Committee membership:                                         (current and recent):
                                                                              •  Non-executive Director of Transurban Group
          •  Chair of the Nomination and                                       (since February 2020)
           Governance Committee
                                                                              •  Director of Navitas Pty Limited (since July 2019)
                                                                              •  Chair (since 2020) and Former Head of the
                                                                               Operations Group at BGH Capital (from
                                                                               January 2018 to January 2020)
                                                                              •  Director of West Coast Eagles Football Club
                                                                               (since May 2017)
                                                                              •  Former Executive Director and Finance
                                                                               Director of Wesfarmers Limited (from April
                                                                               2009 to November 2017)
                                                                              •  Former Chair of West Australian Opera
                                                                               Company Incorporated (from July 2014
                                                                               to December 2017)
                                                                              •  Former Director of Gresham Partners Holdings
                                                                               Limited and Gresham Partners Group Limited
                                                                               (from April 2009 to August 2017)
                                                                              Board Committee membership:
                                                                              •  Chair of the Risk and Audit Committee

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