Page 117 - Annual Report 2020
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Strategic Report


           John Mogford                      Shriti Vadera                      Dion Weisler                        Governance at BHP
           BEng, 67                          MA, 58                             BASc (Computing), Honorary Doctor of Laws, 53
           Independent Non-executive Director  Senior Independent Director,     Independent Non-executive Director
           Director of BHP Group Limited and    BHP Group Plc                   Director of BHP Group Limited and
           BHP Group Plc since October 2017.  Director of BHP Group Limited and    BHP Group Plc since June 2020.
           Skills and experience:            BHP Group Plc since January 2011.  Skills and experience:
           Mr Mogford has significant global executive   Skills and experience:   Mr Weisler has extensive global executive
           experience, including in oil and gas, capital   Ms Vadera brings wide-ranging and    experience, including in chief executive officer
           allocation discipline, commodity value chains   global experience in economics, public    and operational roles. In particular, Dion has   Remuneration Report
           and health, safety and environment. John has   policy and strategy, as well as deep   valuable transformation and commercial
           also held roles as a non-executive director    understanding and insight in relation    experience in the global information technology
           on a number of boards.            to global and emerging markets and the    sector, a focus on capital discipline, as well
           John spent the majority of his career in various   macro political and economic environment.  as perspectives on current and emerging
                                                                                ESG issues.
           leadership, technical and operational roles    Shriti has held executive roles and has broad
           at BP Plc. He was the Managing Director    and extensive non-executive experience. She is   Dion served as the President and Chief
           and an Operating Partner of First Reserve,    currently Chair of Santander UK Group Holdings   Executive Officer of HP Inc. from 2015 to 2019
           a large global energy focused private equity   Plc and Santander UK Plc, a Non-executive   and after stepping down from his President
           firm, from 2009 until 2015, during which    Director of Prudential Plc, and is expected    and CEO role, remained at HP Inc. as a Director
           he served on the boards of First Reserve’s   to become the next Chair of Prudential    and Senior Executive Adviser until May 2020.   Directors’ Report
           investee companies, including as Chair    from 1 January 2021. Shriti was formerly    Prior to joining HP in 2012, Dion held a number
           of Amromco Energy LLC and White Rose   a Non-executive Director of AstraZeneca Plc   of senior executive roles at Lenovo Group
           Energy Ventures LLP. John retired from the   (from 2011 to 2018). She was an investment   Limited, including as Vice President and
           boards of Weir Group Plc and one of First   banker with S G Warburg/UBS from 1984    Chief Operating Officer of the Product and
           Reserve’s portfolio companies, DOF Subsea   to 1999, on the Council of Economic Advisers,   Mobile Internet Digital Home Groups, and
           AS, in 2018, and is currently a non-executive   HM Treasury from 1999 to 2007, Minister in the    as Vice President and General Manager,
           director of ERM Worldwide Group Limited.  UK Department of International Development   South East Asia. Dion also has experience at
           Other directorships and offices    in 2007, Minister in the Cabinet Office and   Telstra Corporation as the General Manager
           (current and recent):             Business Department from 2008 to 2009 with   Conferencing and Collaboration, and from
                                             responsibility for dealing with the financial
                                                                                1987 to 2001 held various positions at Acer
           •  Non-executive Director of ERM Worldwide   crisis and G20 Adviser from 2009 to 2010.   Inc., including as Managing Director, Acer UK.
             Group Limited (since 2015)      Shriti advised governments, banks and   Dion is currently a Non-executive Director of   Financial Statements
           •  Former Non-executive Director of Network   investors on the Eurozone crisis, banking   Intel Corporation and Thermo Fisher Scientific.
             Rail Limited (from 2016 to 2017)  sector, debt restructuring and markets from
           •  Former Managing Director (from 2012 to   2010 to 2014.            Other directorships and offices
             2015) and Operating Partner (from 2009                             (current and recent):
             to 2012) of First Reserve Corporation  Other directorships and offices    •  Director of Intel Corporation
                                             (current and recent):
           •  Former Non-executive Director of Midstates   •  Non-executive Director of Prudential Plc   (since June 2020)
             Petroleum Company Inc. (from 2011 to 2016)  (since May 2020)       •  Director of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
           •  Former Non-executive Director of CHC                               (since 2017)
             Group Limited (from 2014 to 2015) and    •  Chair of Santander UK Group Holdings Plc   •  Former President and Chief Executive
             CHC Helicopters SA (from 2012 to 2015)  and Santander UK Plc (since March 2015)  Officer (from 2015 to October 2019),
           •  Former Non-executive Director of    •  Former Non-executive Director of   Director (from 2015 to May 2020),    Additional information
             DOF Subsea AS (from 2009 to 2018)  AstraZeneca Plc (from January 2011    and Senior Executive Adviser (from
                                               to December 2018)
                                                                                 November 2019 to May 2020) at HP Inc.
           •  Former Non-executive Director of
             Weir Group Plc (from 2008 to 2018)  Board Committee membership:    Board Committee membership:
           Board Committee membership:       •  Member of the Nomination and    •  Member of the Remuneration Committee
                                               Governance Committee
           •  Chair of the Sustainability Committee
                                             •  Member of the Remuneration Committee

                                             Caroline Cox
                                             BA (Hons), MA, LLB, BCL, 50                                            Shareholder information
                                             Group General Counsel & Company Secretary and Chair of the Disclosure Committee
                                             Ms Cox was appointed Group Company Secretary of BHP effective March 2019. Ms Cox joined
                                             BHP in 2015 as Vice President Legal and was appointed Group General Counsel in March 2016,
                                             a role she continues to hold. Prior to BHP, Ms Cox was a Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills, a firm
                                             she was with for 11 years, specialising in cross-border regulatory investigations, inquiries and
                                             disputes. Earlier in her career, Ms Cox was a solicitor at the Canadian law firm, Osler Hoskin
                                             & Harcourt and clerked for Judges at the Alberta Court of Appeal and Court of Queen’s Bench.

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