Page 125 - Annual Report 2020
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Investor engagement in FY2020
            Topic           Led by          Purpose           FY2020 activity
            Strategy,       Group Chair     Discuss Board     Meetings with institutional investors in Australia, the UK and the US.   Strategic Report
            governance and                  priorities and seek   In addition, the Chair participated in the remuneration consultation
            remuneration                    shareholder feedback  meetings in Australia and the UK in July 2019.

                                                              Meetings with retail shareholders in Australia held in conjunction
                                                              with the Australian Shareholders’ Association and in the UK with the
                                                              UK Shareholders’ Association and Sharesoc.
             Remuneration   Chair of the    Remuneration      Meetings held in Australia and the UK in July 2019.
                            Remuneration    policy consultation
                            Committee, Vice                                                                         2
                            President Reward
                            and Vice President,
                            Group Governance
            Climate change    Board         Direct feedback   Direct engagement between a panel of institutional investors and the
            and environmental,                                Board at the virtual Board meeting in June 2020.      Governance at BHP
            social and
            governance (ESG)
            Strategy, finance    CEO, CFO, senior   Update shareholders   Live webcasts of key announcements.
            and operating   management and   on results or other
            performance     Investor Relations  key announcements.    Face-to-face investor meetings held in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong
                                            We also engage    SAR (China), Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, the UK and the
                                            with other capital   US. Virtual meetings were held with investors in Australia, Hong Kong
                                            providers, for example,   SAR (China), Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland, the United Arab
                                            through meetings    Emirates, the UK and the US.
                                            with bondholders                                                        Remuneration Report
                                                              Debt investor meetings held in London in October 2019 with investors
                                                              from the Netherlands, Singapore, the UK and the US, along with ad
                                                              hoc meetings.
                                                              Debt investor teleconferences held in August 2019 and February 2020
                                                              with investors in the Netherlands, the UK and the US.
                                                              Management led engagement with retail investors in Australia in
                                                              September 2019, and the Investor Relations team conducted retail
                                                              broker briefings.
            Industry        CEO, External   Engaged with investors    Multiple calls and face-to-face meetings were held between September   Directors’ Report
            associations    Affairs, Group   on shareholder   2019 and March 2020 with investors globally. This included face-to-face
                            Governance      resolutions, the 2019   engagement between the CEO and certain investors in December 2019.
                                            Industry Association   In January 2020, briefings were held in Sydney, Melbourne, London,
                                            Review and a new   Edinburgh and Amsterdam. In March 2020, BHP commenced a global
                                            approach to industry   engagement and dialogue process with stakeholders to explore how the
                                            association membership   Group could improve its approach to industry associations, including
                                                              to address issues raised by investors in our engagement on the 2019
                                                              shareholder resolutions.
            Social value    Head of External   Update investors    Meetings held in Australia in September 2019, the UK and Europe in
            and HSEC        Affairs and Head    on key HSEC issues  October 2019, and the US in December 2019 about BHP’s approach
                            of Health, Safety                 to social value.
                            and Environment                                                                         Financial Statements
            Corporate       ESG, Group      Provides a conduit to   Multiple forms of engagement with investors throughout the year
            Governance      Governance and   enable the Board and    on a wide range of topics. For example, responded to enquiries on
            and ESG matters  Investor Relations  its Committees to be    topics including diversity and inclusion, cultural heritage, tailings dams,
                                            up to date with investor   Samarco, non-operated joint ventures, industry associations, climate
                                            expectations and to   risk, biodiversity, water stewardship, COVID-19, workforce mental health
                                            continuously improve   and thermal coal.
                                            the governance
                                            processes of BHP
            Climate change  Vice President,   Update investors on our   Ad hoc meetings held in Australia, Europe and the US, including
                            Sustainability and   climate change strategy  engagement with Climate Action 100+ regarding our climate change
                            Climate Change                    response (e.g. offsets, Scope 3 goals, medium-term target, portfolio   Additional information
                                                              analysis and industry associations).
            Annual General   Board and Senior   Respond to    Information on our AGMs is available at
            Meetings        Management, and   investor queries
                            external auditor                                                                        Shareholder information

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