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2.5 Key Board activities during FY2020

          Adoption of governance reforms in Australia and the United Kingdom
          In July 2018, the Financial Reporting Council released the UK Code and the Guidance on Board Effectiveness, and we comply in full.
          We also comply with the third edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (ASX Third Edition) published
          by the ASX Limited’s Corporate Governance Council. In addition, we comply with the majority of the recommendations contained
          in the fourth edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (ASX Fourth Edition) which was released
          in February 2019.
          During FY2020, BHP implemented new policies and procedures in line with the UK Code and the ASX Fourth Edition, with an emphasis
          in seven main areas. These are: enhanced role for the Board in relation to codes of conduct and whistleblowing: risk assessment and
          management; diversity; requirement to disclose certain policies; consideration of stakeholder interests; engagement with the workforce
          and oversight of workforce policies and practices; and an enhanced role for the Board in relation to culture.
          Board Governance      The Board Governance Document was updated to reflect our revised approach to risk management and reporting,
          Document and committee   and to reference the Board’s role in assessment and monitoring. In addition, areas relating to how information flows
          Terms of Reference updates  to the Board were clarified, and changes were made to reflect BHP’s revised purpose and strategy. Committee Terms
                                of Reference were also updated as set out below.
          Enhanced role for the    From a UK perspective, the main changes are to ensure the Code of Conduct and whistleblowing are a Board-level
          Board in relation to    responsibility, rather than a Committee responsibility, and to ensure the scope of reporting is ‘any matters of concern’.
          codes of conduct      The RAC Terms of Reference confirm that the RAC provides a report-out to the Board, which includes significant Code
          and whistleblowing    of Conduct matters reported to the RAC at its meetings. In addition, an independent investigations team has been
                                maintained within Ethics and Compliance, and its investigations and investigation trends are regularly reported to the
                                RAC. (See sections 2.10 (effectiveness of systems of internal control and risk management) and 2.15.)
          Risk assessment       The revised UK Code and ASX Fourth Edition were taken into account in the design of the Group Risk Framework and
          and management        approach to risk management and reporting. In addition, the Board Governance Document and RAC Terms of Reference
                                were amended to reflect our updated approach to risk management and reporting, including the importance of the
                                Board having oversight of both financial and non-financial risks, the RAC assisting the Board in monitoring that the Group
                                is operating with due regard to the risk appetite set by the Board, and that the Group Risk Framework deals adequately
                                with contemporary and emerging risks. (See section 2.10.)
          Diversity of the board    The Board Governance Document was aligned with new UK Code provisions by ensuring that appointments and
          and senior management,   succession plans for both Board and senior management are both led by the Nomination and Governance Committee.
          and enhanced role for   At the end of CY2020 we will have 33 per cent women on the Board. (See sections 1.6.1 and 2.9.)
          nomination committee
          Requirement to disclose   BHP already disclosed its Communications Policy and Our Code of Conduct. The ‘Speaking up’ and ‘Anti-corruption’
          certain policies      sections of our Our Code of Conduct cover BHP’s whistle-blower and anti-bribery and corruption policies. Our Market
                                Disclosure policy has been updated for periodic market disclosures, including verification procedures. (See section 2.16.)
          Consideration of      BHP’s strategic framework, focus on social value, our purpose statement, section 172 statement, and risk appetite
          stakeholder interests  statement all reflect the consideration of external stakeholders in decision-making. (See sections 1.4.3 and 2.6.)
          Engagement with the   The Board and its Committees receive information related to the workforce through a range of channels, including
          workforce and oversight    direct engagement at Board meetings and site visits, the Engagement and Perception Survey (EPS) findings, gender
          of workforce policies    pay gap reports, and updates from the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief People Officer.
          and practices         In addition, as part of implementing the UK Code, the Chief People Officer presented to the Board a review of
                                workforce policies and practices to ensure these are consistent with the Group’s values and support its long-term
                                sustainable success. (See sections 1.4.3, 1.6 and 2.6.2.)
          Enhanced role for the    The Board, supported by the Committees, considers a range of qualitative and quantitative information in relation
          Board in relation to culture  to culture and monitors and assesses culture on an ongoing basis for alignment with our strategy, purpose and values.
                                Board and committee papers include workforce planning in the context of COVID-19, Engagement and Perception
                                Survey results, inclusion & diversity update, RAC report-outs on Code of Conduct investigations, the culture and
                                capability required to execute the strategy, and culture as a part of asset reviews. The Board Governance Document
                                was updated to expressly reference the Board’s role in relation to assessing and monitoring culture. (See sections 1.6,
                                2.6.2, 2.7 and 2.15.)

          CEO and ELT succession                             In June 2020, we announced the appointment of Mr Lamont as
          A major piece of work for the Board during FY2020 was CEO   Chief Financial Officer, effective 1 December 2020. David has been
          succession. For BHP, succession of the CEO is an ongoing process,   the CFO of the ASX-listed global biotech company CSL Limited
          which continues to work well in developing internal candidates for   since January 2016. Prior to joining CSL, he was the CFO and an
          this critical role. This year, Andrew Mackenzie retired as CEO and   Executive Director at MMG from 2010. Peter Beaven will continue
          Mike Henry was appointed CEO from 1 January 2020. The Board   as CFO until 30 November 2020 to provide ongoing leadership
          took account of Mike’s 30 years’ experience in the global mining   through to Mr Lamont’s commencement, and will support Mr Lamont
          and petroleum industry, spanning operational, commercial, safety,   with handover into early 2021, after which he will leave BHP.
          technology and marketing roles. As set out in section 1.4.3, in the   In August 2020, CEO Mike Henry announced new roles and
          45 days between being announced CEO-Elect and becoming CEO,   appointments on the ELT. Ragnar Udd will become President
          Mike Henry spent time engaging with employees from every asset   Minerals Americas, effective 1 November 2020, replacing Daniel
          and almost all major offices. In addition, Mike was able to get out   Malchuk. Mr Malchuk will continue in the role until that time, and
          and meet with other key stakeholders before COVID-19 struck,    leave BHP at the end of CY2020. Laura Tyler commenced in the
          and COVID-19 has subsequently reinforced the advantages of    new role of Chief Technical Officer on 1 September 2020. This
          an internal appointment. A critical component of succession at    role is an expansion of her current position on the ELT as Chief
          ELT level and below is the existence of a robust senior leadership   Geoscientist. She will relinquish her concurrent role as Asset
          program that operates across multiple organisational levels    President Olympic Dam. Caroline Cox will become Chief External
          to build, develop, renew, recruit and promote our leaders.    Affairs Officer, effective 1 November 2020, replacing Geoff Healy.
          The Board is actively engaged and oversees the development    Mr Healy will continue in the role until that time, and leave BHP at
          of the senior team. Following his appointment, Mike Henry has   the end of CY2020. Johan van Jaarsveld commenced in the new
          begun to announce the new senior management team and   role of Chief Development Officer on 1 September 2020.
          continued focus on assets and their performance.

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