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2.11 Sustainability Committee Report

             Role and focus                                    The Sustainability Committee reviewed and recommended    Strategic Report
             The Sustainability Committee assists the Board in overseeing   to the Board the approval of these disclosures in section 1.6
             the Group’s health, safety, environmental and community   and 1.7 and the sustainability performance data in section 6.6,
             (HSEC) performance and governance responsibilities, and the   along with the Modern Slavery Statement FY2020. These
             adequacy of the Group’s HSEC framework.           disclosures identify our targets for HSEC matters and our
                                                               performance against those targets. Our targets rely on
             The Group’s HSEC framework consists of:           fact-based measurement and quality data, and reflect
             •  the CEO limits outlined in the Board Governance Document.   a desire to move BHP to a position of industry leadership.
               The Board Governance Document establishes the remit of the
               Board and delegates authority to the CEO, including in respect   Our sustainability reporting, including additional case studies   2
               of the HSEC Management System, subject to CEO limits  and a databook of key ESG and sustainability data is available
             •  the Sustainability Committee, which is responsible for
               assisting the Board in overseeing the adequacy of the    For information on our material exposure to economic,
               Group’s HSEC Framework and HSEC Management System   environmental and social sustainability risks and how we
               (among other things)                            manage or intend to manage those risks, refer to section 1.5.4.  Governance at BHP
             •  the HSEC Management System, established by management   Activities of the Sustainability Committee
               in accordance with the CEO’s delegated authority. The HSEC
               Management System provides the processes, resources,   The Sustainability Committee met five times during FY2020
               structures and performance standards for the identification,   and continued to assist the Board in its oversight of HSEC issues
               management and reporting of HSEC risks and the   and performance. The Committee considered the Group’s
               investigation of any HSEC incidents             approach to climate change throughout the year. More
                                                               information on our approach to climate change, is set out in
             •  a robust and independent internal audit process overseen    section 1.7.8. For more information on our approach to tailings
               by the RAC, in accordance with its terms of reference  storage facilities, refer to section 1.7.10. The Committee also   Remuneration Report
             •  independent advice on HSEC matters, which may be   continues to monitor our water stewardship work and for
               requested by the Board and its Committees where deemed   more information on our water stewardship performance,
               necessary in order to meet their respective obligations  see section 6.6.
             Our approach to sustainability is reflected in Our Charter, which   Members of the Sustainability Committee also visited several
             defines our values, purpose and how we measure success, and    sites during FY2020. During these site visits, Committee
             in our sustainability performance targets, which define our public   members received briefings on HSEC matters and the
             commitments to HSEC. HSEC considerations are also taken into   management of material HSEC risks, and met with key
             account in employee and executive remuneration. For more   personnel. These visits offer access to a diverse cross-section
             information, refer to Sustainability in section 1.7 and section 3.  of the workforce from frontline through to the leadership
             The Committee oversees the preparation and presentation of   team, including, where possible, risk and control owners.    Directors’ Report
             sustainability disclosures by management. This year, BHP has   During FY2020, several site visits were cancelled due
             included material sustainability content in this Annual Report.   to COVID-19 restrictions.
             Sustainability Committee members during the year
              Name                                 Independent  Status                             Attendance
              John Mogford (Chair from 7 November 2019)  Yes    Member for whole period            5/5
              Malcolm Broomhead (Chair until 6 November 2019)  Yes  Member for whole period        5/5
              Ian Cockerill                        Yes          Member for whole period            5/5
              Gary Goldberg                        Yes          Member from 1 February 2020        3/3              Financial Statements
             Committee activities in FY2020
              Assurance and adequacy of HSEC framework         Performance
              and HSEC management system
                                                               •  Performance of BHP on HSEC matters
              •  Key HSEC risks, including tailings storage facility failure,   •  Considering proposed HSEC key performance indicators (KPIs)
               climate change-related risks, and fatalities     for Key Management Personnel scorecard and considering
              •  Audit planning and reporting on HSEC risks and processes  performance against these KPIs
              •  Contractor management                         •  Monitoring against the FY2018–FY2022 HSEC performance targets
              •  Event management solution demonstration       •  Update on Samarco remediation and the Fundação Renova
              •  Review of the HSE function and Group HSE Officer  •  BHP tailings dam review and actions           Additional information
                                                               •  Saraji mine fatality investigation
              Compliance and reporting
                                                               •  Performance and key issues on sustainable development and
              •  Compliance with HSEC legal and regulatory requirements  community relations, including community issues update
              •  Updates on key legal and regulatory changes   •  Social value update, including investor feedback
              •  Consideration of threshold for reporting HSEC matters    •  Scope 3 emissions goals
               to the Committee                                •  Medium-term operational (Scope 1 and 2) greenhouse gas
              •  Sustainability reporting, including consideration of processes    emissions target
               for preparation and assurance provided by EY    •  Link between climate change performance and
              •  Social value and ESG metrics                   executive remuneration
                                                               Other governance matters                             Shareholder information
                                                               •  Induction, training and development of Committee members
                                                               •  Site visits and site visit reports
                                                               •  Modern Slavery Statement FY2020

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