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2.15 Our conduct                                   Copies of announcements to the stock exchanges on which
                                                             BHP is listed, investor briefings, Financial Statements, the Annual
          Our Charter and Our Code of Conduct                Report and other relevant information can be found at
          Our Code is based on Our Charter values. Our Code sets out   To receive email alerts of news releases, subscribe at
          standards of behaviour for our people when using BHP resources,
          in their dealings with governments and communities, third parties   2.17 Conformance with corporate
          and each other. Our Code describes the behaviours expected
          to support a safe, respectful and legally compliant working   governance standards
          environment and includes our policies on speaking up,
          anti-bribery and corruption.                       Our compliance with the governance standards in our home
                                                             jurisdictions of Australia and the United Kingdom, and with the
               Our Charter and Our Code are accessible to all our people    governance requirements that apply to us as a result of our New York
               and external stakeholders at
                                                             Stock Exchange (NYSE) listing and our registration with the Securities
                                                             Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States, is summarised
          BHP’s EthicsPoint                                  in this Corporate Governance Statement, the Remuneration Report,
          We have mechanisms in place for anyone to raise a report if they   the Directors’ Report and the Financial Statements.
          feel Our Code has been breached.                   The UK Code (available at: and the ASX Principles and
          Employees and contractors can raise their concerns through    Recommendations (available at require the Board
          a number of channels, including through line leaders. Anyone,   to consider the application of the relevant corporate governance
          including external stakeholders and the public, can lodge a concern,   principles, while recognising that departures from those principles
          in the form of a report, either online in EthicsPoint, or via the 24-hour,   are appropriate in some circumstances. The Board considers that
          multilingual call service. Reporters of misconduct can choose   during FY2020 it applied the Principles and complied with the
          to raise their concern anonymously.                provisions set out in the 2018 edition of the UK Code, and complied
          Reports received are assigned by the Ethics Team to an investigator,   with the ASX Third Edition, with no exceptions.
          line leader or team for investigation or resolution as appropriate,    Our Appendix 4G, which summarises our compliance with
          in accordance with internal policy and process documents.    the ASX Third Edition is available at
          Both the reporting and investigations processes are transparent
          and summary information is accessible to all BHP employees    BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc are registrants with the SEC
          via BHP’s intranet.                                in the United States. Each company is classified as a foreign private
          Reports raised via EthicsPoint provide valuable insight into culture   issuer and each has American Depositary Shares listed on the NYSE.
          and organisational learning. All significant Code of Conduct   We have reviewed the governance requirements applicable to
          matters, and key trends from investigations, are reported to the   foreign private issuers under SOX, including the rules promulgated
          RAC. These are then reported to the Board as part of its report-out   by the SEC and the rules of the NYSE, and are satisfied that we
          as set out in section 2.5. The most serious breaches of Our Code   comply with those requirements.
          are also reported to the Integrity Working Group, which is
          accountable for oversight of the operational effectiveness of the   Under NYSE rules, foreign private issuers such as BHP are required
          Investigations Framework, including oversight of investigations   to disclose any significant ways our corporate governance
          completed by the Central Investigations team. The Integrity   practices differ from those followed by US companies under
          Working Group is chaired by the Chief Compliance Officer and   the NYSE corporate governance standards. After a comparison
          comprises of a number of Senior Leaders across BHP.  of our corporate governance practices with the requirements
                                                             of Section 303A of the NYSE-Listed Company Manual followed
                                                             by US companies, a significant difference was identified:
          2.16 Market disclosure                             •  Rule 10A-3 of the Exchange Act requires NYSE-listed companies
                                                              to ensure their audit committees are directly responsible for
          We have disclosure controls in place for periodic disclosures,   the appointment, compensation, retention and oversight of the
          including the Operational Review, our results announcements,    work of the External Auditor unless the company’s governing
          debt investor documents (such as the prospectus for the Euro    law or documents or other home country legal requirements
          or Australian Medium Term Notes) and Annual Report documents,   require or permit shareholders to ultimately vote on or approve
          which must comply with relevant regulatory requirements.   these matters. While the RAC is directly responsible for
          Additional details about these verification processes can be found   remuneration and oversight of the External Auditor, the ultimate
          in the Periodic Disclosure – Disclosure Controls document at    responsibility for appointment and retention of the External
 To safeguard the effective dissemination of information,   Auditor rests with our shareholders, in accordance with UK law
          we have developed mandatory minimum performance     and our constitutional documents. The RAC does, however,
          requirements for market disclosure, which outline how we identify   make recommendations to the Board on these matters,
          and distribute information to shareholders and market participants    which are reported to shareholders.
          and sets out the role of the Disclosure Committee in managing
          compliance with market disclosure obligations. Further, where
          an announcement is determined to be material by the Disclosure
          Committee, the Board receives a copy promptly after it has been
          made. Where BHP gives a new and substantive investor or analyst
          presentation, it releases a copy of the presentation materials on the
          ASX Market Announcements Platform ahead of the presentation.
          As a result of COVID-19, we introduced extra monitoring and
          disclosure controls. These included: increasing the regularity
          and breadth of information gathered from management
          (including Finance, Supply, Marketing, Legal, and Operational
          teams); more regular updates to the Disclosure Committee;
          and more regular discussions with UBS (our corporate broker
          in the UK), as well as our Investor Relations team. This enabled
          BHP to assess the materiality of developments and stay across
          market expectations, dynamics and emerging best practice.
               A copy of the market disclosure and communications
               document is available at

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