Page 138 - Annual Report 2020
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2.11 Sustainability Committee Report continued

            Sustainable development governance               For information on the key areas of focus for the Committee,
            Our approach to HSEC and sustainable development   management and the HSE function and Community
            governance is characterised by:                  sub-function, refer to section 1.7.
            •  the Sustainability Committee assisting the Board to oversee   Social investment
             material HSEC matters and risks across BHP, including seeking   We continued to monitor our progress on our social investment
             continuous improvement and policy advocacy as applicable  and met our target for investments in community programs.
            •  management having primary responsibility for the design and   For more information, refer to section 1.7.9.
             implementation of an effective HSEC management system
            •  management having accountability for HSEC performance  The terms of reference for the Sustainability Committee
                                                                  are available at
            •  the HSE function and Community sub-function providing
             advice and guidance directly to the Sustainability Committee
             and the Board
            •  the Board, Sustainability Committee and management seeking
             input and insight from external experts, such as the BHP Forum
             on Corporate Responsibility
            •  clear links between executive remuneration and
             HSEC performance

          2.12 Remuneration Committee Report

            Role and focus                                   The Remuneration Committee met six times during FY2020
            The Remuneration Committee assists the Board in overseeing:  and also considered some matters out of session. Susan Kilsby
            •  the remuneration policy and its specific application to the   was appointed Chair of the Remuneration Committee with
             CEO and other ELT members and its general application    effect from 7 November 2019. She served on the Committee
             to all employees                                from her appointment to the Board in April 2019, which provided
            •  the adoption of annual and long-term incentive plans  an appropriate transition to become Chair. She also has relevant
                                                             skills and experience, including her current appointment as
            •  the determination of levels of reward for the CEO and    the Chair of the remuneration committee of Diageo plc and
             approval of reward for other members of the ELT  as a member of the compensation committee of Fortune Brands
            •  the annual evaluation of the performance of the CEO,    Home & Security Inc. She therefore satisfies the requirement
             by giving guidance to the Chair                 for the incoming Chair to have served on a remuneration
            •  leaving entitlements                          committee for at least 12 months.
            •  the preparation of the Remuneration Report for inclusion    Some of the items the Committee discussed are described
             in the Annual Report                            below. For more information on the Committee’s work,
            •  compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements   refer to the Remuneration Report in section 3.
             associated with remuneration matters            The terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee were
            •  the review, at least annually, of remuneration by gender  updated following the release of the new versions of the UK
            The Sustainability Committee and the RAC assist the   Code and the ASX Fourth Edition. In addition, areas in need of
            Remuneration Committee in determining appropriate HSEC    clarification were identified during the recent ASIC Corporate
            and financial metrics, respectively, to be included in senior   Governance Taskforce’s review (e.g. how information flows
            executive scorecards and in assessing performance against   to the Board).
            those measures.
            Remuneration Committee members during the year

            Name                                             Independent  Status                  Attendance
            Susan Kilsby (Chair from 7 November 2019)        Yes         Member for whole period  6/6
            Anita Frew                                       Yes         Member for whole period  6/6
            Gary Goldberg                                    Yes         Member from 1 February 2020  3/3
            Carolyn Hewson (Chair and member until 7 November 2019)  Yes  Member until 7 November 2019  3/3
            Dion Weisler                                     Yes         Member from 1 June 2020  1/1
            Shriti Vadera                                    Yes         Member for whole period  6/6

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