Page 115 - Annual Report 2020
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Strategic Report


           Malcolm Broomhead                 Ian Cockerill                      Anita Frew                          Governance at BHP
           AO, MBA, BE, FAICD, 68            MSc (Mining and Mineral Engineering), BSc   BA (Hons), MRes, Hon. D.Sc, 63
                                             (Hons.) (Geology), AMP – Oxford Templeton
           Independent Non-executive Director  College, 66                      Independent Non-executive Director
           Director of BHP Group Limited and    Independent Non-executive Director  Director of BHP Group Limited and
           BHP Group Plc since March 2010.                                      BHP Group Plc since September 2015.
           Skills and experience:            Director of BHP Group Limited and    Skills and experience:
                                             BHP Group Plc since April 2019.
           Mr Broomhead has extensive experience                                Ms Frew has an extensive breadth of
           as a non-executive director of global   Skills and experience:       non-executive experience in diverse industries,
           organisations, and as a chief executive of    Mr Cockerill has extensive global mining   including chemicals, engineering, industrial   Remuneration Report
           large global industrial and mining companies.   operational, project and executive experience   and finance. In particular, Anita has valuable
           Malcolm has a broad strategic perspective    having initially trained as a geologist. He was   insight and experience in the creation of
           and understanding of the long-term cyclical   formerly the Chief Executive Officer of Anglo   value, organisational change, mergers and
           nature of the resources industry and   American Coal and Chief Executive Officer   acquisitions, financial and non-financial risk,
           commodity value chains, with proven    and President of Gold Fields Limited, and a   and health, safety and environment.
           health, safety and environment, and capital   senior executive with AngloGold Ashanti and
           allocation performance.           Anglo American Group. Ian is the Chair of   Anita is the Chair of Croda International Plc
                                                                                (a British speciality chemicals company)
                                             Polymetal International plc and Non-executive
           Malcolm was Managing Director and Chief   Director of I-Pulse Inc.   and until recently, was also the Deputy Chair
           Executive Officer of Orica Limited (a global                         and Senior Independent Director of Lloyds
           mining services and chemicals company) from   Ian is the former Chair of BlackRock World   Banking Group Plc. Prior to this, she was    Directors’ Report
           2001 until September 2005. Prior to joining   Mining Trust plc and the former Lead   the Chair of Victrex Plc, Senior Independent
           Orica, he held a number of senior positions at   Independent Director of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd   Director of Aberdeen Asset Management Plc
           North Limited, including Managing Director   and former Director of Orica Limited and   and IMI Plc and a Non-executive Director
           and Chief Executive Officer and, prior to that,   Endeavour Mining Corporation. He is a   of Northumbrian Water.
           held senior management positions with   Director of the Leadership for Conservation    Other directorships and offices
           Halcrow (UK), MIM Holdings, Peko Wallsend   in Africa (a not-for-profit organisation) and is   (current and recent):
           and Industrial Equity.            the Chair of Conservation 360, a Botswanan   •  Director (since March 2015) and Chair (since
           Other directorships and offices    conservation NGO dealing with anti-poaching   September 2015) of Croda International Plc
                                             initiatives. He is a former Director of Business
           (current and recent):             Leadership South Africa, the South African   •  Former Director (from 2010 to May 2020),
           •  Chair of Orica Limited (since January 2016)   Business Trust and the World Gold Council.  Deputy Chair (from December 2014 to
             and a Director (since December 2015)                                May 2020) and Senior Independent Director   Financial Statements
           •  Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute   Other directorships and offices    (from May 2017 to December 2019) of
                                             (current and recent):
             of Medical Research (since July 2014)                               Lloyds Banking Group Plc
           •  Former Chair of Asciano Limited (from   •  Chair of Polymetal International plc    •  Former Senior Independent Director
                                               (since April 2019)
             October 2009 to August 2016)                                        of Aberdeen Asset Management Plc
           •  Former Director of Coates Group Holdings   •  Non-executive Director of I-Pulse Inc    (from October 2004 to September 2014)
                                               (since September 2010)
             Pty Ltd (from January 2008 to July 2013)                           •  Former Senior Independent Director of
           •  Former Chair of the Australia China    •  Former Director of Orica Limited    IMI Plc (from March 2006 to May 2015)
                                               (from 2010 to August 2019)
             One Belt One Road Advisory Board                                   •  Former Chair of Victrex Plc (from 2008
             (from August 2016 to February 2019)  •  Former Director (from 2013 to 2019)    to October 2014)
                                               and Chair (from 2016 to May 2019)
           Board Committee membership:         of BlackRock World Mining Trust plc  Board Committee membership:
           •  Member of the Sustainability Committee  •  Former Director (from 2011 to June 2019)   •  Member of the Remuneration Committee  Additional information
           •  Member of the Nomination and     and Lead Independent Director (from 2012   •  Member of the Risk and Audit Committee
             Governance Committee              to June 2019) of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd
                                             •  Former Director of Endeavour Mining
                                               Corporation (from 2013 to 2019)
                                             •  Former Executive Director and executive
                                               Chair (from 2010 to 2013) and Non-executive
                                               Chair (from 2013 to 2017) of Petmin Limited
                                             •  Former Chair of Hummingbird Resources plc
                                               (from 2009 to 2014)
                                             Board Committee membership:                                            Shareholder information
                                             •  Member of the Risk and Audit Committee
                                             •  Member of the Sustainability Committee

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