Page 141 - Annual Report 2020
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Compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018
                 This section describes how BHP has applied the Principles of the UK Code                           Strategic Report

                    Board leadership and company purpose        Composition, succession and evaluation
                      –  Long-term sustainable success – we believe we put      – Appointments – we have a rigorous process in place
                     the long-term sustainable success of BHP at the centre   for Board appointments, and to consider succession
                     of what we do (section 1.4.2 and 1.4.3).     having regard to diversity of gender, social and ethnic
                      – Purpose, values, strategy and culture – we renewed    backgrounds and personal strengths (section 2.9).  2
                     our purpose in FY2019 to better capture the aspirations     – Skills matrix – we have an appropriate mix of skills,
                     of all our stakeholders (sections 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3,    experience and knowledge on the Board and in 2018
                     1.6 and 1.7).                                revised our skills matrix (section 2.7). Section 2.9
                      – Performance measurement and control framework   provides information on tenure and Board renewal.
                     (sections 1.4 and 6.6).                       – Director review – the contribution of each Director    Governance at BHP
                      – Responsibilities to shareholders and stakeholders   to the work of the Board and its Committees, the
                     (sections 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.6.1 and 2.6).      expectations of Directors as specified in BHP’s
                      – Workforce policies and practices (sections 1.4.2, 1.4.3,   governance framework and the performance of
                                                                  Directors. The review confirmed that each Director
                     1.6.1, 1.6.2 and 2.6).                       continues to contribute effectively (section 2.8).

                                                                Audit Risk and Internal Control                     Remuneration Report
                                                                   – Internal and external audit independence –
                                                                  we understand the importance of ensuring these lines
                                                                  of defence remain independent (section 2.10).
                                                                   – Fair balanced and understandable – the Board presents
                    Division of responsibilities                  a fair balanced and understandable assessment of BHP’s
                      – Chair of the Board – the Chair leads the Board and   position and prospects (section 2.10).
                     is responsible for its effectiveness and the effective     – Management and oversight of risk – our risk and
                     contribution from all Non-executive Directors    control environment is monitored and overseen by the
                     (section 2.3).                               Risk and Audit Committee. The Board, Risk and Audit   Directors’ Report
                      – Board composition – the Board operates effectively    Committee, and Sustainability Committee considered
                     with the appropriate balance of executives and    emerging and principal risk during the year (sections
                     Non-executives and believes the roles of the Chair    1.5.4, 2.5, 2.10 and 2.11).
                     and the CEO should be separated (section 2.3).
                      – Non-executive Directors have sufficient time to meet
                     their responsibilities – when we appoint new Directors
                     we ensure they have sufficient time to undertake   Remuneration
                     their responsibilities and are able to offer challenge,     – Policies and practices – remuneration is designed to
                     strategic guidance and specialist advice (section 2.2.1).  support our strategy and long-term sustainable success
                      – Time and resources – the Board ensures it has    (section 3).
                     the necessary time, resources, policies and processes     – Formal and transparent procedure – we have formal and   Financial Statements
                     in place as part of its evaluation process (section 2.8).  transparent procedures in place, and routinely engage
                                                                  with investors for their feedback (section 2.6.1).
                                                                   – Use of discretion – we have used discretion to adjust the
                                                                  formulaic remuneration outcomes (section 3).

           2.18 Additional UK disclosure                                                                            Additional information
           The information specified in the UK FCA Disclosure and
           Transparency Rules, DTR 7.2.6, is located elsewhere in this Annual
           Report. The Directors’ Report in section 4 provides cross-references
           to where the information is located.
           This Corporate Governance Statement was current and approved
           by the Board on 3 September 2020 and signed on its behalf by:                                            Shareholder information

           Ken MacKenzie
           3 September 2020

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