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2.9 Nomination and Governance Committee Report

            Role and focus                                   •  the time required from Non-executive Directors
            The Nomination and Governance Committee assists the Board    •  the assessment and, if appropriate, authorisation of situations
            in ensuring it comprises individuals who are best able to fulfil the   of actual and potential conflict notified by Directors
            responsibilities of a Director and who have regard to the highest   •  BHP’s corporate governance practices
            standards of governance, the strategic direction of BHP and the   The Nomination and Governance Committee met four times
            diversity aspirations of the Board. It does so by focusing on:  during FY2020. In addition to regular business, the Committee
            •  the succession planning process for the Board and its   considered CEO succession, the appointment as Non-executive
             Committees, including the identification of suitable candidates   Directors of Gary Goldberg and Dion Weisler, and Xiaoqun
             for appointment to the Board considering the skills, experience,   Clever with effect from 1 October, and the retirement of Lindsay
             independence and knowledge required on the Board, as well   Maxsted on 4 September 2020, and Shriti Vadera after the
             as the attributes required of potential Directors  2020 AGMs. The Committee also oversaw other targeted
            •  the succession planning process for the Chair  searches for Non-executive Director candidates in FY2020,
            •  the succession planning process for the CEO and periodic   which are continuing.
             evaluation of the process                       External recruitment specialists
            •  Board and Director performance evaluation, including
             evaluation of Directors seeking re-election prior to their   The Committee retained the services of external recruitment
                                                             specialists. Russell Reynolds and MWM Consulting assisted
             endorsement by the Board as described in section 2.8  with Non-executive Director candidate searches during FY2020.
            •  the provision of appropriate training and development   These recruitment specialists do not have any connection
             opportunities for Directors                     with the Group or any Director.
            •  the independence of Non-executive Directors
            Nomination and Governance Committee members during the year

            Name                         Independent         Status                              Attendance
            Ken MacKenzie (Chair)        Chair of the Board  Member for whole period             4/4
            Malcolm Broomhead            Yes                 Member for whole period             4/4
            Carolyn Hewson               Yes                 Member until 7 November 2019        2/2
            Susan Kilsby                 Yes                 Member from 1 April 2020            1/1
            Shriti Vadera                Yes                 Member for whole period             4/4

            Committee activities in FY2020                   Our aspiration is to achieve gender balance on our Board,
                                                             among our senior executives and across our workforce by
            Succession planning processes                    CY2025. We therefore welcome the ongoing Hampton-Alexander
            •  CEO succession                                initiative for all FTSE 100 Boards to have at least 33 per cent
                                                             female representation by the end of CY2020, and the objective
            •  Implementation of the skills and experience matrix  of having at least 30 per cent of Directors of each gender in
            •  Identification of suitable Non-executive Director candidates  accordance with the ASX Fourth Edition. Our aspiration includes
            •  Board and committee succession                a fixed target of maintaining the level of Board diversity above
            •  Partnering with new search firms regarding candidate searches  33 per cent, and we will be aligned with this requirement
            •  Technology and mining Non-executive Director search  from 1 October 2020. We therefore satisfy the guidance in
                                                             both the ASX Fourth Edition and also the UK Code. In addition,
            Evaluation and training                          as at 30 June 2020, gender diversity among senior management
            •  Board evaluation and Director development     (defined as the ELT plus Company Secretary and their direct
            •  2020 training and development program         reports) was 31 per cent.
            •  Director induction                            We also welcome the final Parker Report into ethnic diversity
            •  Committee assessment                          of UK boards and continue to seek additional ethnic diversity
                                                             on our Board, and throughout BHP. On our Board we meet
            Corporate governance practices                   the target of having ‘at least one Director of colour by 2021’
                                                             as recommended by the Parker Review.
            •  Independence of Non-executive Directors
            •  Authorisation of situations of actual or potential conflict  Part of the Board’s role continues to be to consider and approve
            •  Advisory Committees                           BHP’s measurable objectives for workforce diversity each
                                                             financial year and to oversee our progress in achieving those
            •  Corporate Governance Statement                objectives. For more information, including our progress against
            •  Governance update – Section 172 mapping       our FY2020 measurable objectives and our employee profile
            •  Implementing provisions from the UK Code and the    more generally, refer to sections 1.6.1 and 1.6.2.
              ASX Fourth Edition
            •  Updated Director Deed of Indemnity Insurance and Access  Renewal and re-election
            •  Updated Terms of Appointment for Directors    The Board adopted a policy in 2011, consistent with the UK
            •  Crisis management                             Code, under which all Directors must seek re-election by
            •  Update of the Committee Terms of Reference    shareholders annually if they wish to remain on the Board.
                                                             The Board believes annual re-election promotes and supports
            Policy on inclusion and diversity                accountability to shareholders.
            The Board and management believe diversity is required    When considering new appointments, the Board’s Nomination
            to meet our purpose, which is outlined in section 1.6.1.    and Governance Committee takes the following approach:
            Diversity is key to ensuring the Board and its Committees
            have the right blend of perspectives so that the Board oversees
            BHP effectively for shareholders. In CY2019, we updated the
            Nomination and Governance Committee Terms of Reference
            to explicitly refer to age, social and ethnic backgrounds and
            personal strengths. This is in addition to diversity of gender,
            nationality and geography.

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