Page 133 - Annual Report 2020
P. 133

Risk and Audit Committee members during the year                                                       Strategic Report

              Name                              Independent    Status                              Attendance
              Lindsay Maxsted (Chair until 1 May 2020)  Yes    Member for whole period             11/11
              Terry Bowen (Chair from 1 May 2020)  (1)  Yes    Member for whole period             11/11
              Ian Cockerill  (2)                Yes            Member for whole period             10/11
              Anita Frew                        Yes            Member for whole period             11/11
             (1)  Mr Bowen is the Committee’s financial expert nominated by the Board.
             (2) Mr Cockerill was unable to attend the RAC meeting scheduled for 15 August 2019 due to the need to fly to London at that time in order to attend another board
               meeting in London the following day. As this was his transitional year, there were some inevitable clashes with pre-existing meetings, and this was one that could
               not be resolved. Since then, all meetings have been rescheduled where necessary to avoid clashes. Mr Cockerill provided detailed comments to the Chair of the
               Committee ahead of the meeting.
             Committee activities in FY2020                                                                         Governance at BHP
              Integrity of Financial Statements and funding matters  Other governance matters
              •  Accounting matters for consideration, materiality limits, half-year   •  Samarco dam failure provision
               and full-year results                           •  Tailings storage facility failure material risk
              •  Commentary and explanatory notes to the Financial Statements  •  Escondida, Cerro Colorado, BMA guarantees
              •  Closure and rehabilitation provision          •  Revolving credit facility
              •  Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance                 •  Sexual harassment material risk
              •  Financial governance procedures               •  Update of the Committee Terms of Reference        Remuneration Report
              •  Reserves and resources                        •  Update of the Internal Audit and Advisory Terms of Reference
              •  FY2020 portfolio valuation review             •  Update of the Provision of Audit and Other Services Policy
              •  Weighted average cost of capital review        by the External Auditor
              •  Funding updates                               Fair, balanced and understandable
              •  Business RAC meetings
              •  Inter-company loans and group guarantees update  The RAC confirmed its view to the Board that BHP’s Annual Report
                                                               2020 taken as a whole is fair, balanced and understandable.
              •  Deed of Cross Guarantee
                                                               For the Board’s statement on the Annual Report, refer to the
              External auditor and integrity of the audit process  Directors’ Report in section 4.                  Directors’ Report
                                                               In making this assessment, the RAC considers the substantial
              •  External audit report                         governance framework that is in place for the Annual Report.
              •  External audit letters of engagement, external audit fees and   This includes management representation letters, certifications,
               non-audit services
              •  Management and external auditor closed sessions  RAC oversight of the Financial Statements and other financial
                                                               governance procedures focused on the financial section
              •  Audit plan, review of performance and quality of service  of the Annual Report, together with verification procedures
              •  Ernst & Young (EY) independence and non-audit services  for the narrative reporting section of the Annual Report.
              •  EY audit transition
                                                               Integrity of Financial Statements
              Effectiveness of systems of internal control and risk management  The RAC assists the Board in assuring the integrity of the
                                                               Financial Statements. The RAC evaluates and makes
              •  Material risk reports                         recommendations to the Board about the appropriateness    Financial Statements
              •  Approach to emerging risks                    of accounting policies and practices, areas of judgement,
              •  Group risk profile                            compliance with accounting standards, stock exchange
              •  Viability statement                           and legal requirements and the results of the external audit.
              •  Robust risk assessment                        It reviews the half-yearly and annual Financial Statements
              •  Practical application of the new Risk Framework  and makes recommendations on specific actions or decisions
              •  Updates to and review of the Risk Appetite Statement and   (including formal adoption of the Financial Statements and
               confirmation that the Group is operating with due regard    reports) the Board should consider in order to maintain the
               to that appetite                                integrity of the Financial Statements.
              •  Monitoring performance against risk appetite through key risk   CEO and CFO assurance
              •  Approval of the internal audit plan, plan principles and regular   For the FY2020 full year and half year, the CEO and CFO have   Additional information
               reports on progress against the internal audit plan  certified that BHP’s financial records have been properly
              •  Cultural assessments in internal audits       maintained and the FY2020 Financial Statements present
              •  Matters of note arising from internal audits  a true and fair view, in all material respects, of our financial
              •  Internal audit reports                        condition and operating results and are in accordance with
                                                               accounting standards and applicable regulatory requirements.
              •  Internal assessments of performance of Internal Audit and Advisory
              •  Fraud report                                  The CEO and CFO have also certified to the Board that the
              •  Committee and Group Assurance Officer and Chief Risk Officer   Financial Statements for the full year and half year are founded
               closed sessions                                 on a sound system of risk management and internal control
              •  Ethics and compliance reports, grievance and investigation processes  and the system is operating efficiently and effectively.
              •  Insurance update and Directors’ and Officers’ insurance update
              •  Tax updates                                                                                        Shareholder information
              •  Material disputes updates
              •  Data protection and privacy risk update
              •  Updates on control framework and risks regarding COVID-19

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