Page 116 - Annual Report 2020
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2.2.1 Board of Directors continued

          Gary Goldberg                     Susan Kilsby                      Lindsay Maxsted
          BS, MBA, 61                       MBA, BA, 61                       DipBus (Gordon), FCA, FAICD, 66
          Independent Non-executive Director  Independent Non-executive Director  Independent Non-executive Director
          Director of BHP Group Limited and    Director of BHP Group Limited and    Director of BHP Group Limited and
          BHP Group Plc since February 2020.  BHP Group Plc since April 2019.  BHP Group Plc since March 2011.
          Skills and experience:            Skills and experience:            Skills and experience:
          Mr Goldberg has over 35 years of global   Ms Kilsby has extensive experience in mergers   Mr Maxsted has over 10 years’ experience in
          executive experience, including deep   and acquisitions, and finance and strategy,   non-executive roles, including as chair of two
          experience in mining, strategy, risk, commodity   having held several roles in global investment   global companies. Lindsay is also a corporate
          value chain, capital allocation discipline    banking. From 1996 to 2014, she held senior   recovery specialist who has managed a number
          and public policy. Gary served as the Chief   executive roles at Credit Suisse, including as    of Australia’s largest corporate insolvency and
          Executive Officer of one of the largest gold   a Senior Advisor, and Chair of EMEA Mergers   restructuring engagements and, until 2011,
          producers, Newmont Corporation, from    and Acquisitions. Susan also has non-executive   continued to undertake consultancy work
          2013 until October 2019, with responsibility    experience across multiple industries. Susan   in the restructuring advisory field. He was the
          for Newmont’s 37,000 employees and   was previously the Chair of Shire plc and the   Chief Executive Officer of KPMG Australia
          contractors, and operations in United States,   Senior Independent Director at BBA Aviation   between 2001 and 2007.
          Australia, Argentina, Canada, Dominican   plc. She is currently the Senior Independent
          Republic, Mexico, Peru, Ghana and Suriname.   Director of Diageo plc, and a Non-executive   Lindsay has a breadth of understanding
          Prior to joining Newmont, Gary was President   Director of Fortune Brands Home & Security   and insight in relation to the creation of
          and Chief Executive Officer of Rio Tinto   Inc and Unilever N.V and Unilever plc.  shareholder value through cycles, financial
          Minerals, and served in executive leadership                        and non-financial risk, capital discipline
          roles in Rio Tinto’s coal, gold, copper and   Other directorships and offices    and the external environment.
          industrial minerals businesses.   (current and recent):             The Board is satisfied that Lindsay meets
                                            •  Director (since 2018) and Senior
          Gary is the former Vice Chair of the World   Independent Director (since October 2019)   the criteria for recent and relevant financial
                                                                              experience as outlined in the UK Code,
          Gold Council and the former Treasurer of the   of Diageo plc        and competence in accounting and auditing
          International Council on Mining and Metals,   •  Director of Fortune Brands Home & Security   as required by the UK FCA’s Disclosure and
          and previously served as Chair of the National   Inc. (since 2015)  Transparency Rules.
          Mining Association in the United States from   •  Director of Unilever N.V and Unilever plc
          2008 to 2010. Gary also has non-executive   (since August 2019)     Other directorships and offices
          director experience, having previously served                       (current and recent):
          on the board of Port Waratah Coal Services   •  Member of the UK Takeover Panel  •  Chair of Transurban Group (since August
          Limited and Rio Tinto Zimbabwe.   •  Former Director (from 2011 to 2019) and   2010) and a Director (since March 2008)
                                             Chair (from 2014 to 2019) of Shire plc
          Other directorships and offices    •  Former Director (from 2012 to 2019)    •  Director and Honorary Treasurer of
          (current and recent):              and Senior Independent Director    Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
          •  Former Advisor, Newmont (from October   (from 2016 to 2019) of BBA Aviation plc  (since June 2005)
           2019 to March 2020)              •  Former Director of Goldman Sachs   •  Former Chair (from December 2011
          •  Former President and Chief Executive   International (from 2016 to 2018)  to March 2020) and Director
           Officer of Newmont Corporation    •  Former Director of Keurig Green Mountain   (from March 2008 to March 2020)
           (from 2013 to October 2019)       (from 2013 to 2015)               of Westpac Banking Corporation
          •  Former Director (from 2013 to October 2019)   •  Former Director of Coca-Cola HBC    Board Committee membership:
           and Treasurer (from 2017 to October 2019)   (from 2013 to 2015)    •  Member of the Risk and Audit Committee
           of the International Council on Mining
           and Metals                       Board Committee membership:
          •  Former Vice Chair of World Gold Council   •  Chair of the Remuneration Committee
           (from 2017 to 2019)              •  Member of the Nomination and
          •  Former Co-Chair of World Economic    Governance Committee
           Forum Mining and Metals Governors
           (from 2016 to 2017)
          Board Committee membership:
          •  Member of the Remuneration Committee
          •  Member of the Sustainability Committee

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