Page 121 - Annual Report 2020
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2.4 Board meetings and attendance

           The Board meets as often as required. Directors must allocate   Members of the ELT and other members of senior management
           sufficient time to BHP to perform their responsibilities effectively,   attended meetings of the Board by invitation, with the CFO   Strategic Report
           including adequate time to prepare for Board meetings. During   attending each meeting.
           FY2020, the Board met 13 times. Twelve meetings were held in
           Australia and one in the United Kingdom. The normal schedule,
           which includes Board meetings in the UK and in another global
           office location, was disrupted due to the travel impacts of
           COVID-19 resulting in virtual board meetings, and additional
           meetings were held regarding COVID-19. In total, four of the
           meetings were ad hoc – scheduled during the year.                                                        2

           Board and Board Committee attendance in FY2020

                                                           Nomination                                               Governance at BHP
                           Scheduled   Ad hoc   Risk and Audit   and Governance  Remuneration   Sustainability   Tenure as at
                           Board     Board      Committee  Committee   Committee  Committee  30 June 2020  (1)
            Terry Bowen       9/9        4/4        11/11                                   2 years 9 months
            Malcolm Broomhead   9/9      4/4                   4/4                   5/5    10 years 3 months
            Ian Cockerill     9/9        4/4        10/11  (2)                       5/5    1 year 3 months
            Anita Frew        9/9        4/4        11/11                 6/6               4 years 10 months
            Gary Goldberg     3/3        3/3                              3/3        3/3    5 months                Remuneration Report
            Mike Henry        3/3        3/3                                                6 months
            Carolyn Hewson    4/4         1/1                  2/2        3/3               Retired on 7 November 2019
            Susan Kilsby      9/9        2/4  (3)               1/1       6/6               1 year 3 months
            Andrew Mackenzie  6/6         1/1                                               Retired on 31 December 2019
            Ken MacKenzie     9/9        4/4                   4/4                          3 years 10 months
            Lindsay Maxsted   9/9        4/4        11/11                                   9 years 3 months
            John Mogford      9/9        4/4                                         5/5    2 years 9 months        Directors’ Report
            Shriti Vadera     9/9        4/4                   4/4        6/6               9 years 5 months
            Dion Weisler       1/1                                         1/1              1 month

           Table indicates the number of scheduled and ad hoc meetings attended and held during the period the Director was a member of the Board and/or committee.
           (1)  See section 2.9 for further discussion about tenure.
           (2) Ian Cockerill was unable to attend the Risk and Audit Committee meeting on 15 August 2019 due to pre-existing Board commitments in a transitional year. Ian provided
             detailed comments to the Chair of the Committee ahead of the meeting.
           (3) Susan Kilsby was unable to attend ad hoc Board calls which were scheduled at short notice, on 30 October 2019 and 17 March 2020, due to pre-existing Board
             commitments and COVID-related travel disruptions. Ms Kilsby provided detailed comments to the Chair in advance of both meetings.  Financial Statements

                                                                                                                    Additional information

                                                                                               BHP Annual Report 2020  119  Shareholder information
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