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2.2.2 Executive Leadership Team

          Athalie Williams                  Daniel Malchuk                    Edgar Basto
          BA (Hons), FAHRI, 50              BEng, MBA, 54                     BSc, Metallurgy, 53
          Chief People Officer              President Operations, Minerals Americas  President, Minerals Australia
          Ms Williams joined BHP in 2007 and was   Mr Malchuk was appointed President   Mr Basto was appointed President Minerals
          appointed to the role of President, Human   Operations, Minerals Americas in February   Australia on 1 July 2020 and is responsible
          Resources in January 2015. Athalie’s title   2016 and is based in Santiago, Chile.   for BHP’s iron ore and nickel operations in
          changed to Chief People Officer effective   Previously he was President of the Copper   Western Australia, metallurgical and energy
          1 July 2015. She has previously held senior   Business. Danny has held a number of roles    coal in Queensland and New South Wales,
          Human Resources positions, including    in BHP, including President Aluminium,   and copper in South Australia. Edgar was
          Vice President Human Resources Marketing,    Manganese and Nickel, President of Minerals   Asset President of Western Australia Iron Ore
          Vice President Human Resources for the   Exploration, and Vice President Strategy and   (WAIO) from March 2016 and Acting President
          Uranium business and Group HR Manager,   Development Base Metals. He has worked    Operations Minerals Australia from November
          Executive Resourcing & Development.    in four countries with BHP, since joining the   2019. Edgar has held senior leadership roles
          Prior to BHP, Athalie was an organisation   Company in April 2002.  across a range of commodities including iron
          strategy adviser with Accenture (formerly                           ore, copper, coal and nickel, and has deep
          Andersen Consulting) and National Australia                         technical capability in both mining and
          Bank. She is a member of Chief Executive                            smelting operations. Originally from Colombia,
          Women and a Director of the BHP Foundation.                         Edgar has a Bachelor of Applied Science
                                                                              (Metallurgical Engineering) from the
                                                                              Universidad Industrial de Santander.
                                                                              He joined BHP in 1989.

          Geoff Healy                       Geraldine Slattery                Laura Tyler
          BEc, LLB, 54                      BSc, Physics, MSc, International Management   BSc (Geology (Hons)), MSc
          Chief External Affairs Officer    (Oil & Gas), 51                   (Mining Engineering), 53
          Mr Healy joined BHP as Chief Legal Counsel    President Operations, Petroleum  Chief Geoscientist
          in June 2013 and was appointed Chief External   Ms Slattery joined BHP in 1994 and was   Ms Tyler joined BHP in 2004 and was
          Affairs Officer in February 2016. Prior to joining   appointed President Operations, Petroleum    appointed Chief Geoscientist in 2019
          BHP, Geoff was a partner at Herbert Smith   in March 2019. Geraldine has 25 years    in addition to her role as Asset President
          Freehills for 16 years and a member of its Global   of experience with BHP, most recently    of Olympic Dam. Previously, Laura was
          Partnership Council, working widely across its   as Asset President Conventional and prior    Chief of Staff to the CEO, Asset President
          network of Australian and international offices.  to that in several senior operational and   of the Cannington Mine and held technical
                                            business leadership roles across the    and operational roles at the EKATI Diamond
                                            Petroleum business in the United Kingdom,   Mine in Canada and corporate HSEC
                                            Australia and the United States.  in London. Prior to joining BHP, Laura
                                                                              worked for Western Mining Corporation,
                                                                              Newcrest Mining and Mount Isa Mines
                                                                              in various technical and operational roles.

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