Page 143 - Annual Report 2020
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Section 3                                                   In this section

                                                                       3.1   Annual statement by the Remuneration
                                                                           Committee Chair
                                                                       3.2  Remuneration policy report
           Remuneration                                                    3.3  Annual report on remuneration
                                                                           Remuneration policy for the Executive Director
                                                                           Remuneration policy for Non-executive Directors
           Report                                                           Remuneration for the Executive Directors (the CEOs)
                                                                           Remuneration for other Executive KMP
                                                                           (excluding the CEOs)
                                                                           Remuneration for Non-executive Directors
                                                                           Remuneration governance
                                                                           Other statutory disclosures

           This Remuneration Report describes the remuneration policies,   Abbreviation  Item
           practices, outcomes and governance for the KMP of BHP.      AGM           Annual General Meeting
           BHP’s DLC structure means that we are subject to remuneration   CDP       Cash and Deferred Plan
           disclosure requirements in the United Kingdom and Australia.   CEO        Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                     Dividend Equivalent Payment
           This results in some complexity in our disclosures, as there are   DLC    Dual Listed Company
           some key differences in the requirements and the information   ELT        Executive Leadership Team
           that must be disclosed. For example, UK requirements give   GHG           Greenhouse Gas
           shareholders the right to a binding vote on the remuneration   GSTIP      Group Short-Term Incentive Plan
           policy every three years and as a result, the remuneration policy   HPIF  High Potential Injury Frequency
           needs to be described in a separate section in the Remuneration   HSEC    Health, Safety, Environment
           Report. Our remuneration policy is set out in section 3.2. In             and Community
           Australia, BHP is required to make certain disclosures for KMP    IFRS    International Financial
                                                                                     Reporting Standards
           as defined by the Australian Corporations Act 2001, Australian   KMP      Key Management Personnel
           Accounting Standards and IFRS.                              KPI           Key Performance Indicator
           The UK requirements focus on the remuneration of Executive   LTIP         Long-Term Incentive Plan
                                                                                     Management Award Plan
           and Non-executive Directors. At BHP, this is our Board, including   MSR   Minimum Shareholding Requirement
           the CEO, who is our sole Executive Director. In contrast, the   OIF       Occupational Illness Frequency
           Australian requirements focus on the remuneration of KMP,   ROCE          Return on Capital Employed
           defined as those who have authority and responsibility for   STIP         Short-Term Incentive Plan
           planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group   TRIF    Total Recordable Injury Frequency
           directly or indirectly. KMP includes the Board, as well as certain   TSR  Total Shareholder Return
           members of our senior executive team.
           After due consideration, the Committee has determined the
           KMP for FY2020 comprised the following roles: all Non-executive
           Directors, the CEO, the Chief Financial Officer, the President
           Minerals Australia, the President Minerals Americas, and the
           President Petroleum.
           The following individuals have held their positions and were
           KMP for the whole of FY2020, unless stated otherwise:
           •  Mike Henry, CEO and Executive Director (from 1 January 2020)
             and President Minerals Australia (to 31 December 2019)
           •  Andrew Mackenzie, CEO and Executive Director
             (to 31 December 2019)
           •  Peter Beaven, Chief Financial Officer
           •  Daniel Malchuk, President Minerals Americas
           •  Geraldine Slattery, President Petroleum
           •  Non-executive Directors - see section 3.3.14 for details of the
             Non-executive Directors, including dates of appointment or
             cessation (where relevant)

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