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2.8 Board evaluation

           The Board is committed to transparency in assessing the   The evaluation considers the balance of skills, experience,
           performance of Directors. The Board conducts regular evaluations   independence and knowledge of the Group and the Board,    Strategic Report
           of its performance, the performance of its Committees, the Group   its diversity, including gender diversity, and how the Board
           Chair, Directors and the governance processes that support the   works together as a unit.
           Board’s work.
           Evaluation process

             Assessment                                         Review
                     Year one:                  Year two:                 Each year, review of:
                 1   Committee and         2    Whole Board             •  Directors for re-election
                                                                        •  Board and committees for compliance with the
                     individual Director
                     assessment*                                          Board Governance Document and committee   Governance at BHP
                                                                          terms of reference
           * May be internally or externally facilitated assessment. Our approach is to conduct an externally facilitated assessment of the Board or Directors
            and committees at least every three years.

           External Board review                               Director review
           As set out in last year’s Annual Report, the Board conducted    In FY2020, an assessment was conducted of Directors’ performance   Remuneration Report
           an external evaluation using Consilium Board Review (Consilium),   with the assistance of an external service provider (Lintstock).
           which considered Board, committee and Chair effectiveness,    Lintstock does not have any other connection with the Group
           and assessed the Directors’ contribution. Consilium does not    or individual Directors. It has been used previously by the Group.
           have any other connection with the Group or individual Directors.  The assessment of Directors focused on the contribution of each
           This evaluation was completed in FY2020 with improvements    Director to the work of the Board and its Committees, and the
           agreed and implemented, including the reintroduction of an    expectations of Directors as specified in BHP’s governance
           annual strategy day (in addition to the existing strategy sessions   framework. The performance of Directors was assessed against
           held at each Board meeting); and additional deep dives on    criteria including those described in the first three points in
           BHP’s operations. Actions undertaken during FY2020 included    section 2.7.                              Directors’ Report
           an annual strategy day between the Board and the ELT, which    In addition, the assessment focused on whether each Director
           was heavily focused on the portfolio, climate change and the   contributes to Board cohesion and effective relationships with
           impacts of COVID-19. In addition, the Board had a deep dive    fellow Directors, commits the time required to fulfil their role and
           on WAIO in February 2020 and site visits (including by new   effectively performs their responsibilities. Directors were asked
           Directors) as described in the Training and Development table    to comment on areas where their fellow Directors contribute the
           in section 2.9.                                     greatest value and on potential areas for development.
           It was considered that Board composition could be improved    Lintstock sought feedback from and provided feedback to the
           by appointing Directors with experience in technology, Asian   Chair and the Senior Independent Director, which was then
           markets and mining. These factors were taken into account    discussed with the Directors.
           in the appointments of Gary Goldberg, Dion Weisler and
           Xiaoqun Clever. For more information, refer to section 2.1.  As a result of these outcomes, the review supported the Board’s   Financial Statements
                                                               decision to endorse those Directors standing for re-election.
                                                               Committee assessments
                                                               Following an assessment of its work, each committee concluded
                                                               it had met its terms of reference in FY2020.         Additional information

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