Page 139 - Annual Report 2020
P. 139

Committee activities in FY2020                                                                         Strategic Report
              Remuneration of the ELT and the Board            Other
              •  Remuneration policy review                    •  Induction, training and development program
              •  Remuneration of CEO and other ELT members and Group    •  Board committee procedures, including closed sessions
               Company Secretary                               •  Update of the Committee Terms of Reference
              •  Remuneration arrangements for new ELT members
              •  Retirement arrangements for former CEO        Remuneration
              •  Consideration of COVID-19 impacts             Details of our remuneration policies and practices, and the   2
              •  KPIs, performance levels, award outcomes      remuneration paid to the Directors (Executive and Non-executive)
              •  FY2021 HSEC scorecard – climate enhanced      and other members of the Key Management Personnel, are set
              •  Long-Term Incentive Plan sector peer group review  out in the Remuneration Report in section 3.
              •  Chair fees                                         The terms of reference for the Remuneration Committee
                                                                    are available at            Governance at BHP
              Other remuneration matters
              •  Workforce remuneration and engagement
              •  Shareplus enrolment update
              •  Remuneration by gender
              •  Shareholder engagement
              •  Corporate Governance Code provisions                                                               Remuneration Report

           2.13 Risk management                                Performance evaluation for executives
           governance structure                                The performance of executives and other senior employees is
                                                               reviewed on an annual basis. For the members of the ELT, this
           Identifying and managing risk are central to achieving our purpose.   review includes their contribution, engagement and interaction
           For information on our approach to risk and risk governance, including   at Board level. The annual performance review process considers
           the role of the BHP Board and its Committees, refer to section 1.5.4.  the performance of executives against criteria designed to capture
                                                               ‘what’ is achieved and ‘how’ it is achieved. All performance
           2.14 Management                                     assessments of executives include how effective they have been    Directors’ Report
                                                               in undertaking their role; what they have achieved against their
                                                               specified key performance indicators; how they match up to the
           Below the level of the Board, key management decisions are    behaviours prescribed in our leadership model; and how those
           made by the CEO, the ELT, management committees and members   behaviours align with Our Charter values.
           of management who have delegated authority.
           Management committees consider BHP’s risks and controls.   A performance evaluation as outlined was conducted for all members
                                                               of the ELT during FY2020. For the CEO, the performance evaluation
           Strategic risks (both threats and opportunities) arising from   was led by the Chair of the Board on behalf of all the Non-executive
           changes in our business environment are regularly reviewed    Directors, and was discussed with the Remuneration Committee.
           by the ELT and discussed by the Board.
           CEO and management committee responsibilities

                                                     Chief Executive Officer                                        Financial Statements
                              •  Holds delegated authority from the Board to achieve the corporate purpose
                              •  Authority extends to all matters except those reserved for the Board’s decision
                              •  CEO has delegated authority to management committees and individual members of
                               management – but CEO remains accountable to Board for all authority delegated to him

                                                   Executive Leadership Team
                              •  Established by the CEO, the ELT has responsibility for day-to-day management of BHP  Additional information
                              •  Purpose is to provide leadership to BHP, determining its priorities and the way it is to operate,
                               thereby assisting the CEO in pursuing the corporate purpose
                              •  Is a forum to debate high-level matters important to BHP and to ensure consistent
                               development of BHP’s strategy

             Financial Risk                    Group Investment  Review Committee   Disclosure Committee
             Management Committee              •  Purpose is to assist the CEO in assessing   •  Purpose is to assist the  CEO in overseeing
             •  Purpose is to assist the CEO  in monitoring   investment decisions using a transparent   BHP’s compliance with securities dealing   Shareholder information
              and overseeing the management of the   and rigorous governance process,   and continuous  and periodic disclosure
              financial risks faced by BHP, including:   such that:                requirements, including:
              •  commodity price risk            •  investments are aligned with BHP’s   •  reviewing information  that may require
              •  counterparty credit risk         purpose, strategy and Charter values   disclosure to stock exchanges
                                                  as well as the Group’s capital priorities
              •  currency risk                    and plans                        •  overseeing disclosure processes to
                                                                                    ensure information disclosed  is timely,
              •  financing risk                  •  key risks and opportunities are   accurate and complete
              •  interest rate risk               identified and managed
              •  insurance                       •  shareholder value is optimised,
                                                  on a risk adjusted basis

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