Page 108 - Annual Report 2020
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1.11.4 Coal

          Detailed below is financial information for our Coal assets for FY2020 and FY2019 and an analysis of Coal’s financial performance for
          FY2020 compared with FY2019.
          Year ended 30 June 2020                 Underlying       Underlying   operating  Capital  Exploration  Exploration
          US$M                             Revenue   EBITDA    D&A     EBIT    assets  (5)   expenditure  gross  to profit
          Queensland Coal                    5,357    1,935    684     1,251   8,168      523
          New South Wales Energy Coal  (1)    972      (19)    152      (171)   841        73
          Colombia  (1)                       364      69       112     (43)    776        24
          Other  (2)                             −    (155)     11     (166)    (276)      8
          Total Coal from Group production   6,693    1,830    959      871    9,509      628
          Third party products                   −       −        −       −        −        −
          Total Coal                         6,693    1,830    959      871    9,509      628      22       9
          Adjustment for equity accounted investments  (3) (4)  (451)  (198)  (138)  (60)   −  (25)   −      −
          Total Coal statutory result        6,242    1,632    821      811    9,509     603       22       9
          Year ended 30 June 2019                  Underlying       Underlying   operating  Capital  Exploration  Exploration
          US$M                              Revenue  EBITDA    D&A      EBIT   assets  (5)  expenditure  gross  to profit
          Queensland Coal                    7,679    3,722    532     3,190   8,232      549
          New South Wales Energy Coal  (1)   1,527     431     166      265     920       102
          Colombia  (1)                       698      274      101     173     853       104
          Other  (2)                            2      (110)     2      (112)   (331)      5
          Total Coal from Group production   9,906    4,317    801     3,516   9,674      760
          Third party products                 19       (1)       −      (1)       −        −
          Total Coal                         9,925    4,316    801     3,515   9,674      760      23       15
          Adjustment for equity accounted investments  (3) (4)  (804)  (249)  (134)  (115)   −  (105)   −    −
          Total Coal statutory result         9,121  4,067     667    3,400    9,674      655      23       15
          (1)  Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group and Cerrejón are equity accounted investments and their financial information presented above with the exception of net
           operating assets reflects BHP Group’s share.
          (2) Predominantly comprises divisional activities and ceased operations.
          (3) Total Coal statutory result revenue excludes US$364 million (2019: US$698 million) revenue related to Cerrejón. Total Coal statutory result Underlying EBITDA includes
           US$112 million (2019: US$101 million) D&A and US$25 million (2019: US$70 million) net finance costs and taxation expense related to Cerrejón, that are also included
           in Underlying EBIT. Total Coal statutory result Capital expenditure excludes US$24 million (2019: US$104 million) related to Cerrejón.
          (4) Total Coal statutory result revenue excludes US$87 million (2019: US$106 million) revenue related to Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group. Total Coal statutory result
           excludes US$61 million (2019: US$78 million) Underlying EBITDA, US$26 million (2019: US$33 million) D&A and US$35 million (2019: US$45 million) Underlying EBIT
           related to Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group until future profits exceed accumulated losses. Total Coal Capital expenditure excludes US$1 million (2019: US$1 million)
           related to Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group.
          (5) Refer to section 6.1 for a reconciliation of Net operating assets to Net assets and section 6.1.1 for the definition and method of calculation of Net operating assets.
          Key drivers of Coal’s financial results            Production
          Price overview                                     Metallurgical coal production for FY2020 decreased by 3 per cent
          Metallurgical coal                                 to 41 Mt (73 Mt on a 100 per cent basis) as a result of significant
          Our average realised sales price for FY2020 was US$143.65 per   wet weather events and geotechnical constraints at South Walker
          tonne for hard coking coal (FY2019: US$199.61 per tonne) and   Creek. At Queensland Coal strong underlying operational
          US$92.59 per tonne for weak coking coal (FY2019: US$130.18 per   performance, including record underground coal mined at
          tonne). Metallurgical coal prices were under downward pressure for   Broadmeadow and record annual production at Caval Ridge and
          most of FY2020. Broad-based demand weakness in all major import   Poitrel, was offset by planned major wash plant shutdowns in the
          regions but China was a weight on the price. This was amplified   first half of the year and significantly higher rainfall during January
          during the second half of FY2020 with each of the major importers   and February 2020 compared with historical averages.
          going into lockdown. In China, uncertainty regarding the approach   Energy coal production decreased by 16 per cent to 23 Mt. NSWEC
          to the volume of coal imports was an additional headwind for the   production decreased by 12 per cent to 16 Mt as a result of the
          physical trade at times. In the short term, metallurgical coal still    change in product strategy to focus on higher quality products
          has to navigate a difficult period as major importing regions   and unfavourable weather impacts from December 2019 to
          manage their re-openings. COVID-19 permitting, a sustained   February 2020. This was partially offset by a strong performance
          improvement is possible in the second half of FY2021. Over time,   in the June 2020 quarter driven by record truck utilisation. Cerrejón
          premium-quality coking coals are expected to be particularly   production decreased by 23 per cent to 7 Mt due to a temporary
          advantaged given the drive by steelmakers to improve blast   shutdown during the June 2020 quarter in response to COVID-19,
          furnace productivity, partly to reduce emissions intensity.    as well as a focus on higher quality products. The temporary
          We believe that a wholesale shift away from blast furnace   shutdown lasted for approximately 6 weeks and allowed for
          steelmaking, which requires metallurgical coal, is still decades    completion of COVID-19 control measures to meet the Colombian
          in the future given the high cost of conversion and operation   Government’s regulations.
          associated with alternative steelmaking technologies.   For more information on individual asset production
          Energy coal                                             in FY2020, FY2019 and FY2018, refer to section 6.3.
          Our average realised sales price for FY2020 was US$57.10 per tonne
          (FY2019: US$77.90 per tonne). The Newcastle 6,000 kcal/kg price
          reached its high for the financial year in July 2019. It then declined
          gradually over the course of the first half of FY2020, the rate of
          decline accelerated in second half of FY2020 due to lockdowns
          in major consumption markets. Tighter import controls at Chinese
          ports also contributed to lower prices. Longer term, we expect total
          primary energy derived from coal (power and non-power) to expand
          at a compound rate slower than that of global population growth.

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