Page 124 - Annual Report 2020
P. 124

2.6 Stakeholder engagement                         2.6.1 Shareholder engagement

          There are multiple ways the views of stakeholders, beyond   Part of the Board’s commitment to high-quality governance
          shareholders (section 2.6.1) and the workforce (section 2.6.2),    is expressed through the approach BHP takes to engaging and
          are brought to the Board and its Committees. For example,    communicating with our shareholders. The Board uses formal
          Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) updates,    and informal communication channels to understand and take
          site visits involving engagement with community members    into account the views of shareholders.
          and government, and engagement with the Forum on    We encourage shareholders to make their views known to us.
          Corporate Responsibility. In addition, the RAC receives    Shareholders can contact us at any time through our Investor
          reports on engagement with regulators. It also receives    Relations team, with contact details available at
          reports on material litigation and disputes with third parties    In addition, shareholders can communicate with us and our
          and complaints raised through the speak-up hotline, EthicsPoint,   registrar electronically.
          which allows our workforce to raise concerns in confidence.
          The strategic framework, focus on social value, our new
          purpose and Risk Appetite Statement reflect the significance
          of external stakeholders in decision-making.
          The Annual Report includes additional information on our
          stakeholders, including non-governmental organisations.
          For more information, refer to sections 1.4.3, 1.6 and 1.7.
          Understanding shareholder views

                                                    Retail investors
                                                                                          Proxy advisers
              Sell side analysts                  Institutional investors                 ESG advisers
             Research providers
                                                  – Portfolio managers                     ESG ratings
                                                 – Environmental, Social
                                                   & Governance managers

                                                                             Group Governance
                         Investor Relations                             (meetings and correspondence)
                     (meetings and correspondence)
                     CEO/CFO/Senior Management                         Chair/Senior Independent Director/
                                                                         Remuneration Committee Chair

                                                (Annual General Meetings)

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